[debian-mysql] Bug#1035949: mariadb: upgrade issue: mariadb-server-10.5 fails to stop after all other -10.5 packages were removed

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Thu Jun 1 21:50:40 BST 2023

Control: tag -1 patch

On 01/06/2023 12.31, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> That worked for me for zoph, but a new failure occurred in tt-rss.
> I'm now trying a transitional mariadb-server-10.5 package which seems to 
> work for both these cases. Will do a complete set of piuparts upgrade 
> tests for all upgrade paths involving mariadb-server-10.5

First round of tests was successful, i.e. no new regressions so far.
(tests with apt-get upgrade && apt-get full-upgrade or 
--install-recommends are still running)
I attach the mariadb-server-10.5 package I tested with, it is missing 
adjustments of the description and a useful commit message.
Can you try that in your salsa setup?

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