[debian-mysql] Bug#976652: Bug#976652: mariadb-server-10.3: Could not increase number of max_open_files to more than 16384 (request: 32191)

Faustin Lammler faustin at fala.red
Fri Dec 11 15:30:35 GMT 2020

Hi Olaf!

Olaf van der Spek <olafvdspek at gmail.com>,
11/12/2020 – 14:21:16 (+0100):

> https://mariadb.com/docs/reference/mdb/system-variables/open_files_limit/
> > SkySQL Analytical 10.5; Default: 32186
> This however, is about the value we're seeing. Could the docs be out-of-date?
This can of course happen, I'll verify this point with MariaDB

But I still don't understand why we would have this only on the Debian
package version, not on upstream version, also the problem seems to
affect 10.3, not 10.5

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