[Pkg-nagios-changes] [pkg-nagios] r1579 - nagios3/trunk/debian/po

Alexander Wirt formorer at alioth.debian.org
Tue Sep 23 07:09:48 UTC 2008

Author: formorer
Date: 2008-09-23 07:09:48 +0000 (Tue, 23 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 1579

Really integrate it...

Added: nagios3/trunk/debian/po/eu.po
--- nagios3/trunk/debian/po/eu.po	                        (rev 0)
+++ nagios3/trunk/debian/po/eu.po	2008-09-23 07:09:48 UTC (rev 1579)
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# translation of nagios3-eu.po to Euskara
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Piarres Beobide <pi at beobide.net>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: nagios3-eu\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-nagios-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-31 15:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-16 10:46+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Piarres Beobide <pi at beobide.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: Euskara <debian-l10n-basque at lists.debian.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Apache servers to configure for nagios3:"
+msgstr "Nagios3-rako konfiguratu behar diren apache zerbitzariak:"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Please select which apache servers should be configured for nagios3."
+msgstr ""
+"Mesedez hautatu zein apache zerbitzari konfiguratu behar dira nagios3-rako."
+"apache konfiguratuta errepikatu arte."
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid ""
+"If you would prefer to perform configuration manually, leave all servers "
+msgstr ""
+"Eskuzko instalazio bat egitea nahigo baduzu, utzi zerbitzari guztiak hautatu "
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid "Nagios web administration password:"
+msgstr "Nagios web kudeatzaile pasahitza:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please provide the password to be created with the \"nagiosadmin\" user."
+msgstr "Mesedez ezarri \"nagiosadmin\" erabiltzailearen pasahitza."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"This is the username and password you will use to log in to your nagios "
+"installation after configuration is complete.  If you do not provide a "
+"password, you will have to configure access to nagios yourself."
+msgstr ""
+"Hau da nagios instalazioan konfigurazioa amaitu aurretik saioa hasteko "
+"erabili behar diren erabiltzaile-izen eta pasahitza. Ez baduzu pasahitzik "
+"ezartzen nagios saio hasiera zure kabuz konfiguratu beharko duzu."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:3001
+msgid "Password confirmation:"
+msgstr "Pasahitz berrespena:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:4001
+msgid "The passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Pasahitzak ez datoz bat"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid "Enable support for nagios 1.x links in nagios3?"
+msgstr "Nagios 1.x loturako gaitu nagios3-an?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"Please choose whether the Apache configuration for nagios3 should provide "
+"compatibility with links from nagios 1.x."
+msgstr ""
+"Mesedez hautatu Apache zerbitzariko nagios3 konfigurazioak nagios 1.x "
+"bertsioko loturekin bateragarritasuna mantendu behar duen ala ez."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"If you select this option, the apache configuration used for nagios will "
+"include directives to support URLs from nagios 1.x. You should not choose "
+"this option if you still have nagios 1.x on your system, or unpredictable "
+"results may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Aukera hau hautatuaz gero apache nagios-en konfigurazioak nagios 1.x "
+"bertsioko loturak onartzeko direktibak izango ditu. Ez zenuke aukera hau "
+"onartu beharko dagoeneko 1.x bertsioetako nagios bat sisteman abiarazirik "
+"baduzu edo emaitza aurre-ikustezinak gerta daitezke."

Added: nagios3/trunk/debian/po/fi.po
--- nagios3/trunk/debian/po/fi.po	                        (rev 0)
+++ nagios3/trunk/debian/po/fi.po	2008-09-23 07:09:48 UTC (rev 1579)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: nagios3\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-nagios-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-31 15:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
+"Last-Translator: Esko Arajärvi <edu at iki.fi>\n"
+"Language-Team: Finnish <debian-l10n-finnish at lists.debian.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Finnish\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: FINLAND\n"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Apache servers to configure for nagios3:"
+msgstr "Apache-palvelimet, joiden asetuksia muokataan nagios3:a varten:"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Please select which apache servers should be configured for nagios3."
+msgstr ""
+"Valitse minkä Apache-palvelimien asetuksia tulisi muokata nagios3:n "
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid ""
+"If you would prefer to perform configuration manually, leave all servers "
+msgstr "Jos haluat tehdä asetukset käsin, älä valitse mitään palvelinta."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid "Nagios web administration password:"
+msgstr "Nagios-verkkoylläpidon salasana:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please provide the password to be created with the \"nagiosadmin\" user."
+msgstr "Anna salasana käyttäjätunnukselle ”nagiosadmin”."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"This is the username and password you will use to log in to your nagios "
+"installation after configuration is complete.  If you do not provide a "
+"password, you will have to configure access to nagios yourself."
+msgstr ""
+"Tämän käyttäjätunnuksen ja salasanan avulla voidaan nagios-asennukseen "
+"kirjautua, kun asetusten muokkaus on päättynyt. Jos salasanaa ei anneta, "
+"täytyy nagiokseen pääsy asettaa käsin."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:3001
+msgid "Password confirmation:"
+msgstr "Salasanan vahvistus:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:4001
+msgid "The passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Salasanat eivät täsmää."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid "Enable support for nagios 1.x links in nagios3?"
+msgstr "Otetaanko nagiosin version 1.x linkkien tuki käyttöön nagios3:ssa?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"Please choose whether the Apache configuration for nagios3 should provide "
+"compatibility with links from nagios 1.x."
+msgstr ""
+"Valitse tulisiko nagios3:n Apache-asetusten olla yhteensopivia nagios 1.x:n "
+"linkkien kanssa."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"If you select this option, the apache configuration used for nagios will "
+"include directives to support URLs from nagios 1.x. You should not choose "
+"this option if you still have nagios 1.x on your system, or unpredictable "
+"results may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Jos valitset tämän, Apachen nagios-asetuksiin sisällytetään tuki nagios 1.x:"
+"n URLeille. Tätä ei tulisi valita, jos järjestelmässä on edelleen nagios 1.x "
+"asennettuna, koska seuraukset eivät ole ennustettavissa."

Added: nagios3/trunk/debian/po/pt_BR.po
--- nagios3/trunk/debian/po/pt_BR.po	                        (rev 0)
+++ nagios3/trunk/debian/po/pt_BR.po	2008-09-23 07:09:48 UTC (rev 1579)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# nagios3 Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+# Copyright (C) THE nagios3's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as nagios3 package.
+# Bruno Gurgel Gomes de Oliveira <bruno at 4linux.com.br>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: nagios3_3.0.3-1\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-nagios-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-31 15:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-07-25 19:40-0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Bruno Gurgel Gomes de Oliveira <bruno at 4linux.com.br>\n"
+"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <debian-l10n-portuguese at lists.debian."
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"pt_BR utf-8\n"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Apache servers to configure for nagios3:"
+msgstr "Servidores apache a serem configurados para o nagios3:"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Please select which apache servers should be configured for nagios3."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor, selecione quais servidores apache deverão ser configurados para o "
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid ""
+"If you would prefer to perform configuration manually, leave all servers "
+msgstr ""
+"Se você preferir realizar a configuração manualmente, não selecione nenhum "
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid "Nagios web administration password:"
+msgstr "Senha de administração web do Nagios:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please provide the password to be created with the \"nagiosadmin\" user."
+msgstr "Por favor, forneça a senha a ser criada com o usuário \"nagiosadmin\"."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"This is the username and password you will use to log in to your nagios "
+"installation after configuration is complete.  If you do not provide a "
+"password, you will have to configure access to nagios yourself."
+msgstr ""
+"Este é o nome de usuário e a senha que você usará para acessar sua "
+"instalação nagios depois que a configuração estiver completa. Se você não "
+"fornecer uma senha, você mesmo terá que configurar o acesso ao nagios."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:3001
+msgid "Password confirmation:"
+msgstr "Confirmação de senha:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:4001
+msgid "The passwords do not match"
+msgstr "As senhas não coincidem"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid "Enable support for nagios 1.x links in nagios3?"
+msgstr "Habilitar suporte para links do nagios 1.x no nagios3?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"Please choose whether the Apache configuration for nagios3 should provide "
+"compatibility with links from nagios 1.x."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor, selecione se a configuração do Apache para o nagios3 deve "
+"fornecer compatibilidade com links do nagios 1.x."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"If you select this option, the apache configuration used for nagios will "
+"include directives to support URLs from nagios 1.x. You should not choose "
+"this option if you still have nagios 1.x on your system, or unpredictable "
+"results may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Se você selecionar esta opção, a configuração do apache usada para o nagios "
+"incluirá diretivas para dar suporte a URLs do nagios 1.x. Você não deveria "
+"escolher esta opção se você ainda tem o nagios 1.x no seu sistema, ou "
+"resultados imprevisíveis podem ocorrer."

Added: nagios3/trunk/debian/po/ru.po
--- nagios3/trunk/debian/po/ru.po	                        (rev 0)
+++ nagios3/trunk/debian/po/ru.po	2008-09-23 07:09:48 UTC (rev 1579)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# translation of ru.po to Russian
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Yuri Kozlov <kozlov.y at gmail.com>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: ru\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-nagios-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-31 15:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-15 19:06+0400\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yuri Kozlov <kozlov.y at gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Russian <debian-l10n-russian at lists.debian.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
+"10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Apache servers to configure for nagios3:"
+msgstr "Серверы apache для настройки под nagios3:"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Please select which apache servers should be configured for nagios3."
+msgstr "Выберите серверы apache, которые нужно настроить для nagios3."
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid ""
+"If you would prefer to perform configuration manually, leave all servers "
+msgstr "Если вы хотите выполнить настройку вручную, то ничего не выбирайте."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid "Nagios web administration password:"
+msgstr "Пароль для веб-администрирования Nagios:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please provide the password to be created with the \"nagiosadmin\" user."
+msgstr "Введите пароль для создаваемой учётной записи \"nagiosadmin\"."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"This is the username and password you will use to log in to your nagios "
+"installation after configuration is complete.  If you do not provide a "
+"password, you will have to configure access to nagios yourself."
+msgstr ""
+"Вы будете использовать эту учётную запись и пароль для доступа к nagios "
+"после завершения настройки. Если вы не укажите пароль, то вам нужно будет "
+"настроить доступ к nagios самостоятельно."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:3001
+msgid "Password confirmation:"
+msgstr "Введите пароль ещё раз:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:4001
+msgid "The passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Пароли не совпадают"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid "Enable support for nagios 1.x links in nagios3?"
+msgstr "Включить поддержку ссылок nagios 1.x в nagios3?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"Please choose whether the Apache configuration for nagios3 should provide "
+"compatibility with links from nagios 1.x."
+msgstr ""
+"Выберите, нужно ли настраивать Apache в nagios3 для предоставления обратной "
+"совместимости по ссылкам с nagios 1.x."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"If you select this option, the apache configuration used for nagios will "
+"include directives to support URLs from nagios 1.x. You should not choose "
+"this option if you still have nagios 1.x on your system, or unpredictable "
+"results may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Если вы ответите утвердительно, то в настройку apache, который используется "
+"с nagios, будут включены директивы для поддержки URL-ов из nagios 1.x. Лучше "
+"не включать поддержку, если в системе ещё используется nagios 1.x, так как "
+"это приведёт к непредсказуемым последствиям."

Added: nagios3/trunk/debian/po/sv.po
--- nagios3/trunk/debian/po/sv.po	                        (rev 0)
+++ nagios3/trunk/debian/po/sv.po	2008-09-23 07:09:48 UTC (rev 1579)
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# translation of nagios3.po to swedish
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Martin Bagge <brother at bsnet.se>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: nagios3\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pkg-nagios-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-31 15:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-17 23:30+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Martin Bagge <brother at bsnet.se>\n"
+"Language-Team: swedish <debian-l10n-swedish at lists.debian.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Apache servers to configure for nagios3:"
+msgstr "Ange vilken apacheversion som ska förberedas för nagios3:"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Please select which apache servers should be configured for nagios3."
+msgstr "Ange den apacheserver som ska ställas in för nagios3."
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid ""
+"If you would prefer to perform configuration manually, leave all servers "
+msgstr ""
+"Om du föredrar att ställa in apache manuellt markerar du inte något av "
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid "Nagios web administration password:"
+msgstr "Lösenord för nagios webbadministration:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please provide the password to be created with the \"nagiosadmin\" user."
+msgstr "Ange lösenordet som ska användas för användaren \"nagiosadmin\"."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"This is the username and password you will use to log in to your nagios "
+"installation after configuration is complete.  If you do not provide a "
+"password, you will have to configure access to nagios yourself."
+msgstr ""
+"Detta användarnamn och lösenord använder du för att logga in i din "
+"nagiosinstallation. Om du inte anger ett lösenord här måste du ställa in "
+"nagios manuellt."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:3001
+msgid "Password confirmation:"
+msgstr "Upprepa lösenordet:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:4001
+msgid "The passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Lösenorden stämmer inte överrens"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid "Enable support for nagios 1.x links in nagios3?"
+msgstr "Aktivera stöd för länkar som de såg ut inagios 1.x?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"Please choose whether the Apache configuration for nagios3 should provide "
+"compatibility with links from nagios 1.x."
+msgstr ""
+"Ange om du vill att inställningarna i Apache ska ha stöd för länkar från "
+"nagios 1.x."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"If you select this option, the apache configuration used for nagios will "
+"include directives to support URLs from nagios 1.x. You should not choose "
+"this option if you still have nagios 1.x on your system, or unpredictable "
+"results may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Om du väljer detta alternativ för nagios så kommer stöd för URL:er från "
+"nagios 1.x aktiveras. Du ska inte aktivera detta om du fortfarande har "
+"nagios 1.x instllerat på ditt system, konflikter kan då uppstå."

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