[debian-mysql] Bug#1057708: mariadb-plugin-provider-bzip2: It looks like mariadb-plugin-provider-bzip2 should have a strong version depencene on mariadb-server

Nicolai Langfeldt nicolai.langfeldt at schibsted.com
Tue Dec 19 08:36:39 GMT 2023


As I specified I had mariadb-server and mariadb-server-core locked with 
a package hold to avoid updating mariadb unless we mean to update it.

As part of a routine update of the machine, excluding mariadb, prior to 
a reboot, we ran dist-upgrade on it. The dist-upgrade upgraded the 
compression plugins for mariadb.  This caused mariadb to not start 
afterwards as the plugins had a version mismatch (and ABI mismatch for 
all I know).

I had to downgrade the plugins so they had matching versions with the 
mariadb server packages to get the mariadb going again.

I have no problem with the dependency itself, but it seems that the 
dependency must also require that the versions of the mariadb server 
packages and compression plugins correspond.



On 19.12.2023 06:57, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Hi!
> Currently in https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/mariadb-server/-/blob/debian/latest/debian/control?ref_type=heads
> we have
> Package: mariadb-server
> Architecture: any
> Suggests: mailx,
>            mariadb-test,
>            netcat-openbsd
> Recommends: libhtml-template-perl,
>              mariadb-plugin-provider-bzip2,
>              mariadb-plugin-provider-lz4,
>              mariadb-plugin-provider-lzma,
>              mariadb-plugin-provider-lzo,
>              mariadb-plugin-provider-snappy,
>              pv
> and
> Package: mariadb-plugin-provider-bzip2
> Architecture: any
> Depends: mariadb-server (>= 1:10.11.1-1),
>           ${misc:Depends},
>           ${shlibs:Depends}
> The server recommending the plugins is a result of
> https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/mariadb-server/-/merge_requests/36.
> The plugin 'depends' on the server has existed from the start, and
> thus the title of this bug report is misleading. You probably did
> indeed run into a bug, the question is just what that bug actually
> was.
> In your bug report, please be specific of what was the actual bug
> symptoms you encountered and what triggered it. If possible, attach a
> copy-paste of the command you ran and the output.
> Even better if you can provide a reproducible test case that can be
> run for example in a container to prove that a specific upgrade
> scenario is broken.
> Keep in mind that Debian is open source and we do not provide support.
> In the spirit of open source you need to participate in debugging the
> issues you encounter yourself and provide detailed bug reports. If you
> want somebody else to do the debugging work on behalf of you, please
> contract a service provider (e.g. one listed at
> https://mariadb.org/about/#service-providers).
> Thanks!

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