[Pkg-nagios-changes] [SCM] UNNAMED PROJECT branch, debian/master, updated. 810edbdd3feedbfe37f4a65bee50b57b2f60fa2a

Frescha frescha at unitedseed.de
Tue Feb 28 22:09:57 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian/master branch:
commit 337a4c19de95ca07636b1d66bec3930652e65975
Author: Frescha <frescha at unitedseed.de>
Date:   Tue Dec 27 22:52:45 2011 +0100

    Fix bug in eltdetail mockup

diff --git a/shinken/webui/plugins/eltdetail/views/eltdetail2.tpl b/shinken/webui/plugins/eltdetail/views/eltdetail2.tpl
index 0d0cc86..b6e6f2d 100644
--- a/shinken/webui/plugins/eltdetail/views/eltdetail2.tpl
+++ b/shinken/webui/plugins/eltdetail/views/eltdetail2.tpl
@@ -49,46 +49,50 @@ Invalid element name
 <div id="content_container" class="grid_13">
 	<h1 class="grid_16 state_{{elt.state.lower()}} icon_down"><img class="host_img_25" src="{{helper.get_icon_state(elt)}}" />{{elt.state}}: {{elt.get_full_name()}}</h1>
 	<div id="overview_container" class="grid_16">
-		<dl class="grid_4">
-		%#Alias, Parents and Hostgroups are for host only
-      	%if elt_type=='host':
-			<dt>Alias:</dt>
-			<dd>{{elt.alias}}</dd>
+	    <dl class="grid_5">
+	      %#Alias, apretns and hostgroups arefor host only
+	      %if elt_type=='host':
+	      	<dt>Alias:</dt>
+	     	<dd>{{elt.alias}}</dd>
-			<dd>{{elt.address}}</dd>				
-			<dt>Parents:</dt>
-			%if len(elt.parents) > 0:
-			<dd>{{','.join([h.get_name() for h in elt.parents])}}</dd>
-			%else:
-			<dd>No Parents</dd>
-			%end
-			%# End of the host only case, so now service
-    		%else:
-	 		<dt>Host:</dt>
-         	<dd> {{elt.host.host_name}}</dd>
-    	%end 
-		</dl>
-		<dl class="grid_5">
-			<dt>Members of:</dt>
-			%if len(elt.hostgroups) > 0:	
-			<dd>{{','.join([hg.get_name() for hg in elt.hostgroups])}}</dd>
-			%else:
-			<dd>No Hostgroups</dd>
+			<dd>{{elt.address}}</dd>
+			<dt>Importance</dt>
+	     	<dd>{{!helper.get_business_impact_text(elt)}}</dd>
+	    </dl>
+	    <dl class="grid_4">
+	    	<dt>Parents:</dt>
+			 %if len(elt.parents) > 0:
+		         <dd> {{','.join([h.get_name() for h in elt.parents])}}</dd>
+			 %else:
+		         <dd> No parents </dd>
+			 %end
+		         <dt>Members of:</dt>
+			 %if len(elt.hostgroups) > 0:
+		         <dd> {{','.join([hg.get_name() for hg in elt.hostgroups])}}</dd>
+			 %else:
+		         <dd> No groups </dd>
+			 %end
+		    %# End of the host only case, so now service
+		    %else:
+			 	<dt>Host:</dt>
+		         <dd> {{elt.host.host_name}}</dd>
+		         <dt>Members of:</dt>
+		         %if len(elt.servicegroups) > 0:
+		         <dd> {{','.join([sg.get_name() for sg in elt.servicegroups])}}</dd>
+		         %else:
+		         <dd> No groups </dd>
+		         %end
-			<dt>Notes:</dt>
-			%if elt.notes != '':
-      		<dd>{{elt.notes}}</dd>
-      		%else:
-      		<dd>(none)</dd>
-      		%end
-			<dt>Importence:</dt>
-			<dd>{{!helper.get_business_impact_text(elt)}}</dd>
-		</dl>
+	    	<dt>Notes:</dt>
+	    	%if elt.notes != '':
+	    	<dd>{{elt.notes}}</dd>
+	    	%else:
+	      	<dd>(none)</dd>
+	      %end
+	    </dl>
 		<div class="grid_7">
 		    %#   " If the elements is a root problem with a huge impact and not ack, ask to ack it!"
 		    %if elt.is_problem and elt.business_impact > 2 and not elt.problem_has_been_acknowledged:


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