[Pkg-nagios-changes] [SCM] UNNAMED PROJECT branch, debian/master, updated. 810edbdd3feedbfe37f4a65bee50b57b2f60fa2a

David GUENAULT dguenault at monitoring-fr.org
Tue Feb 28 22:09:37 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian/master branch:
commit f103d0ebb8e6523fd8e12b09dfa1e951d06ba9af
Author: David GUENAULT <dguenault at monitoring-fr.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 27 08:51:29 2011 +0100

    Updated README file and usage

diff --git a/contrib/alternative-installation/shinken-install/README b/contrib/alternative-installation/shinken-install/README
index 9f7c202..8fd2a59 100644
--- a/contrib/alternative-installation/shinken-install/README
+++ b/contrib/alternative-installation/shinken-install/README
@@ -10,29 +10,35 @@ Contact
 You can contact me at dguenault at monitoring-fr dot org if you find a bug
 or you can write an issue in the github interface
+if you find and fix a bug just send me the patch and i will apply it (and add credit for the patch in the README file)
 Minimal requirements
 For RedHat/CentOs you will need redhat-lsb (and git for cloning this repository)
+For Debian based distro you will need also redhat-lsb
 This is a really simple script allowing to install a fully fonctionnal shinken in seconds !
-Curently only tested with Ubuntu/Debian and RHEL/CentOS 5/6 distros. 
-  Usage : shinken -k | -i | -d | -u | -b | -r | -l | -c 
-  -k	Kill shinken
-  -i	Install shinken
-  -d 	Remove shinken
-  -u	Update an existing shinken installation
-  -v	purge livestatus sqlite db and shrink sqlite db
-  -b	Backup shinken configuration plugins and data
-  -r 	Restore shinken configuration plugins and data
-  -l	List shinken backups
-  -c	Compress rotated logs
-  -a 	install addon (curently thruk). THIS ONE IS NIT USABLE AT THE MOMENT !!!!!!
-  -h	Show help
+Curently only tested with Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Debian and RHEL/CentOS 5/6 distros. 
+Usage : shinken -k | -i | -w | -d | -u | -b | -r | -l | -c | -h | -a | -z [poller|centreon] | -e daemons | -p plugins [plugname]
+	-k	Kill shinken
+	-i	Install shinken
+	-w	Remove demo configuration 
+	-d 	Remove shinken
+	-u	Update an existing shinken installation
+	-v	purge livestatus sqlite db and shrink sqlite db
+	-b	Backup shinken configuration plugins and data
+	-r 	Restore shinken configuration plugins and data
+	-l	List shinken backups
+	-c	Compress rotated logs
+    -e  which daemons to keep enabled at boot time
+	-z 	This is a really special usecase that allow to install shinken on Centreon Enterprise Server in place of nagios
+	-p  Install plugins (args should be one of the following : check_esx3|nagios-plugins|check_oracle_health)
+	-h	Show help
 configuration file
diff --git a/contrib/alternative-installation/shinken-install/shinken.sh b/contrib/alternative-installation/shinken-install/shinken.sh
index 014fad2..7e0471d 100755
--- a/contrib/alternative-installation/shinken-install/shinken.sh
+++ b/contrib/alternative-installation/shinken-install/shinken.sh
@@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ function fixHtpasswdPath(){
 function usage(){
-echo "Usage : shinken -k | -i | -w | -d | -u | -b | -r | -l | -c | -h | -a | -z [poller|centreon] | -e daemons | -j pollername=polleraddress | -p plugins [plugname]
+echo "Usage : shinken -k | -i | -w | -d | -u | -b | -r | -l | -c | -h | -a | -z [poller|centreon] | -e daemons | -p plugins [plugname]
 	-k	Kill shinken
 	-i	Install shinken
 	-w	Remove demo configuration 
@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ echo "Usage : shinken -k | -i | -w | -d | -u | -b | -r | -l | -c | -h | -a | -z
 	-c	Compress rotated logs
     -e  which daemons to keep enabled at boot time
 	-z 	This is a really special usecase that allow to install shinken on Centreon Enterprise Server in place of nagios
-	-p  Install plugins (args should be one of the following : check_esx3|nagios-plugins)
+	-p  Install plugins (args should be one of the following : check_esx3|nagios-plugins|check_oracle_health)
 	-h	Show help


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