[Pkg-nagios-changes] [SCM] UNNAMED PROJECT branch, debian/master, updated. 810edbdd3feedbfe37f4a65bee50b57b2f60fa2a

Naparuba naparuba at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 22:07:03 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian/master branch:
commit 392146ae1a893d9949d104a69bc3c6fab7e0f4a0
Author: Naparuba <naparuba at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Nov 18 16:10:45 2011 +0100

    Add : password iphone like in the login screen.

diff --git a/shinken/webui/plugins/login/htdocs/js/pass_shark.js b/shinken/webui/plugins/login/htdocs/js/pass_shark.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19ebe13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shinken/webui/plugins/login/htdocs/js/pass_shark.js
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+Description: PassShark v1.0 - iPhone style password masking using MooTools.
+License: MIT-style license
+- Luis Merino
+- Luis Merino
+- QUERIDODESIGN, Switzerland
+- MooTools-Core
+- MooTools-More > Class.Occlude.js
+- MooTools-More > Log.js
+- MooTools-More > Class.Binds.js
+var PassShark = new Class({
+	Implements: [Options, Events, Class.Occlude],
+	Binds: ['start', 'stop', '_check'],
+	options: {
+		interval: 200,
+		duration: 2000,
+		replacement: '%u25CF',
+		prefix: 'password-',
+		debug: false
+		/*
+		onStageChange: $empty
+		*/
+	},
+	initialize: function(element, options){
+		this.origElement = this.element = document.id(element);
+	    //if (this.occlude()) return this.occluded;
+		this.setOptions(options);
+		this.$E = function(selector){ return document.getElement(selector); };
+		this._setup();
+	},
+	_setup: function(){
+	    //if (this.options.debug) this.enableLog();
+		var attributes = this.origElement.getProperties(
+			'name',
+			'id',
+			'class',
+			'style',
+			'size',
+			'maxlength',
+			'disabled',
+			'tabindex',
+			'accesskey',
+			'value'
+		);
+		this.checker = null;
+		this.timer = null;
+		this._cloakInput(attributes);
+	}.protect(),
+	_cloakInput: function(params){
+		// Display none the original element.
+		this.origElement.hide();
+		var standardMaxLength = 255;
+		var opts = this.options;
+		var attributes = (typeof params == 'object') ? $merge( params , {
+			'type': 'text',
+			'name': opts.prefix + (params.name ? params.name : ''),
+			'id': opts.prefix + (params.id ? params.id : ''),
+			'maxlength': params.maxlength != -1 ? params.maxlength : standardMaxLength,
+			'accesskey': params.accesskey != undefined ? params.accesskey : '',
+			'tabindex': params.tabindex != '' ? params.tabindex : ''
+		}) : {};
+		// Adding the new text field.
+		var input = new Element('input', attributes).inject(this.origElement, 'after');
+		// Log if injection in the DOM was right.
+	    //this.log('inject element: ', input);
+		// Adapt label to new field.
+		$pick(this.$E('label[for='+params.id+']'), new Element('label')).setProperty('for', opts.prefix + params.id);
+		// Disable tabindex.
+		this.origElement.setProperty('tabindex', '');
+		// Disable accesskey.
+		this.origElement.setProperty('accesskey', '');
+		// Set events
+		this.element = input.store('focus', 0).addEvents({
+			'focus': this.start,
+			'blur': this.stop
+		});
+		this._check.delay(opts.interval, this, ['', true]);
+	}.protect(),
+	start: function(event){
+	    //if (this.options.debug) this.log('Event:', event.type);
+		this.element.store('focus', 1);
+		$clear(this.checker);
+		this.checker = this._check.delay(this.options.interval, this, '');
+	},
+	stop: function(event){
+	    //if (this.options.debug) this.log('Event:', event.type);
+		this.element.store('focus', 0);
+		this.checker = $clear(this.checker);
+	},
+	_onDeletion: function(caret, diff){
+		var value = this.origElement.get('value');
+		var split = caret;
+		if ((typeof caret == 'number') && (this.element.getCaretPosition() < caret)) {
+			// Need for cheking if the key 'backspace' was hit, since it changes the caret position whereas 'delete/supr' does not.
+			split = caret - diff;
+		}
+		else if (typeof caret != 'object') {
+			// Apply if 'delete' key was hit and the deletion didn't happen from a textSeletion.
+			caret = caret + diff;
+		}
+		var str1 = value.slice(0, caret.start || split);
+		var str2 = value.slice(caret.end || caret);
+		this.origElement.set('value', str1+str2);
+	}.protect(),
+	_setPassword: function(str) {
+	    //if (this.options.debug) this.log('_setPassword:', str);
+		var tmp = '';
+		var add = 0;
+		for (var i=0; i < str.length; i++) {
+			if (str.charAt(i) == unescape(this.options.replacement)) {
+				tmp += this.origElement.get('value').charAt(i - add);
+			} else {
+				tmp += str.charAt(i);
+				if (this.element.getCaretPosition() !== str.length) {
+					add++;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		this.origElement.set('value', tmp);
+	}.protect(),
+	_convertLastChar: function() {
+		if (this.element.get('value') != '') {
+			var tmp = '';
+			for (var i=0; i < this.element.get('value').length; i++) {
+				tmp += unescape(this.options.replacement);
+			}
+			var caret = this._getCaretRange();
+			this.element.set('value', tmp);
+			if (this.element.retrieve('focus')) this._correctCaret(caret);
+		}
+	},
+	_check: function(oldValue, initialCall, posCaret){
+	    //if (this.options.debug) this.log('_check:', oldValue);
+		var bullets = this.element.get('value');
+		// Check if there is an inferior number of characters AND it's not the last char, hence, deletion...
+		if (bullets.length < oldValue.length) {
+			// Calculate difference, since the keyboard can act faster than the interval time set.
+			var subtract = oldValue.length - bullets.length;
+			this._onDeletion(posCaret, subtract);
+		}
+		if (oldValue != bullets) {
+			this._setPassword(bullets);
+			if (bullets.length > 1) {
+				var tmp = '';
+				for (i=0; i < bullets.length-1; i++) {
+					tmp += unescape(this.options.replacement);
+				}
+				tmp += bullets.charAt(bullets.length-1);
+				var caret = this._getCaretRange();
+				this.element.set('value', tmp);
+				this._correctCaret(caret);
+			}
+			$clear(this.timer);
+			this.timer = this._convertLastChar.delay(this.options.duration, this);
+		}
+		if (!initialCall) {
+			$clear(this.checker);
+			this.checker = this._check.delay(this.options.interval, this, [this.element.get('value'), false, caret || this._getCaretRange()]);
+		}
+	},
+	_correctCaret: function(caret){
+		switch (typeof caret) {
+			case 'number': return this.element.setCaretPosition(caret);
+			case 'object': return this.element.selectRange(caret.start, caret.end);
+		}
+	}.protect(),
+	_getCaretRange: function(){
+		// check if caret is equal to 0, therefore a text range has been selected and
+		// it should not be placed at the the beginning, but the end of it.
+		return (this.element.getSelectedRange().start === this.element.getSelectedRange().end) ? this.element.getCaretPosition() : this.element.getSelectedRange();
+	}.protect()
+/*window.addEvent('domready', function(){
+	new PassShark('sample_pass',{
+			interval: 200,
+			duration: 1000,
+			replacement: '%u25CF',
+			prefix: 'password-',
+			debug: false
+	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/shinken/webui/plugins/login/login.py b/shinken/webui/plugins/login/login.py
index d988807..642254d 100644
--- a/shinken/webui/plugins/login/login.py
+++ b/shinken/webui/plugins/login/login.py
@@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ def get_root():
 pages = { user_login : { 'routes' : ['/user/login', '/user/login/'], 
-                         'view' : 'login'},
-          user_login_redirect : { 'routes' : ['/login'] },
+                         'view' : 'login', 'static' : True},
+          user_login_redirect : { 'routes' : ['/login'] , 'static' : True},
           user_auth : { 'routes' : ['/user/auth'], 
                         'view' : 'auth', 
-                        'method' : 'POST'},
-          user_logout : { 'routes' : ['/user/logout', '/logout'] },
-          get_root : {'routes' : ['/']},
+                        'method' : 'POST', 'static' : True},
+          user_logout : { 'routes' : ['/user/logout', '/logout'] , 'static' : True},
+          get_root : {'routes' : ['/'], 'static' : True},
diff --git a/shinken/webui/plugins/login/views/login.tpl b/shinken/webui/plugins/login/views/login.tpl
index 94b750b..06df389 100644
--- a/shinken/webui/plugins/login/views/login.tpl
+++ b/shinken/webui/plugins/login/views/login.tpl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%rebase layout title='Shinken UI login', print_menu=False
+%rebase layout title='Shinken UI login', print_menu=False, js=['login/js/pass_shark.js']
 <script type="text/javascript">
 	function submitform() {
@@ -20,6 +20,17 @@
 	  } else
 	   return true;
+	// Add a iphone like password show/hide 
+	window.addEvent('domready', function(){
+	  new PassShark('password',{
+            interval: 300,
+	    duration: 1500,
+	    replacement: '%u25CF',
+	    debug: false
+	  });
+	});
 <div id="login_container" class="prefix_custom_2">
@@ -42,7 +53,7 @@
 			<div class="text-field">
 				<label for="password">Password:</label>
-				<input name="password" type="password" tabindex="2" size="30" onKeyPress="return submitenter(this,event)">
+				<input id="password" name="password" type="password" tabindex="2" size="30" onKeyPress="return submitenter(this,event)">
 			<input type="hidden" value="0" name="remember_me">
 				<div class="check-field">
@@ -53,4 +64,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file


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