[debian-mysql] Bug#996028: Bug#996028: #996028 InnoDB: corrupted TRX_NO after upgrading to 10.3.31

Ondrej Zary zary at gsystem.sk
Thu Oct 14 18:38:29 BST 2021

e46f76c9749d7758765ba274a212cfc2dcf3eeb8 is the first bad commit
commit e46f76c9749d7758765ba274a212cfc2dcf3eeb8
Author: Marko Mäkelä <marko.makela at mariadb.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 21 12:34:07 2021 +0300

    MDEV-15912: Remove traces of insert_undo

    Let us simply refuse an upgrade from earlier versions if the
    upgrade procedure was not followed. This simplifies the purge,
    commit, and rollback of transactions.

    Before upgrading to MariaDB 10.3 or later, a clean shutdown
    of the server (with innodb_fast_shutdown=1 or 0) is necessary,
    to ensure that any incomplete transactions are rolled back.
    The undo log format was changed in MDEV-12288. There is only
    one persistent undo log for each transaction.

:040000 040000 4bd1cf7f96bcfcfdeadbdcd6771e348e13b0d312 6b52363e618d955a49834ebcef6778430e6372cb M      extra
:040000 040000 25b37ceda117b9a05a200c6e3a8d4bca38e23bd5 dff451f0a7a6d6246334aace697b230b4174f2c1 M      mysql-test
:040000 040000 4a0352d498b9487cae46c6363d86603de0ccb361 3e6aa2377e89f28192e987f2f8655e3d866ab4be M      storage

Ondrej Zary

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