[Pkg-nagios-changes] [SCM] UNNAMED PROJECT branch, debian/master, updated. 810edbdd3feedbfe37f4a65bee50b57b2f60fa2a

Gerhard Lausser gerhard.lausser at consol.de
Tue Feb 28 22:15:18 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian/master branch:
commit f02af0d5448ec17faf9e2a4301f4960e1ba41aff
Author: Gerhard Lausser <gerhard.lausser at consol.de>
Date:   Sat Jan 21 17:19:56 2012 +0100

    Fix some minor bugs in livestatus
    Make test_livestatus_mongodb exit gracefully if no pymongo is installed
    Some cleanup of unnecessary code

diff --git a/shinken/modules/livestatus_broker/livestatus_broker.py b/shinken/modules/livestatus_broker/livestatus_broker.py
index ced05d0..ec7a514 100644
--- a/shinken/modules/livestatus_broker/livestatus_broker.py
+++ b/shinken/modules/livestatus_broker/livestatus_broker.py
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ from shinken.basemodule import BaseModule
 from shinken.message import Message
 from shinken.log import logger
 from shinken.modulesmanager import ModulesManager
+from shinken.objects.module import Module
 from shinken.daemon import Daemon
 from shinken.misc.datamanager import datamgr
 #Local import
@@ -77,16 +78,22 @@ class LiveStatus_broker(BaseModule, Daemon):
             'module_name': 'LogStore',
             'module_type': 'logstore_sqlite',
             'use_aggressive_sql': "0",
-            'database_file': getattr(modconf, 'database_file', os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), 'var', 'livestatus.db')),
-            'archive_path': getattr(modconf, 'archive_path', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.database_file), 'archives')),
-            'max_logs_age': getattr(modconf, 'max_logs_age', '365'),
+            'database_file': getattr(modconf, 'database_file', None),
+            'archive_path': getattr(modconf, 'archive_path', None),
+            'max_logs_age': getattr(modconf, 'max_logs_age', None),
-    def add_compatibility_sqlite_module(self)
+    def add_compatibility_sqlite_module(self):
         if len([m for m in self.modules_manager.instances if m.module_type.startswith('logstore_')]) == 0:
             #  this shinken-specific.cfg does not use the new submodules
-            dbmodconf = Module(self.compat_sqlite)
-            self.modules.append(dbmodconf)
+            for k in self.compat_sqlite.keys():
+                if self.compat_sqlite[k] == None:
+                    del self.compat_sqlite[k]
+            dbmod = Module(self.compat_sqlite)
+            self.modules_manager.set_modules([dbmod])
+            self.modules_manager.load_and_init()
diff --git a/shinken/modules/livestatus_broker/mapping.py b/shinken/modules/livestatus_broker/mapping.py
index c05ab6b..6fb5646 100644
--- a/shinken/modules/livestatus_broker/mapping.py
+++ b/shinken/modules/livestatus_broker/mapping.py
@@ -46,231 +46,6 @@ from shinken.pollerlink import PollerLink
-xLOGCLASS_INFO = 0          # all messages not in any other class
-xLOGCLASS_ALERT = 1         # alerts: the change service/host state
-xLOGCLASS_PROGRAM = 2       # important programm events (restart, ...)
-xLOGCLASS_NOTIFICATION = 3  # host/service notifications
-xLOGCLASS_PASSIVECHECK = 4  # passive checks
-xLOGCLASS_COMMAND = 5       # external commands
-xLOGCLASS_STATE = 6         # initial or current states
-xLOGCLASS_INVALID = -1      # never stored
-xLOGCLASS_ALL = 0xffff
-class xLoglineWrongFormat(Exception):
-    pass
-class xLogline(dict):
-    """A class which represents a line from the logfile
-    Public functions:
-    fill -- Attach host and/or service objects to a Logline object
-    """
-    id = 0
-    columns = ['logobject', 'attempt', 'logclass', 'command_name', 'comment', 'contact_name', 'host_name', 'lineno', 'message', 'options', 'plugin_output', 'service_description', 'state', 'state_type', 'time', 'type']
-    def __init__(self, sqlite_cursor=None, sqlite_row=None, line=None, srcdict=None):
-        if srcdict != None:
-            for col in Logline.columns:
-                print "set ", col, srcdict[col]
-                setattr(self, col, srcdict[col])
-        elif sqlite_cursor != None and sqlite_row != None:
-            for idx, col in enumerate(sqlite_cursor):
-                if col[0] == 'class':
-                    setattr(self, 'logclass', sqlite_row[idx])
-                else:
-                    setattr(self, col[0], sqlite_row[idx])
-        elif line != None:
-            line = line.encode('UTF-8').rstrip()
-            # [1278280765] SERVICE ALERT: test_host_0
-            if line[0] != '[' and line[11] != ']':
-                print "INVALID line", line
-                raise LoglineWrongFormat
-            else:
-                service_states = {
-                    'OK': 0,
-                    'WARNING': 1,
-                    'CRITICAL': 2,
-                    'UNKNOWN': 3,
-                    'RECOVERY': 0
-                }
-                host_states = {
-                    'UP' :0,
-                    'DOWN': 1,
-                    'UNREACHABLE': 2,
-                    'UNKNOWN': 3,
-                    'RECOVERY': 0
-                }
-                # type is 0:info, 1:state, 2:program, 3:notification, 4:passive, 5:command
-                logobject = LOGOBJECT_INFO
-                logclass = LOGCLASS_INVALID
-                attempt, state = [0] * 2
-                command_name, comment, contact_name, host_name, message, options, plugin_output, service_description, state_type = [''] * 9
-                time= line[1:11]
-                first_type_pos = line.find(' ') + 1
-                last_type_pos = line.find(':')
-                first_detail_pos = last_type_pos + 2
-                type = line[first_type_pos:last_type_pos]
-                options = line[first_detail_pos:]
-                message = line
-                if type == 'CURRENT SERVICE STATE':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_SERVICE
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_STATE
-                    host_name, service_description, state, state_type, attempt, plugin_output = options.split(';', 5)
-                elif type == 'INITIAL SERVICE STATE':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_SERVICE
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_STATE
-                    host_name, service_description, state, state_type, attempt, plugin_output = options.split(';', 5)
-                elif type == 'SERVICE ALERT':
-                    # SERVICE ALERT: srv-40;Service-9;CRITICAL;HARD;1;[Errno 2] No such file or directory
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_SERVICE
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_ALERT
-                    host_name, service_description, state, state_type, attempt, plugin_output = options.split(';', 5)
-                    state = service_states[state]
-                elif type == 'SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_SERVICE
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_ALERT
-                    host_name, service_description, state_type, comment = options.split(';', 3)
-                elif type == 'SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_SERVICE
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_ALERT
-                    host_name, service_description, state_type, comment = options.split(';', 3)
-                elif type == 'CURRENT HOST STATE':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_HOST
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_STATE
-                    host_name, state, state_type, attempt, plugin_output = options.split(';', 4)
-                elif type == 'INITIAL HOST STATE':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_HOST
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_STATE
-                    host_name, state, state_type, attempt, plugin_output = options.split(';', 4)
-                elif type == 'HOST ALERT':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_HOST
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_ALERT
-                    host_name, state, state_type, attempt, plugin_output = options.split(';', 4)
-                    state = host_states[state]
-                elif type == 'HOST DOWNTIME ALERT':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_HOST
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_ALERT
-                    host_name, state_type, comment = options.split(';', 2)
-                elif type == 'HOST FLAPPING ALERT':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_HOST
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_ALERT
-                    host_name, state_type, comment = options.split(';', 2)
-                elif type == 'SERVICE NOTIFICATION':
-                    # tust_cuntuct;test_host_0;test_ok_0;CRITICAL;notify-service;i am CRITICAL  <-- normal
-                    # SERVICE NOTIFICATION: test_contact;test_host_0;test_ok_0;DOWNTIMESTART (OK);notify-service;OK
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_SERVICE
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_NOTIFICATION
-                    contact_name, host_name, service_description, state_type, command_name, check_plugin_output = options.split(';', 5)
-                    if '(' in state_type: # downtime/flapping/etc-notifications take the type UNKNOWN
-                        state_type = 'UNKNOWN'
-                    state = service_states[state_type]
-                elif type == 'HOST NOTIFICATION':
-                    # tust_cuntuct;test_host_0;DOWN;notify-host;i am DOWN
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_HOST
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_NOTIFICATION
-                    contact_name, host_name, state_type, command_name, check_plugin_output = options.split(';', 4)
-                    if '(' in state_type:
-                        state_type = 'UNKNOWN'
-                    state = host_states[state_type]
-                elif type == 'PASSIVE SERVICE CHECK':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_SERVICE
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_PASSIVECHECK
-                    host_name, service_description, state, check_plugin_output = options.split(';', 3)
-                elif type == 'PASSIVE HOST CHECK':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_HOST
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_PASSIVECHECK
-                    host_name, state, check_plugin_output = options.split(';', 2)
-                elif type == 'SERVICE EVENT HANDLER':
-                    # SERVICE EVENT HANDLER: test_host_0;test_ok_0;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;eventhandler
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_SERVICE
-                    host_name, service_description, state, state_type, attempt, command_name = options.split(';', 5)
-                    state = service_states[state]
-                elif type == 'HOST EVENT HANDLER':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_HOST
-                    host_name, state, state_type, attempt, command_name = options.split(';', 4)
-                    state = host_states[state]
-                elif type == 'EXTERNAL COMMAND':
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_INFO
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_COMMAND
-                elif type.startswith('starting...') or \
-                     type.startswith('shutting down...') or \
-                     type.startswith('Bailing out') or \
-                     type.startswith('active mode...') or \
-                     type.startswith('standby mode...'):
-                    logobject = LOGOBJECT_INFO
-                    logclass = LOGCLASS_PROGRAM
-                else:
-                    pass
-                    #print "does not match"
-                Logline.id += 1
-                self.lineno = Logline.id
-                setattr(self, 'logobject', int(logobject))
-                setattr(self, 'attempt', int(attempt))
-                setattr(self, 'logclass', int(logclass))
-                setattr(self, 'command_name', command_name)
-                setattr(self, 'comment', comment)
-                setattr(self, 'contact_name', contact_name)
-                setattr(self, 'host_name', host_name)
-                setattr(self, 'message', message)
-                setattr(self, 'options', options)
-                setattr(self, 'plugin_output', plugin_output)
-                setattr(self, 'service_description', service_description)
-                setattr(self, 'state', state)
-                setattr(self, 'state_type', state_type)
-                setattr(self, 'time', int(time))
-                setattr(self, 'type', type)
-    def as_tuple(self):
-        return tuple([str(getattr(self, col)) for col in Logline.columns])
-    def as_dict(self):
-        return dict(zip(Logline.columns, [getattr(self, col) for col in Logline.columns]))
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "line: %s" % self.message
-    def fill(self, datamgr):
-        """Attach host and/or service objects to a Logline object
-        Lines describing host or service events only contain host_name
-        and/or service_description. This method finds the corresponding
-        objects and adds them to the line as attributes log_host
-        and/or log_service
-        """
-        if self.logobject == LOGOBJECT_HOST:
-            try:
-                setattr(self, 'log_host', datamgr.get_host(self.host_name))
-            except Exception, e:
-                print "du scheiss host", e
-                pass
-        elif self.logobject == LOGOBJECT_SERVICE:
-            try:
-                setattr(self, 'log_host', datamgr.get_host(self.host_name))
-                setattr(self, 'log_service', datamgr.get_service(self.host_name, self.service_description))
-            except Exception, e:
-                print "du scheiss svc", e
-                pass
-        else:
-            setattr(self, 'log_host', None)
-            setattr(self, 'log_service', None)
-        return self
 class Problem:
     def __init__(self, source, impacts):
         self.source = source
diff --git a/shinken/util.py b/shinken/util.py
index 471772f..106d01a 100644
--- a/shinken/util.py
+++ b/shinken/util.py
@@ -224,6 +224,13 @@ def get_obj_name_two_args_and_void(obj, value):
     except AttributeError:
         return ''
+# Get the full name if there is one
+def get_obj_full_name(obj):
+    try:
+        return obj.get_full_name()
+    except Exception:
+        return obj.get_name()
 # return the list of keys of the custom dict
 # but without the _ before
 def get_customs_keys(d):
diff --git a/test/shinken_test.py b/test/shinken_test.py
index d58e5f3..58b8a78 100755
--- a/test/shinken_test.py
+++ b/test/shinken_test.py
@@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ from shinken.modules import livestatus_broker
 from shinken.modules.livestatus_broker import LiveStatus_broker
 from shinken.modules.livestatus_broker.livestatus import LiveStatus
 from shinken.modules.livestatus_broker.livestatus_regenerator import LiveStatusRegenerator
-from shinken.modules.livestatus_broker.datamanager import datamgr
-from shinken.modules.livestatus_broker.helper import helper
+from shinken.misc.datamanager import datamgr
 livestatus_modconf = Module()
 livestatus_modconf.module_name = "livestatus"
@@ -405,7 +404,6 @@ class ShinkenTest(unittest.TestCase):
         self.livestatus_broker.rg = LiveStatusRegenerator()
         self.livestatus_broker.datamgr = datamgr
-        self.livestatus_broker.helper = helper
         #--- livestatus_broker.main
diff --git a/test/test_livestatus_db.py b/test/test_livestatus_db.py
index 91e550e..6a10e59 100755
--- a/test/test_livestatus_db.py
+++ b/test/test_livestatus_db.py
@@ -480,8 +480,8 @@ Columns: time type options state host_name"""
         print "archive is", archives_path
 class TestConfigBig(TestConfig):
     def setUp(self):
         start_setUp = time.time()
@@ -497,62 +497,6 @@ class TestConfigBig(TestConfig):
         host = self.sched.hosts.find_by_name("test_host_000")
         host.__class__.use_aggressive_host_checking = 1
-    def init_livestatus(self):
-        self.livelogs = 'tmp/livelogs.db' + "wrumm"
-        modconf = Module({'module_name' : 'LiveStatus',
-            'module_type' : 'livestatus',
-            'port' : str(50000 + os.getpid()),
-            'pnp_path' : 'tmp/livestatus_broker.pnp_path_test' + self.testid,
-            'host' : '',
-            'socket' : 'live',
-            'name' : 'test', #?
-        })
-        dbmodconf = Module({'module_name' : 'LogStore',
-            'module_type' : 'logstore_sqlite',
-            'use_aggressive_sql' : "0",
-            'database_file' : self.livelogs,
-            'archive_path' : os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.livelogs), 'archives'),
-        })
-        modconf.modules = [dbmodconf]
-        self.livestatus_broker = LiveStatus_broker(modconf)
-        self.livestatus_broker.create_queues()
-        #--- livestatus_broker.main
-        self.livestatus_broker.log = logger
-        # this seems to damage the logger so that the scheduler can't use it
-        #self.livestatus_broker.log.load_obj(self.livestatus_broker)
-        self.livestatus_broker.debug_output = []
-        self.livestatus_broker.modules_manager = ModulesManager('livestatus', self.livestatus_broker.find_modules_path(), [])
-        self.livestatus_broker.modules_manager.set_modules(self.livestatus_broker.modules)
-        # We can now output some previouly silented debug ouput
-        self.livestatus_broker.do_load_modules()
-        for inst in self.livestatus_broker.modules_manager.instances:
-            if inst.properties["type"].startswith('logstore'):
-                f = getattr(inst, 'load', None)
-                if f and callable(f):
-                    f(self.livestatus_broker) #!!! NOT self here !!!!
-                break
-        for s in self.livestatus_broker.debug_output:
-            print "errors during load", s
-        del self.livestatus_broker.debug_output
-        self.livestatus_broker.rg = LiveStatusRegenerator()
-        self.livestatus_broker.datamgr = datamgr
-        datamgr.load(self.livestatus_broker.rg)
-        self.livestatus_broker.helper = helper
-        #--- livestatus_broker.main
-        self.livestatus_broker.init()
-        self.livestatus_broker.db = self.livestatus_broker.modules_manager.instances[0]
-        self.livestatus_broker.livestatus = LiveStatus(self.livestatus_broker.datamgr, self.livestatus_broker.db, self.livestatus_broker.pnp_path, self.livestatus_broker.from_q)
-        #--- livestatus_broker.do_main
-        self.livestatus_broker.db.open()
-        #--- livestatus_broker.do_main
     def test_a_long_history(self):
         test_host_005 = self.sched.hosts.find_by_name("test_host_005")
@@ -718,6 +662,98 @@ OutputFormat: json"""
         self.livestatus_broker = None
+class TestConfigNoLogstore(TestConfig):
+    def setUp(self):
+        start_setUp = time.time()
+        self.setup_with_file('etc/nagios_1r_1h_1s.cfg')
+        Comment.id = 1
+        self.testid = str(os.getpid() + random.randint(1, 1000))
+        self.init_livestatus()
+        print "Cleaning old broks?"
+        self.sched.fill_initial_broks()
+        self.update_broker()
+        print "************* Overall Setup:", time.time() - start_setUp
+        # add use_aggressive_host_checking so we can mix exit codes 1 and 2
+        # but still get DOWN state
+        host = self.sched.hosts.find_by_name("test_host_0")
+        host.__class__.use_aggressive_host_checking = 1
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.livestatus_broker.db.commit()
+        self.livestatus_broker.db.close()
+        if os.path.exists(self.livelogs):
+            os.remove(self.livelogs)
+        if os.path.exists(self.livelogs+"-journal"):
+            os.remove(self.livelogs+"-journal")
+        if os.path.exists(self.livestatus_broker.pnp_path):
+            shutil.rmtree(self.livestatus_broker.pnp_path)
+        if os.path.exists('var/nagios.log'):
+            os.remove('var/nagios.log')
+        if os.path.exists('var/retention.dat'):
+            os.remove('var/retention.dat')
+        if os.path.exists('var/status.dat'):
+            os.remove('var/status.dat')
+        self.livestatus_broker = None
+    def init_livestatus(self):
+        self.livelogs = 'tmp/livelogs.db' + self.testid
+        modconf = Module({'module_name' : 'LiveStatus',
+            'module_type' : 'livestatus',
+            'port' : str(50000 + os.getpid()),
+            'pnp_path' : 'tmp/pnp4nagios_test' + self.testid,
+            'host' : '',
+            'socket' : 'live',
+            'name' : 'test', #?
+        })
+        dbmodconf = Module({'module_name' : 'LogStore',
+            'module_type' : 'logstore_sqlite',
+            'use_aggressive_sql' : "0",
+            'database_file' : self.livelogs,
+            'archive_path' : os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.livelogs), 'archives'),
+        })
+        ####################################
+        # !NOT! modconf.modules = [dbmodconf]
+        ####################################
+        self.livestatus_broker = LiveStatus_broker(modconf)
+        self.livestatus_broker.create_queues()
+        #--- livestatus_broker.main
+        self.livestatus_broker.log = logger
+        # this seems to damage the logger so that the scheduler can't use it
+        #self.livestatus_broker.log.load_obj(self.livestatus_broker)
+        self.livestatus_broker.debug_output = []
+        self.livestatus_broker.modules_manager = ModulesManager('livestatus', self.livestatus_broker.find_modules_path(), [])
+        self.livestatus_broker.modules_manager.set_modules(self.livestatus_broker.modules)
+        # We can now output some previouly silented debug ouput
+        self.livestatus_broker.do_load_modules()
+        for inst in self.livestatus_broker.modules_manager.instances:
+            if inst.properties["type"].startswith('logstore'):
+                f = getattr(inst, 'load', None)
+                if f and callable(f):
+                    f(self.livestatus_broker) #!!! NOT self here !!!!
+                break
+        for s in self.livestatus_broker.debug_output:
+            print "errors during load", s
+        del self.livestatus_broker.debug_output
+        self.livestatus_broker.add_compatibility_sqlite_module()
+        self.livestatus_broker.rg = LiveStatusRegenerator()
+        self.livestatus_broker.datamgr = datamgr
+        datamgr.load(self.livestatus_broker.rg)
+        #--- livestatus_broker.main
+        self.livestatus_broker.init()
+        self.livestatus_broker.db = self.livestatus_broker.modules_manager.instances[0]
+        self.livestatus_broker.livestatus = LiveStatus(self.livestatus_broker.datamgr, self.livestatus_broker.db, self.livestatus_broker.pnp_path, self.livestatus_broker.from_q)
+        #--- livestatus_broker.do_main
+        self.livestatus_broker.db.open()
+        #--- livestatus_broker.do_main
+    def test_has_implicit_module(self):
+        self.assert_(self.livestatus_broker.modules_manager.instances[0].__class__.__name__ == 'LiveStatusLogStoreSqlite')
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     #import cProfile
diff --git a/test/test_livestatus_mongodb.py b/test/test_livestatus_mongodb.py
index b158736..0ec2400 100755
--- a/test/test_livestatus_mongodb.py
+++ b/test/test_livestatus_mongodb.py
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import shutil
 import time
 import random
 import copy
+import unittest
 from shinken.brok import Brok
 from shinken.objects.timeperiod import Timeperiod
@@ -43,12 +44,21 @@ from shinken.modules.livestatus_broker.mapping import Logline
 from shinken.modules.logstore_sqlite import LiveStatusLogStoreSqlite
 from shinken.comment import Comment
+    import pymongo
+    has_pymongo = True
+except Exception:
+    has_pymongo = False
 class TestConfig(ShinkenTest):
     def tearDown(self):
+        if not has_pymongo:
+            return
         if os.path.exists(self.livelogs):
@@ -80,8 +90,7 @@ class TestConfig(ShinkenTest):
         dbmodconf = Module({'module_name' : 'LogStore',
             'module_type': 'logstore_mongodb',
-            #'mongodb_uri': "mongodb://",
-            'mongodb_uri': "mongodb://",
+            'mongodb_uri': "mongodb://",
             'database': 'testtest'+self.testid,
         modconf.modules = [dbmodconf]
@@ -109,10 +118,11 @@ class TestConfig(ShinkenTest):
         self.livestatus_broker.rg = LiveStatusRegenerator()
         self.livestatus_broker.datamgr = datamgr
-        self.livestatus_broker.helper = helper
         #--- livestatus_broker.main
+        for i in self.livestatus_broker.modules_manager.instances:
+            print "instance", i
         self.livestatus_broker.db = self.livestatus_broker.modules_manager.instances[0]
         self.livestatus_broker.livestatus = LiveStatus(self.livestatus_broker.datamgr, self.livestatus_broker.db, self.livestatus_broker.pnp_path, self.livestatus_broker.from_q)
@@ -152,6 +162,8 @@ class TestConfig(ShinkenTest):
 class TestConfigSmall(TestConfig):
     def setUp(self):
+        if not has_pymongo:
+            return
         Comment.id = 1
         self.testid = str(os.getpid() + random.randint(1, 1000))
@@ -184,6 +196,8 @@ class TestConfigSmall(TestConfig):
     def test_hostsbygroup(self):
+        if not has_pymongo:
+            return
         now = time.time()
         objlist = []
@@ -210,6 +224,8 @@ ResponseHeader: fixed16
         print response
     def test_one_log(self):
+        if not has_pymongo:
+            return
         host = self.sched.hosts.find_by_name("test_host_0")
         now = time.time()
@@ -246,6 +262,8 @@ Columns: time type options state host_name"""
 class TestConfigBig(TestConfig):
     def setUp(self):
+        if not has_pymongo:
+            return
         start_setUp = time.time()
         Comment.id = 1
@@ -261,7 +279,7 @@ class TestConfigBig(TestConfig):
         host.__class__.use_aggressive_host_checking = 1
-    def init_livestatus(self):
+    def xinit_livestatus(self):
         self.livelogs = 'tmp/livelogs.db' + "wrumm"
         modconf = Module({'module_name' : 'LiveStatus',
             'module_type' : 'livestatus',
@@ -274,8 +292,7 @@ class TestConfigBig(TestConfig):
         dbmodconf = Module({'module_name' : 'LogStore',
             'module_type' : 'logstore_mongodb',
-            'mongodb_uri' : "mongodb://",
-            #'mongodb_uri' : "mongodb://",
+            'mongodb_uri' : "mongodb://",
         modconf.modules = [dbmodconf]
         self.livestatus_broker = LiveStatus_broker(modconf)
@@ -302,7 +319,6 @@ class TestConfigBig(TestConfig):
         self.livestatus_broker.rg = LiveStatusRegenerator()
         self.livestatus_broker.datamgr = datamgr
-        self.livestatus_broker.helper = helper
         #--- livestatus_broker.main
@@ -318,7 +334,8 @@ class TestConfigBig(TestConfig):
     def test_a_long_history(self):
-        #return
+        if not has_pymongo:
+            return
         test_host_005 = self.sched.hosts.find_by_name("test_host_005")
         test_host_099 = self.sched.hosts.find_by_name("test_host_099")
         test_ok_00 = self.sched.services.find_srv_by_name_and_hostname("test_host_005", "test_ok_00")


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