[Pkg-nagios-changes] [SCM] UNNAMED PROJECT branch, debian/master, updated. 810edbdd3feedbfe37f4a65bee50b57b2f60fa2a

olivierHa olivier.hanesse at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 22:17:57 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian/master branch:
commit 008434737c86393e423e72f294d63728ca843e3a
Author: olivierHa <olivier.hanesse at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Feb 1 14:52:37 2012 +0100

    Enh: Add host/service dependencies and contactgroups

diff --git a/etc/shinken-specific.cfg b/etc/shinken-specific.cfg
index 3ccac09..5a57a1f 100755
--- a/etc/shinken-specific.cfg
+++ b/etc/shinken-specific.cfg
@@ -590,12 +590,11 @@ define module{
-# Hosts and Services configuration can be pulled from a MySQL database
-# All hosts and services read from the database will be added to the others of the
+# Hosts, Services, Contacts and Dependencies configuration can be pulled from a MySQL database
+# All hosts,services,contacts and dependencies read from the database will be added to the others of the
 # standard flat file
-# You can easily use an existing database, you just have to define the queries.
+# You can easily use an existing database, you just have to define the queries to suit your database
 # It can be a useful module to use for HA too :)
-# Warning : only for hosts and services
 define module{
        module_name      MySQLImport
        module_type      mysql_import
@@ -606,6 +605,10 @@ define module{
        reqhosts 	SELECT host_name, alias, realm, address ,template AS 'use' FROM hosts
        reqservices	SELECT host_name, service_description, normal_check_interval, check_command ,template AS 'use' FROM services
        reqcontacts	SELECT contact_name, email, template AS 'use' FROM contacts
+       reqcontactgroups             SELECT contactgroup_name, members FROM contactgroups
+       reqhostdependencies          SELECT host_name, dependent_host_name, notification_failure_criteria FROM hostdependencies
+       reqservicedependencies       SELECT host_name, service_description, dependent_host_name, dependent_service_description, execution_failure_criteria, notification_failure_criteria FROM servicedependencies
 #  Will "tag" hosts by looking at their hostadress, and find the IP
@@ -642,12 +645,13 @@ define arbiter{
 #  List of interesting modules :
 #   CommandFile              : open the named pipe nagios.cmd
-#   Mongodb		    : load hosts from a mongodb database
+#   Mongodb		     : load hosts from a mongodb database
 #   PickleRetentionArbiter   : save data before exiting
 #   NSCA                     : NSCA server
 #   VMWare_auto_linking      : lookup at Vphere server for dependencies
 #   GLPI                     : import hosts from GLPI
 #   TSCA                     : TSCA server
+#   MySQLImport              : load configuration from a MySQL database
 #       Uncomment these lines in a HA architecture so the master
diff --git a/shinken/modules/mysql_import_arbiter.py b/shinken/modules/mysql_import_arbiter.py
index 944ac90..cbf519b 100644
--- a/shinken/modules/mysql_import_arbiter.py
+++ b/shinken/modules/mysql_import_arbiter.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 #along with Shinken.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 #This module imports hosts and services configuration from a MySQL Database
 #Queries for getting hosts and services are pulled from shinken-specific.cfg configuration file.
@@ -39,24 +39,26 @@ def get_instance(plugin):
     login = plugin.login
     password = plugin.password
     database = plugin.database
-    reqhosts = getattr(plugin, 'reqhosts', None)
-    reqservices = getattr(plugin, 'reqservices', None)
-    reqcontacts = getattr(plugin, 'reqcontacts', None)
-    instance = MySQL_importer_arbiter(plugin, host, login, password, database,reqhosts,reqservices, reqcontacts)
+    reqlist = {}
+    reqlist['hosts'] = getattr(plugin, 'reqhosts', None)
+    reqlist['services'] = getattr(plugin, 'reqservices', None)
+    reqlist['contacts'] = getattr(plugin, 'reqcontacts', None)
+    reqlist['contactgroups'] = getattr(plugin, 'reqcontactgroups', None)
+    reqlist['hostdependencies'] = getattr(plugin, 'reqhostdependencies', None)
+    reqlist['servicedependencies'] = getattr(plugin, 'reqservicedependencies', None)
+    instance = MySQL_importer_arbiter(plugin, host, login, password, database, reqlist)
     return instance
 #Retrieve hosts from a MySQL database
 class MySQL_importer_arbiter(BaseModule):
-    def __init__(self, mod_conf, host, login, password, database, reqhosts,reqservices, reqcontacts):
+    def __init__(self, mod_conf, host, login, password, database, reqlist):
         BaseModule.__init__(self, mod_conf)
         self.host  = host
         self.login = login
         self.password = password
         self.database = database
-        self.reqhosts = reqhosts
-        self.reqservices = reqservices
-        self.reqcontacts = reqcontacts
+        self.reqlist = reqlist
     #Called by Arbiter to say 'let's prepare yourself guy'
@@ -71,75 +73,44 @@ class MySQL_importer_arbiter(BaseModule):
             print "MySQL Module : Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
         print "[MySQL Importer Module] : Connection opened"
     #Main function that is called in the CONFIGURATION phase
     def get_objects(self):
         if not hasattr(self, 'conn'):
             print "[MySQL Importer Module] : Problem during init phase"
             return {}
-        r = {'hosts' : []}
-        r['services'] = []
-        r['contacts'] = []
-        result_set = {}
+        #Create variables for result
+        r = {}
         cursor = self.conn.cursor (MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
-        if self.reqhosts:
-            print "[MySQL Importer Module] : getting hosts configuration from database"
-            try:
-                cursor.execute (self.reqhosts)
-                result_set = cursor.fetchall ()
-            except MySQLdb.Error, e:
-                print "MySQL Module : Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
-            for row in result_set:
-                h = {}
-                for column in row:
-                    if row[column]:
-                        h[column]= row[column]
-                r['hosts'].append(h)
-        if self.reqservices:
-            print "[MySQL Importer Module] : getting services configuration from database"
-            try:
-                cursor.execute (self.reqservices)
-                result_set = cursor.fetchall ()
-            except MySQLdb.Error, e:
-                print "MySQL Module : Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
-            for row in result_set:
-                h = {}
-                for column in row:
-                    if row[column]:
-                        h[column]= row[column]
-                r['services'].append(h)
-            cursor.close ()
-            self.conn.close ()
-            del self.conn
-        if self.reqcontacts:
-            print "[MySQL Importer Module] : getting contacts configuration from database"
-            try:
-                cursor.execute (self.reqcontacts)
-                result_set = cursor.fetchall ()
-            except MySQLdb.Error, e:
-                print "MySQL Module : Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
-            for row in result_set:
-                c = {}
-                for column in row:
-                    if row[column]:
-                        c[column]= row[column]
-                r['contacts'].append(c)
-            cursor.close ()
-            self.conn.close ()
-            del self.conn
+        #For all parameters
+        for k,v in self.reqlist.iteritems():
+            r[k] = []
+            if(v != None):
+                result_set = {}
+                print "[MySQL Importer Module] : getting %s configuration from database" % (k)
+                try:
+                    cursor.execute (v)
+                    result_set = cursor.fetchall ()
+                except MySQLdb.Error, e:
+                    print "MySQL Module : Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
+                #Create set whith result
+                for row in result_set:
+                    h = {}
+                    for column in row:
+                        if row[column]:
+                            h[column]= row[column]
+                    r[k].append(h)
+        cursor.close ()
+        self.conn.close ()
+        del self.conn
         print "[MySQL Importer Module] : Returning to Arbiter the object:", r
         return r


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