[debian-mysql] Bug#1088076: Bug#1088076: galera-arbitrator-4: The -w/WORK_DIR feature doesn't work because of a missing comma in the configuration code

Adel Belhouane bugs.a.b at free.fr
Sat Nov 23 14:27:59 GMT 2024

Meanwhile I checked the upstream history on github, and it appears the comma
wasn't missing in the initial commit, but got lost in the next commit in file

Initial commit with the comma:


Comma lost somehow (I can't explain it. Manual resolution of a merge going wrong?)
in the next commit:


I aligned with this and put the comma exactly at the same place as the initial
commit (instead of my previous patch) in the M.R below:


Tested OK with and without using the WORK_DIR parameter.

Adel Belhouane.

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