[debian-mysql] Bug#920365: Bug#920365: Bug#920365: mariadb_config: improve cross compilation support

Helmut Grohne helmut at subdivi.de
Wed Sep 30 05:42:54 BST 2020

Hi Otto,

On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 12:14:20AM +0300, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> If I move just the header file but not all of
> /usr/include/mariadb/server, will there be issues with paths at some
> point?

Likely yes. For using these headers, you specify a custo -I flag (that
likely comes from pkg-config or something similar). You'd need to insert
another -I flag into every consumer.

> I don't have any sample program to build and test against
> libmariadbd-dev and I am not a C/C++ coder so this starts to be beyond
> my level.

You'd likely have to test this with every reverse dependency of which
there seem to be around 200.

Keep in mind however what the goal is. Whenever you think about
multiarching a -dev package, the only use case is cross building. But
most of the time, cross building never requires marking -dev packages
multiarch. It just makes it more convenient for developers. So really,
removing the M-A is a simple stop gap solution that works for 90% of the

Please spend your precious time elsewhere if possible and just drop the


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