[debian-mysql] Bug#1062841: Bug#1065275: mariadb: missing dpkg-dev (>= 1.22.5) build dependency for time_t transition

Otto Kekäläinen otto at debian.org
Sat Mar 2 16:19:31 GMT 2024

Hi Sabastian!

> * The package is built with the wrong ABI.
> * The package migrates to testing before the change is enabled in
>   testing and builds there would be produced against the wrong ABI.
> Please add dpkg-dev (>= 1.22.5) to Build-Depends and upload the new
> version ASAP.

Thanks for following up with builds and transitions. I can do an
upload quickly but would like to avoid having to do a third one, so:

Could you Sebastian perhaps quickly skim through the commit that
implemented this
and say if there might be something else missing as well?

Additional background info:
- https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1062841
- https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/mariadb-server/-/merge_requests/68

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