[debian-mysql] Bug#1027337: second that bug

Andreas Laut andreas.laut at spark5.de
Fri Jan 6 08:06:32 GMT 2023

What we tested yesterday:

dump the pdns database, drop it and push all data again into 
mariadb-server. To be sure that the data doesn't get messed up) After 
that we restarted pdns prozess.

|mysqldump pdns > /tmp/pdns.sql; mysql -e "DROP DATABASE pdns"; mysql -e 
"CREATE DATABASE pdns";cat /tmp/pdns.sql | mysql pdns; service pdns restart|

(command not tested so don't use this directly!!, just a sum up of the 
commands used)

You can see the effect on this graph. At point x it was done. CPU load 
of mariadb-server process goes down but it started again to increase. On 
the memory usage it has no effect, increase constantly.

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