[Pkg-nagios-changes] [SCM] UNNAMED PROJECT branch, debian/master, updated. 810edbdd3feedbfe37f4a65bee50b57b2f60fa2a
Gerhard Lausser
gerhard.lausser at consol.de
Tue Feb 28 22:15:13 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the debian/master branch:
commit f76d6b967f10f13c05c2258972f07a8f9ad9f1d1
Author: Gerhard Lausser <gerhard.lausser at consol.de>
Date: Sat Jan 21 15:26:09 2012 +0100
ADD two new modules for storing livestatus logs. sqlite and mongodb
diff --git a/shinken/modules/logstore_mongodb.py b/shinken/modules/logstore_mongodb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d2e6cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shinken/modules/logstore_mongodb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# import von modules/livestatus_logstore
+This class is for attaching a sqlite database to a livestatus broker module.
+It is one possibility for an exchangeable storage for log broks
+import os
+import time
+import datetime
+import re
+import pymongo
+from shinken.objects.service import Service
+from livestatus_broker.livestatus_stack import LiveStatusStack
+from pymongo import Connection
+from pymongo.errors import AutoReconnect
+from shinken.basemodule import BaseModule
+from shinken.objects.module import Module
+properties = {
+ 'daemons' : ['livestatus'],
+ 'type' : 'logstore_mongodb',
+ 'external' : False,
+ 'phases' : ['running'],
+ }
+#called by the plugin manager
+def get_instance(plugin):
+ print "Get an LogStore MongoDB module for plugin %s" % plugin.get_name()
+ instance = LiveStatusLogStoreMongoDB(plugin)
+ return instance
+def row_factory(cursor, row):
+ """Handler for the sqlite fetch method."""
+ return Logline(cursor.description, row)
+class LiveStatusLogStoreError(Exception):
+ pass
+class LiveStatusLogStoreMongoDB(BaseModule):
+ def __init__(self, modconf):
+ BaseModule.__init__(self, modconf)
+ self.plugins = []
+ # mongodb://host1,host2,host3/?safe=true;w=2;wtimeoutMS=2000
+ self.mongodb_uri = getattr(modconf, 'mongodb_uri', None)
+ self.database = getattr(modconf, 'database', 'logs')
+ self.use_aggressive_sql = True
+ max_logs_age = getattr(modconf, 'max_logs_age', '365')
+ maxmatch = re.match(r'^(\d+)([dwm]*)$', max_logs_age)
+ if maxmatch is None:
+ print 'Warning : wrong format for max_logs_age. Must be <number>[d|w|m|y] or <number> and not %s' % max_logs_age
+ return None
+ else:
+ if not maxmatch.group(2):
+ self.max_logs_age = int(maxmatch.group(1))
+ elif maxmatch.group(2) == 'd':
+ self.max_logs_age = int(maxmatch.group(1))
+ elif maxmatch.group(2) == 'w':
+ self.max_logs_age = int(maxmatch.group(1)) * 7
+ elif maxmatch.group(2) == 'm':
+ self.max_logs_age = int(maxmatch.group(1)) * 31
+ elif maxmatch.group(2) == 'y':
+ self.max_logs_age = int(maxmatch.group(1)) * 365
+ # This stack is used to create a full-blown select-statement
+ self.mongo_filter_stack = LiveStatusMongoStack()
+ # This stack is used to create a minimal select-statement which
+ # selects only by time >= and time <=
+ self.mongo_time_filter_stack = LiveStatusMongoStack()
+ self.is_connected = False
+ # Now sleep one second, so that won't get lineno collisions with the last second
+ time.sleep(1)
+ self.lineno = 0
+ def load(self, app):
+ self.app = app
+ def init(self):
+ pass
+ def open(self):
+ print "open LiveStatusLogStoreMongoDB ok"
+ try:
+ self.conn = pymongo.Connection(self.mongodb_uri, fsync=True)
+ self.db = self.conn[self.database]
+ self.is_connected = True
+ except AutoReconnect, exp:
+ # now what, ha?
+ print "LiveStatusLogStoreMongoDB.AutoReconnect", exp
+ raise
+ pass
+ def close(self):
+ self.conn.disconnect()
+ def commit(self):
+ pass
+ def do_i_need_this_manage_brok(self, brok):
+ """ Look for a manager function for a brok, and call it """
+ manage = getattr(self, 'manage_' + brok.type + '_brok', None)
+ if manage:
+ return manage(brok)
+ def manage_log_brok(self, b):
+ data = b.data
+ line = data['log']
+ try:
+ logline = Logline(line=line)
+ values = logline.as_dict()
+ except Exception, exp:
+ print "Unexpected error:", exp
+ try:
+ if logline.logclass != LOGCLASS_INVALID:
+ self.db.logs.insert(values)
+ except Exception, exp:
+ print "An error occurred:", exp
+ print "DATABASE ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
+ #FIXME need access to this#self.livestatus.count_event('log_message')
+ def add_filter(self, operator, attribute, reference):
+ if attribute == 'time':
+ self.mongo_time_filter_stack.put_stack(self.make_mongo_filter(operator, attribute, reference))
+ self.mongo_filter_stack.put_stack(self.make_mongo_filter(operator, attribute, reference))
+ def add_filter_and(self, andnum):
+ self.mongo_filter_stack.and_elements(andnum)
+ def add_filter_or(self, ornum):
+ self.mongo_filter_stack.or_elements(ornum)
+ def get_live_data_log(self):
+ """Like get_live_data, but for log objects"""
+ # finalize the filter stacks
+ self.mongo_time_filter_stack.and_elements(self.mongo_time_filter_stack.qsize())
+ self.mongo_filter_stack.and_elements(self.mongo_filter_stack.qsize())
+ self.use_aggressive_sql = True
+ if self.use_aggressive_sql:
+ # Be aggressive, get preselected data from sqlite and do less
+ # filtering in python. But: only a subset of Filter:-attributes
+ # can be mapped to columns in the logs-table, for the others
+ # we must use "always-true"-clauses. This can result in
+ # funny and potentially ineffective sql-statements
+ mongo_filter_func = self.mongo_filter_stack.get_stack()
+ else:
+ # Be conservative, get everything from the database between
+ # two dates and apply the Filter:-clauses in python
+ mongo_filter_func = self.mongo_time_filter_stack.get_stack()
+ result = []
+ mongo_filter = mongo_filter_func()
+ print "mongo filter is", mongo_filter
+ # We can apply the filterstack here as well. we have columns and filtercolumns.
+ # the only additional step is to enrich log lines with host/service-attributes
+ # A timerange can be useful for a faster preselection of lines
+ filter_element = eval(mongo_filter)
+ print "mongo filter iis", type(filter_element)
+ print "mongo filter iis", filter_element
+ dbresult = []
+ columns = ['logobject', 'attempt', 'logclass', 'command_name', 'comment', 'contact_name', 'host_name', 'lineno', 'message', 'options', 'plugin_output', 'service_description', 'state', 'state_type', 'time', 'type']
+ if not self.is_connected:
+ print "sorry, not connected"
+ else:
+ dbresult = [Logline([(c, ) for c in columns], [x[col] for col in columns]) for x in self.db.logs.find(filter_element)]
+ return dbresult
+ def make_mongo_filter(self, operator, attribute, reference):
+ # The filters are text fragments which are put together to form a sql where-condition finally.
+ # Add parameter Class (Host, Service), lookup datatype (default string), convert reference
+ # which attributes are suitable for a sql statement
+ good_attributes = ['time', 'attempt', 'class', 'command_name', 'comment', 'contact_name', 'host_name', 'plugin_output', 'service_description', 'state', 'state_type', 'type']
+ good_operators = ['=', '!=']
+ # put strings in '' for the query
+ if attribute in ['command_name', 'comment', 'contact_name', 'host_name', 'plugin_output', 'service_description', 'state_type', 'type']:
+ attribute = "'%s'" % attribute
+ def eq_filter():
+ if reference == '':
+ return '\'%s\' : \'\'' % (attribute,)
+ else:
+ return '\'%s\' : %s' % (attribute, reference)
+ def ne_filter():
+ if reference == '':
+ return '\'%s\' : { \'$ne\' : '' }' % (attribute,)
+ else:
+ return '\'%s\' : { \'$ne\' : %s }' % (attribute, reference)
+ def gt_filter():
+ return '\'%s\' : { \'$gt\' : %s }' % (attribute, reference)
+ def ge_filter():
+ return '\'%s\' : { \'$gte\' : %s }' % (attribute, reference)
+ def lt_filter():
+ return '\'%s\' : { \'$lt\' : %s }' % (attribute, reference)
+ def le_filter():
+ return '\'%s\' : { \'$lte\' : %s }' % (attribute, reference)
+ def match_filter():
+ return '\'%s\' : { \'$regex\' : \'%s\' }' % (attribute, reference)
+ def no_filter():
+ return '{}'
+ if attribute not in good_attributes:
+ return no_filter
+ if operator == '=':
+ return eq_filter
+ if operator == '>':
+ return gt_filter
+ if operator == '>=':
+ return ge_filter
+ if operator == '<':
+ return lt_filter
+ if operator == '<=':
+ return le_filter
+ if operator == '!=':
+ return ne_filter
+ if operator == '~':
+ return match_filter
+class LiveStatusMongoStack(LiveStatusStack):
+ """A Lifo queue for filter functions.
+ This class inherits either from MyLifoQueue or Queue.LifoQueue
+ whatever is available with the current python version.
+ Public functions:
+ and_elements -- takes a certain number (given as argument)
+ of filters from the stack, creates a new filter and puts
+ this filter on the stack. If these filters are lambda functions,
+ the new filter is a boolean and of the underlying filters.
+ If the filters are sql where-conditions, they are also concatenated
+ with and to form a new string containing a more complex where-condition.
+ or_elements --- the same, only that the single filters are
+ combined with a logical or.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ self.type = 'mongo'
+ self.__class__.__bases__[0].__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+ def and_elements(self, num):
+ """Take num filters from the stack, and them and put the result back"""
+ if num > 1:
+ filters = []
+ for _ in range(num):
+ filters.append(self.get_stack())
+ # Take from the stack:
+ # Make a combined anded function
+ # Put it on the stack
+ print "filter is", filters
+ and_clause = lambda: '{\'$and\' : [%s]}' % ', '.join('{ ' + x() + ' }' for x in filters)
+ print "and_elements", and_clause
+ self.put_stack(and_clause)
+ def or_elements(self, num):
+ """Take num filters from the stack, or them and put the result back"""
+ if num > 1:
+ filters = []
+ for _ in range(num):
+ filters.append(self.get_stack())
+ or_clause = lambda: '{\'$or\' : [%s]}' % ', '.join('{ ' + x() + ' }' for x in filters)
+ print "or_elements", or_clause
+ self.put_stack(or_clause)
+ def get_stack(self):
+ """Return the top element from the stack or a filter which is always true"""
+ if self.qsize() == 0:
+ return lambda: ''
+ else:
+ return self.get()
diff --git a/shinken/modules/logstore_sqlite.py b/shinken/modules/logstore_sqlite.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f22996a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shinken/modules/logstore_sqlite.py
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+# import von modules/livestatus_logstore
+This class is for attaching a sqlite database to a livestatus broker module.
+It is one possibility for an exchangeable storage for log broks
+import os
+import time
+import datetime
+import re
+from shinken.objects.service import Service
+from livestatus_broker.livestatus_stack import LiveStatusStack
+old_implementation = False
+ import sqlite3
+except ImportError: # python 2.4 do not have it
+ try:
+ import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as sqlite3 # but need the pysqlite2 install from http://code.google.com/p/pysqlite/downloads/list
+ except ImportError: # python 2.4 do not have it
+ import sqlite as sqlite3 # one last try
+ old_implementation = True
+from shinken.basemodule import BaseModule
+from shinken.objects.module import Module
+properties = {
+ 'daemons' : ['livestatus'],
+ 'type' : 'logstore_sqlite',
+ 'external' : False,
+ 'phases' : ['running'],
+ }
+#called by the plugin manager
+def get_instance(plugin):
+ print "Get an LogStore Sqlite module for plugin %s" % plugin.get_name()
+ instance = LiveStatusLogStoreSqlite(plugin)
+ return instance
+def row_factory(cursor, row):
+ """Handler for the sqlite fetch method."""
+ return Logline(sqlite_cursor=cursor.description, sqlite_row=row)
+class LiveStatusLogStoreError(Exception):
+ pass
+class LiveStatusLogStoreSqlite(BaseModule):
+ def __init__(self, modconf):
+ BaseModule.__init__(self, modconf)
+ self.plugins = []
+ self.database_file = getattr(modconf, 'database_file', os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), 'var', 'livestatus.db'))
+ self.archive_path = getattr(modconf, 'archive_path', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.database_file), 'archives'))
+ try:
+ os.stat(self.archive_path)
+ except:
+ os.mkdir(self.archive_path)
+ max_logs_age = getattr(modconf, 'max_logs_age', '365')
+ maxmatch = re.match(r'^(\d+)([dwm]*)$', max_logs_age)
+ if maxmatch is None:
+ print 'Warning : wrong format for max_logs_age. Must be <number>[d|w|m|y] or <number> and not %s' % max_logs_age
+ return None
+ else:
+ if not maxmatch.group(2):
+ self.max_logs_age = int(maxmatch.group(1))
+ elif maxmatch.group(2) == 'd':
+ self.max_logs_age = int(maxmatch.group(1))
+ elif maxmatch.group(2) == 'w':
+ self.max_logs_age = int(maxmatch.group(1)) * 7
+ elif maxmatch.group(2) == 'm':
+ self.max_logs_age = int(maxmatch.group(1)) * 31
+ elif maxmatch.group(2) == 'y':
+ self.max_logs_age = int(maxmatch.group(1)) * 365
+ self.use_aggressive_sql = (getattr(modconf, 'use_aggressive_sql', '0') == '1')
+ # This stack is used to create a full-blown select-statement
+ self.sql_filter_stack = LiveStatusSqlStack()
+ # This stack is used to create a minimal select-statement which
+ # selects only by time >= and time <=
+ self.sql_time_filter_stack = LiveStatusSqlStack()
+ # Now sleep one second, so that won't get lineno collisions with the last second
+ time.sleep(1)
+ Logline.lineno = 0
+ def load(self, app):
+ self.app = app
+ def init(self):
+ self.old_implementation = old_implementation
+ def open(self):
+ print "open LiveStatusLogStoreSqlite ok"
+ self.dbconn = sqlite3.connect(self.database_file)
+ # Get no problem for utf8 insert
+ self.dbconn.text_factory = str
+ self.dbcursor = self.dbconn.cursor()
+ #self.dbconn.row_factory = row_factory
+ #self.execute("PRAGMA cache_size = 200000")
+ # Create db file and tables if not existing
+ self.prepare_log_db_table()
+ # Start with commit and rotate immediately so the interval timers
+ # get initialized properly
+ now = time.time()
+ self.next_log_db_commit = now
+ self.next_log_db_rotate = now
+ # Immediately archive data. This also splits old-style (storing logs
+ # from more than one day) up into many single-day databases
+ if self.max_logs_age > 0:
+ # open() is also called from log_db_do_archive (with max_logs_age
+ # of 0 though)
+ self.log_db_do_archive()
+ def close(self):
+ self.dbconn.commit()
+ self.dbconn.close()
+ self.dbconn = None
+ if self.max_logs_age == 0:
+ # Again, if max_logs_age is 0, we don't care for archives.
+ # If max_logs_age was manually set to 0, we know that we don't
+ # want archives. If it was set by log_db_do_archive(), we don't
+ # want to leave empty directories around.
+ try:
+ os.removedirs(self.archive_path)
+ except:
+ pass
+ def commit(self):
+ self.dbconn.commit()
+ def prepare_log_db_table(self):
+ # 'attempt', 'class', 'command_name', 'comment', 'contact_name', 'host_name', 'lineno', 'message',
+ # 'options', 'plugin_output', 'service_description', 'state', 'state_type', 'time', 'type',
+ cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS logs(logobject INT, attempt INT, class INT, command_name VARCHAR(64), comment VARCHAR(256), contact_name VARCHAR(64), host_name VARCHAR(64), lineno INT, message VARCHAR(512), options VARCHAR(512), plugin_output VARCHAR(256), service_description VARCHAR(64), state INT, state_type VARCHAR(10), time INT, type VARCHAR(64))"
+ self.execute(cmd)
+ cmd = "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS logs_time ON logs (time)"
+ self.execute(cmd)
+ cmd = "PRAGMA journal_mode=truncate"
+ self.execute(cmd)
+ self.commit()
+ def commit_and_rotate_log_db(self):
+ """Submit a commit or rotate the complete database file.
+ This function is called whenever the mainloop doesn't handle a request.
+ The database updates are committed every second.
+ Every day at 00:05 the database contents with a timestamp of past days
+ are moved to their own datafiles (one for each day). We wait until 00:05
+ because in a distributed environment even after 00:00 (on the broker host)
+ we might receive data from other hosts with a timestamp dating from yesterday.
+ """
+ now = time.time()
+ if self.next_log_db_commit <= now:
+ self.commit()
+ print "commit....."
+ self.next_log_db_commit = now + 1
+ if self.next_log_db_rotate <= now:
+ print "at %s we rotate the database file" % time.asctime(time.localtime(now))
+ # Take the current database file
+ # Move the messages into daily files
+ self.log_db_do_archive()
+ today = datetime.date.today()
+ today0005 = datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month, today.day, 0, 5, 0)
+ if now < time.mktime(today0005.timetuple()):
+ nextrotation = today0005
+ else:
+ nextrotation = today0005 + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ # See you tomorrow
+ self.next_log_db_rotate = time.mktime(nextrotation.timetuple())
+ print "next rotation at %s " % time.asctime(time.localtime(self.next_log_db_rotate))
+ def log_db_historic_contents(self):
+ """
+ Find out which time range is covered by the current datafile.
+ Return a list of historic datafiles which can be used to split up
+ the contents of the current datafile.
+ """
+ try:
+ dbresult = self.execute('SELECT MIN(time),MAX(time) FROM logs')
+ mintime = dbresult[0][0]
+ maxtime = dbresult[0][1]
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print "An error occurred:", e.args[0]
+ if mintime is None:
+ mintime = int(time.time())
+ if maxtime is None:
+ maxtime = int(time.time())
+ return self.log_db_relevant_files(mintime, maxtime, True)
+ def log_db_relevant_files(self, mintime, maxtime, preview=False):
+ """
+ Logging data created on different days are stored in separate
+ datafiles. For each day there is one of them.
+ Ths function takes a time range and returns the names of the files
+ where the logging data of the days covered by the time range can
+ be found.
+ If the preview parameter is false, only names of existing files
+ are returned.
+ The result is a list with one element for each day. The elements
+ themselves are lists consisting of the the following items:
+ - A Datetime object
+ - A short string of a day's date in the form db%Y%m%d
+ - The filename of a datafile which contains the loggings of this day.
+ - The unix timestamp of this day's 00:00 (start)
+ - The unix timestamp of the day's 00:00 (end + 1s)
+ Item no.2 can be used as a handle for the ATTACH-statement of sqlite.
+ If the list element describes the current day, item no.2 is "main".
+ """
+ #print time.asctime(time.localtime(mintime))
+ #print time.asctime(time.localtime(maxtime))
+ minday = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mintime)
+ maxday = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(maxtime)
+ minday = datetime.datetime(minday.year, minday.month, minday.day, 0, 0, 0)
+ maxday = datetime.datetime(maxday.year, maxday.month, maxday.day, 0, 0, 0)
+ #print time.asctime(time.localtime(time.mktime(minday.timetuple())))
+ #print time.asctime(time.localtime(time.mktime(maxday.timetuple())))
+ result = []
+ today = datetime.date.today()
+ today = datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month, today.day, 0, 0, 0)
+ if maxday >= today:
+ # Only loop until yesterday
+ maxday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ thisday = minday
+ while thisday <= maxday:
+ nextday = thisday + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ handle = "db" + thisday.strftime("%Y%m%d")
+ archive = os.path.join(self.archive_path, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.database_file))[0] + "-" + thisday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ".db")
+ if os.path.exists(archive) or preview:
+ result.append([thisday, handle, archive, int(time.mktime(thisday.timetuple())), int(time.mktime(nextday.timetuple()))])
+ thisday = nextday
+ if maxtime >= int(time.mktime(today.timetuple())):
+ # Also today's data are relevant, so we add the current database
+ result.append([today, "main", self.database_file, int(time.mktime(today.timetuple())), maxtime])
+ return result
+ def log_db_do_archive(self):
+ """
+ In order to limit the datafile's sizes we flush logs dating from
+ before today/00:00 to their own datafiles.
+ """
+ try:
+ os.stat(self.archive_path)
+ except:
+ os.mkdir(self.archive_path)
+ for day in self.log_db_historic_contents():
+ dayobj, handle, archive, starttime, stoptime = day
+ if handle == "main":
+ # Skip archiving of today's contents
+ continue
+ if not os.path.exists(archive):
+ # Create an empty datafile with the logs table
+ #tmpconn = LiveStatusDb(archive, None, 0)
+ #tmpconn.prepare_log_db_table()
+ #tmpconn.close()
+ dbmodconf = Module({'module_name' : 'LogStore',
+ 'module_type' : 'logstore_sqlite',
+ 'use_aggressive_sql' : '0',
+ 'database_file' : archive,
+ 'max_logs_age' : '0',
+ })
+ tmpconn = LiveStatusLogStoreSqlite(dbmodconf)
+ tmpconn.open()
+ tmpconn.close()
+ self.commit()
+ print "move logs from %s - %s to database %s" % (time.asctime(time.localtime(starttime)), time.asctime(time.localtime(stoptime)), archive)
+ cmd = "ATTACH DATABASE '%s' AS %s" % (archive, handle)
+ self.execute_attach(cmd)
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO %s.logs SELECT * FROM logs WHERE time >= %d AND time < %d" % (handle, starttime, stoptime)
+ self.execute(cmd)
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM logs WHERE time >= %d AND time < %d" % (starttime, stoptime)
+ self.execute(cmd)
+ self.commit()
+ cmd = "DETACH DATABASE %s" % handle
+ self.execute(cmd)
+ # This is necessary to shrink the database file
+ try:
+ self.execute('VACUUM')
+ except sqlite3.DatabaseError, exp:
+ print "WARNING : it seems your database is corrupted. Please recreate it"
+ self.commit()
+ def execute(self, cmd, values=None, row_factory=None):
+ try:
+ if values == None:
+ values = []
+ if sqlite3.paramstyle == 'pyformat':
+ matchcount = 0
+ for m in re.finditer(r"\?", cmd):
+ cmd = re.sub('\\?', '%(' + str(matchcount) + ')s', cmd, 1)
+ matchcount += 1
+ values = dict(zip([str(x) for x in xrange(len(values))], values))
+ if cmd.startswith("SELECT"):
+ already_had_row_factory = hasattr(self.dbconn, "row_factory")
+ if row_factory != None:
+ self.dbcursor.close()
+ if already_had_row_factory:
+ orig_row_factory = self.dbconn.row_factory
+ self.dbconn.row_factory = row_factory
+ # We need to create a new cursor which knows how to row_factory
+ # Simply setting conn.row_factory and using the old cursor
+ # would not work
+ self.dbcursor = self.dbconn.cursor()
+ self.dbcursor.execute(cmd, values)
+ dbresult = self.dbcursor.fetchall()
+ if row_factory != None:
+ if sqlite3.paramstyle == 'pyformat':
+ dbresult = [row_factory(self.dbcursor, d) for d in dbresult]
+ if already_had_row_factory:
+ self.dbconn.row_factory = orig_row_factory
+ else:
+ delattr(self.dbconn, "row_factory")
+ self.dbcursor.close()
+ self.dbcursor = self.dbconn.cursor()
+ return [x for x in dbresult]
+ return dbresult
+ else:
+ self.dbcursor.execute(cmd, values)
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print "execute error", e
+ raise LiveStatusLogStoreError(e)
+ def execute_attach(self, cmd):
+ """
+ Python 2.4 and old sqlite implementations show strange behavior.
+ Attaching fails with the error:
+ cannot ATTACH database within transaction
+ That's why the ATTACH statement must be executed in it's own context.
+ """
+ if self.old_implementation:
+ self.commit()
+ orig_autocommit = self.dbconn.autocommit
+ self.dbconn.autocommit = True
+ cursor = self.dbconn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute(cmd)
+ cursor.close()
+ self.dbconn.autocommit = orig_autocommit
+ self.dbconn.commit()
+ else:
+ self.dbcursor.execute(cmd)
+ def commit(self):
+ self.dbconn.commit()
+ def manage_brok(self, brok):
+ """ Look for a manager function for a brok, and call it """
+ manage = getattr(self, 'manage_' + brok.type + '_brok', None)
+ if manage:
+ return manage(brok)
+ def manage_log_brok(self, b):
+ data = b.data
+ line = data['log']
+ try:
+ logline = Logline(line=line)
+ values = logline.as_tuple()
+ except Exception, exp:
+ print "Unexpected error:", exp
+ try:
+ if logline.logclass != LOGCLASS_INVALID:
+ self.execute('INSERT INTO LOGS VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', values)
+ except LiveStatusLogStoreError, exp:
+ print "An error occurred:", exp.args[0]
+ print "DATABASE ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
+ #FIXME need access to this#self.livestatus.count_event('log_message')
+ def add_filter(self, operator, attribute, reference):
+ print "isql add", operator, attribute, reference
+ if attribute == 'time':
+ #self.sql_time_filter_stack.put_stack(self.make_sql_filter(operator, attribute, reference))
+ pass
+ self.sql_filter_stack.put_stack(self.make_sql_filter(operator, attribute, reference))
+ def add_filter_and(self, andnum):
+ self.sql_filter_stack.and_elements(andnum)
+ def add_filter_or(self, ornum):
+ self.sql_filter_stack.or_elements(ornum)
+ def get_live_data_log(self):
+ """Like get_live_data, but for log objects"""
+ # finalize the filter stacks
+ #self.sql_time_filter_stack.and_elements(self.sql_time_filter_stack.qsize())
+ self.sql_filter_stack.and_elements(self.sql_filter_stack.qsize())
+ self.use_aggressive_sql = True
+ if self.use_aggressive_sql:
+ # Be aggressive, get preselected data from sqlite and do less
+ # filtering in python. But: only a subset of Filter:-attributes
+ # can be mapped to columns in the logs-table, for the others
+ # we must use "always-true"-clauses. This can result in
+ # funny and potentially ineffective sql-statements
+ sql_filter_func = self.sql_filter_stack.get_stack()
+ else:
+ # Be conservative, get everything from the database between
+ # two dates and apply the Filter:-clauses in python
+ sql_filter_func = self.sql_time_filter_stack.get_stack()
+ result = []
+ # We can apply the filterstack here as well. we have columns and filtercolumns.
+ # the only additional step is to enrich log lines with host/service-attributes
+ # A timerange can be useful for a faster preselection of lines
+ x = sql_filter_func
+ print "x is", x
+ filter_clause, filter_values = sql_filter_func()
+ full_filter_clause = filter_clause
+ matchcount = 0
+ for m in re.finditer(r"\?", full_filter_clause):
+ full_filter_clause = re.sub('\\?', str(filter_values[matchcount]), full_filter_clause, 1)
+ matchcount += 1
+ fromtime = 0
+ totime = int(time.time()) + 1
+ gtpat = re.search(r'^(\(*time|(.*\s+time))\s+>\s+(\d+)', full_filter_clause)
+ gepat = re.search(r'^(\(*time|(.*\s+time))\s+>=\s+(\d+)', full_filter_clause)
+ ltpat = re.search(r'^(\(*time|(.*\s+time))\s+<\s+(\d+)', full_filter_clause)
+ lepat = re.search(r'^(\(*time|(.*\s+time))\s+<=\s+(\d+)', full_filter_clause)
+ if gtpat != None:
+ fromtime = int(gtpat.group(3)) + 1
+ if gepat != None:
+ fromtime = int(gepat.group(3))
+ if ltpat != None:
+ totime = int(ltpat.group(3)) - 1
+ if lepat != None:
+ totime = int(lepat.group(3))
+ # now find the list of datafiles
+ dbresult = []
+ for dateobj, handle, archive, fromtime, totime in self.log_db_relevant_files(fromtime, totime):
+ selectresult = self.select_live_data_log(filter_clause, filter_values, handle, archive, fromtime, totime)
+ dbresult.extend(selectresult)
+ return dbresult
+ def select_live_data_log(self, filter_clause, filter_values, handle, archive, fromtime, totime):
+ dbresult = []
+ try:
+ if handle == "main":
+ dbresult = self.execute('SELECT * FROM logs WHERE %s' % filter_clause, filter_values, row_factory)
+ else:
+ self.commit()
+ self.execute_attach("ATTACH DATABASE '%s' AS %s" % (archive, handle))
+ dbresult = self.execute('SELECT * FROM %s.logs WHERE %s' % (handle, filter_clause), filter_values, row_factory)
+ self.execute("DETACH DATABASE %s" % handle)
+ except LiveStatusLogStoreError, e:
+ print "An error occurred:", e.args[0]
+ return dbresult
+ def make_sql_filter(self, operator, attribute, reference):
+ # The filters are text fragments which are put together to form a sql where-condition finally.
+ # Add parameter Class (Host, Service), lookup datatype (default string), convert reference
+ # which attributes are suitable for a sql statement
+ good_attributes = ['time', 'attempt', 'class', 'command_name', 'comment', 'contact_name', 'host_name', 'plugin_output', 'service_description', 'state', 'state_type', 'type']
+ good_operators = ['=', '!=']
+ def eq_filter():
+ if reference == '':
+ return ['%s IS NULL' % attribute, ()]
+ else:
+ return ['%s = ?' % attribute, (reference, )]
+ def ne_filter():
+ if reference == '':
+ return ['%s IS NOT NULL' % attribute, ()]
+ else:
+ return ['%s != ?' % attribute, (reference, )]
+ def gt_filter():
+ return ['%s > ?' % attribute, (reference, )]
+ def ge_filter():
+ return ['%s >= ?' % attribute, (reference, )]
+ def lt_filter():
+ return ['%s < ?' % attribute, (reference, )]
+ def le_filter():
+ return ['%s <= ?' % attribute, (reference, )]
+ def match_filter():
+ return ['%s LIKE ?' % attribute, ('%'+reference+'%', )]
+ def no_filter():
+ return ['1 = 1', ()]
+ if attribute not in good_attributes:
+ return no_filter
+ if operator == '=':
+ return eq_filter
+ if operator == '>':
+ return gt_filter
+ if operator == '>=':
+ return ge_filter
+ if operator == '<':
+ return lt_filter
+ if operator == '<=':
+ return le_filter
+ if operator == '!=':
+ return ne_filter
+ if operator == '~':
+ return match_filter
+class LiveStatusSqlStack(LiveStatusStack):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ self.type = 'sql'
+ self.__class__.__bases__[0].__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+ def not_elements(self):
+ top_filter = self.get_stack()
+ negate_clause = '(NOT ' + top_filter()[0] + ')'
+ negate_values = top_filter()[1]
+ negate_filter = lambda: [negate_clause, negate_values]
+ print "not_element", negate_clause
+ self.put_stack(negate_filter)
+ def and_elements(self, num):
+ """Take num filters from the stack, and them and put the result back"""
+ print "this is sql and_elements", num, self.qsize()
+ if num > 1:
+ filters = []
+ for _ in range(num):
+ filters.append(self.get_stack())
+ print "now i and", [x() for x in filters]
+ # Take from the stack:
+ # Make a combined anded function
+ # Put it on the stack
+ and_clause = '(' + (' AND ').join([x()[0] for x in filters]) + ')'
+ and_values = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [ x()[1] for x in filters ])
+ and_filter = lambda : [and_clause, and_values]
+ # print "and_elements", and_clause, and_values
+ self.put_stack(and_filter)
+ def or_elements(self, num):
+ """Take num filters from the stack, or them and put the result back"""
+ if num > 1:
+ filters = []
+ for _ in range(num):
+ filters.append(self.get_stack())
+ or_clause = '(' + (' OR ').join([ x()[0] for x in filters ]) + ')'
+ or_values = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [ x()[1] for x in filters ])
+ or_filter = lambda : [or_clause, or_values]
+ # print "or_elements", or_clause
+ self.put_stack(or_filter)
+ def get_stack(self):
+ """Return the top element from the stack or a filter which is always true"""
+ if self.qsize() == 0:
+ return lambda : ["1 = ?", [1]]
+ else:
+ return self.get()
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