[Pkg-nagios-changes] [pkg-icinga2] 03/04: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.3'
Markus Frosch
lazyfrosch-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Oct 24 15:50:34 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
lazyfrosch-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pkg-icinga2.
commit 9acaa9644c3eef5512faa563bceb6eab6cbb2e78
Merge: c6dabc3 dac8fa6
Author: Markus Frosch <markus at lazyfrosch.de>
Date: Wed Oct 23 17:40:01 2013 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.3'
Upstream version 0.0.3
.../files/etc/httpd/conf.d/icinga2-doc.conf | 5 +
.../etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf | 13 +
.vagrant-puppet/files/etc/motd | 8 +
.../files/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6 | 29 +
.../files/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-ICINGA | 52 +
.vagrant-puppet/manifests/default.pp | 17 +
.vagrant-puppet/manifests/finalize.sh | 2 +
.vagrant-puppet/modules/apache/manifests/init.pp | 38 +
.vagrant-puppet/modules/cpan/manifests/init.pp | 49 +
.../modules/cpan/templates/MyConfig.pm.erb | 68 +
.vagrant-puppet/modules/epel/manifests/init.pp | 37 +
.vagrant-puppet/modules/epel/manifests/key.pp | 13 +
.../modules/icinga-classicui/manifests/init.pp | 40 +
.../modules/icinga-rpm-snapshot/manifests/init.pp | 39 +
.../modules/icinga-rpm-snapshot/manifests/key.pp | 13 +
.../modules/icinga-web/manifests/init.pp | 48 +
.vagrant-puppet/modules/icinga2/manifests/init.pp | 101 +
.vagrant-puppet/modules/mysql/manifests/init.pp | 37 +
.vagrant-puppet/modules/mysql/templates/my.cnf.erb | 133 +
.../modules/nagios-plugins/manifests/init.pp | 9 +
.vagrant-puppet/modules/pgsql/manifests/init.pp | 43 +
.../modules/pgsql/templates/pg_hba.conf.erb | 89 +
.vagrant-puppet/modules/php/manifests/extension.pp | 34 +
.vagrant-puppet/modules/php/manifests/init.pp | 38 +
.../modules/php/templates/error_reporting.ini.erb | 4 +
.../modules/php/templates/xdebug_settings.ini.erb | 5 +
.vagrant-puppet/modules/wget/manifests/init.pp | 19 +
COPYING | 339 +
COPYING.Exceptions | 13 +
ChangeLog | 32 +
INSTALL | 113 +
Makefile.am | 90 +
Makefile.in | 1157 +
NEWS | 1 +
README | 11 +
Vagrantfile | 101 +
aclocal.m4 | 1208 +
aminclude.am | 186 +
components/Makefile.am | 12 +
components/Makefile.in | 719 +
components/checker/Makefile.am | 36 +
components/checker/Makefile.in | 814 +
components/checker/checker-type.conf | 21 +
components/checker/checkercomponent.cpp | 231 +
components/checker/checkercomponent.h | 108 +
components/cluster/Makefile.am | 40 +
components/cluster/Makefile.in | 835 +
components/cluster/cluster-type.conf | 52 +
components/cluster/clusterlistener.cpp | 1615 ++
components/cluster/clusterlistener.h | 138 +
components/cluster/endpoint.cpp | 236 +
components/cluster/endpoint.h | 103 +
components/cluster/jsonrpc.cpp | 56 +
components/cluster/jsonrpc.h | 46 +
components/compat/Makefile.am | 42 +
components/compat/Makefile.in | 845 +
components/compat/checkresultreader.cpp | 151 +
components/compat/checkresultreader.h | 59 +
components/compat/compat-type.conf | 38 +
components/compat/compatlogger.cpp | 620 +
components/compat/compatlogger.h | 82 +
components/compat/externalcommandlistener.cpp | 161 +
components/compat/externalcommandlistener.h | 61 +
components/compat/statusdatawriter.cpp | 803 +
components/compat/statusdatawriter.h | 110 +
components/db_ido_mysql/Makefile.am | 51 +
components/db_ido_mysql/Makefile.in | 946 +
components/db_ido_mysql/db_ido_mysql-type.conf | 31 +
components/db_ido_mysql/idomysqlconnection.cpp | 570 +
components/db_ido_mysql/idomysqlconnection.h | 94 +
components/db_ido_mysql/schema/Makefile.am | 7 +
components/db_ido_mysql/schema/Makefile.in | 715 +
components/db_ido_mysql/schema/mysql.sql | 1531 ++
components/db_ido_mysql/schema/upgrade/Makefile.am | 3 +
components/db_ido_mysql/schema/upgrade/Makefile.in | 530 +
components/demo/Makefile.am | 36 +
components/demo/Makefile.in | 811 +
components/demo/demo-type.conf | 21 +
components/demo/demo.cpp | 58 +
components/demo/demo.h | 49 +
components/livestatus/Makefile.am | 96 +
components/livestatus/Makefile.in | 1139 +
components/livestatus/aggregator.cpp | 35 +
components/livestatus/aggregator.h | 52 +
components/livestatus/andfilter.cpp | 37 +
components/livestatus/andfilter.h | 45 +
components/livestatus/attributefilter.cpp | 93 +
components/livestatus/attributefilter.h | 50 +
components/livestatus/avgaggregator.cpp | 43 +
components/livestatus/avgaggregator.h | 50 +
components/livestatus/column.cpp | 39 +
components/livestatus/column.h | 48 +
components/livestatus/combinerfilter.cpp | 31 +
components/livestatus/combinerfilter.h | 48 +
components/livestatus/commandstable.cpp | 108 +
components/livestatus/commandstable.h | 54 +
components/livestatus/commentstable.cpp | 170 +
components/livestatus/commentstable.h | 64 +
components/livestatus/contactgroupstable.cpp | 72 +
components/livestatus/contactgroupstable.h | 55 +
components/livestatus/contactstable.cpp | 249 +
components/livestatus/contactstable.h | 67 +
components/livestatus/countaggregator.cpp | 37 +
components/livestatus/countaggregator.h | 48 +
components/livestatus/downtimestable.cpp | 157 +
components/livestatus/downtimestable.h | 66 +
components/livestatus/filter.cpp | 25 +
components/livestatus/filter.h | 44 +
components/livestatus/hostgroupstable.cpp | 379 +
components/livestatus/hostgroupstable.h | 77 +
components/livestatus/hoststable.cpp | 1578 ++
components/livestatus/hoststable.h | 151 +
components/livestatus/invavgaggregator.cpp | 43 +
components/livestatus/invavgaggregator.h | 50 +
components/livestatus/invsumaggregator.cpp | 42 +
components/livestatus/invsumaggregator.h | 49 +
components/livestatus/listener.cpp | 214 +
components/livestatus/listener.h | 69 +
components/livestatus/livestatus-type.conf | 28 +
components/livestatus/logtable.cpp | 156 +
components/livestatus/logtable.h | 67 +
components/livestatus/maxaggregator.cpp | 43 +
components/livestatus/maxaggregator.h | 49 +
components/livestatus/minaggregator.cpp | 43 +
components/livestatus/minaggregator.h | 49 +
components/livestatus/negatefilter.cpp | 32 +
components/livestatus/negatefilter.h | 48 +
components/livestatus/orfilter.cpp | 40 +
components/livestatus/orfilter.h | 45 +
components/livestatus/query.cpp | 476 +
components/livestatus/query.h | 97 +
components/livestatus/servicegroupstable.cpp | 261 +
components/livestatus/servicegroupstable.h | 70 +
components/livestatus/servicestable.cpp | 987 +
components/livestatus/servicestable.h | 129 +
components/livestatus/statustable.cpp | 169 +
components/livestatus/statustable.h | 63 +
components/livestatus/stdaggregator.cpp | 45 +
components/livestatus/stdaggregator.h | 51 +
components/livestatus/sumaggregator.cpp | 42 +
components/livestatus/sumaggregator.h | 49 +
components/livestatus/table.cpp | 147 +
components/livestatus/table.h | 73 +
components/livestatus/timeperiodstable.cpp | 73 +
components/livestatus/timeperiodstable.h | 55 +
components/notification/Makefile.am | 36 +
components/notification/Makefile.in | 815 +
components/notification/notification-type.conf | 21 +
components/notification/notificationcomponent.cpp | 112 +
components/notification/notificationcomponent.h | 50 +
components/perfdata/Makefile.am | 37 +
components/perfdata/Makefile.in | 822 +
components/perfdata/graphitewriter.cpp | 288 +
components/perfdata/graphitewriter.h | 69 +
components/perfdata/perfdata-type.conf | 29 +
components/perfdata/perfdatawriter.cpp | 153 +
components/perfdata/perfdatawriter.h | 71 +
config.h.in | 287 +
configure |25327 ++++++++++++++++++++
configure.ac | 255 +
doc/1-about.md | 42 +
doc/2.0-getting-started.md | 5 +
doc/2.1-setting-up-icinga-2.md | 200 +
doc/2.2-setting-up-icinga-classic-ui.md | 85 +
doc/2.3-setting-up-check-plugins.md | 46 +
doc/2.4-setting-up-ido.md | 89 +
doc/2.5-setting-up-livestatus.md | 28 +
doc/2.6-running-icinga.md | 110 +
doc/3-monitoring-basics.md | 4 +
doc/3.01-hosts-and-services.md | 84 +
doc/3.02-commands.md | 183 +
doc/3.03-macros.md | 162 +
doc/3.04-notifications.md | 299 +
doc/3.05-using-templates.md | 48 +
doc/3.06-groups.md | 84 +
doc/3.07-time-periods.md | 74 +
doc/3.08-external-commands.md | 41 +
doc/3.09-event-handlers.md | 16 +
doc/3.10-logging.md | 37 +
doc/3.11-performance-data.md | 63 +
doc/3.12-status-data.md | 15 +
doc/3.13-compat-logging.md | 44 +
doc/3.14-check-result-files.md | 21 +
doc/4-configuring-icinga.md | 1 +
doc/4.1-configuration-syntax.md | 425 +
doc/4.2-global-variables.md | 19 +
doc/4.3-object-types.md | 759 +
doc/5-icinga-template-library.md | 250 +
doc/6-advanced-topics.md | 312 +
doc/7-migrating-from-icinga-1x.md | 38 +
doc/8-differences-between-icinga-1x-and-2.md | 557 +
doc/9-vagrant-demo-vm.md | 33 +
doc/BLACKLIST | 6 +
doc/Doxyfile.in | 1781 ++
doc/Makefile.am | 65 +
doc/Makefile.in | 880 +
doc/icinga2.8 | 62 +
doc/jquery.min.js | 1 +
doc/jquery.toc.min.js | 8 +
doc/mkdoc.sh | 74 +
doc/strapdownjs/Makefile.am | 10 +
doc/strapdownjs/Makefile.in | 775 +
doc/strapdownjs/strapdown.css | 99 +
doc/strapdownjs/strapdown.js | 442 +
doc/strapdownjs/themes/LICENSE | 174 +
doc/strapdownjs/themes/Makefile.am | 9 +
doc/strapdownjs/themes/Makefile.in | 594 +
.../themes/bootstrap-responsive.min.css | 9 +
doc/strapdownjs/themes/bootstrap.min.css | 9 +
doc/strapdownjs/themes/cerulean.min.css | 854 +
doc/toc-margin.css | 3 +
doc/toc-print.css | 3 +
doc/toc.css | 51 +
etc/Makefile.am | 6 +
etc/Makefile.in | 714 +
etc/icinga/Makefile.am | 9 +
etc/icinga/Makefile.in | 536 +
etc/icinga/README | 2 +
etc/icinga/cgi.cfg | 73 +
etc/icinga/icinga-classic-apache.conf | 41 +
etc/icinga/icinga-classic.htpasswd | 1 +
etc/icinga2/Makefile.am | 37 +
etc/icinga2/Makefile.in | 747 +
etc/icinga2/conf.d/Makefile.am | 29 +
etc/icinga2/conf.d/Makefile.in | 557 +
etc/icinga2/conf.d/generic-host.conf | 51 +
etc/icinga2/conf.d/generic-service.conf | 15 +
etc/icinga2/conf.d/groups.conf | 11 +
etc/icinga2/conf.d/localhost.conf | 66 +
etc/icinga2/conf.d/macros.conf | 7 +
etc/icinga2/conf.d/notifications.conf | 48 +
etc/icinga2/conf.d/timeperiods.conf | 35 +
etc/icinga2/conf.d/users.conf | 40 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/Makefile.am | 32 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/Makefile.in | 560 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/checker.conf | 7 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/command.conf | 9 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/compatlog.conf | 9 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/debuglog.conf | 9 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/graphite.conf | 11 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf | 13 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/livestatus.conf | 8 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/notification.conf | 7 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/perfdata.conf | 8 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/statusdata.conf | 10 +
etc/icinga2/features-available/syslog.conf | 8 +
etc/icinga2/icinga2.conf | 26 +
etc/init.d/Makefile.am | 8 +
etc/init.d/Makefile.in | 608 +
etc/init.d/icinga2.in | 168 +
git_version.sh | 358 +
icinga-app/Makefile.am | 45 +
icinga-app/Makefile.in | 789 +
icinga-app/icinga.cpp | 386 +
icinga-version.h | 77 +
icinga2.spec | 308 +
icinga2.spec.in | 308 +
itl/Makefile.am | 9 +
itl/Makefile.in | 593 +
itl/command-common.conf | 231 +
itl/command.conf | 36 +
itl/constants.conf | 64 +
itl/itl.conf | 28 +
itl/timeperiod.conf | 24 +
lib/Makefile.am | 9 +
lib/Makefile.in | 716 +
lib/base/Makefile.am | 128 +
lib/base/Makefile.in | 1261 +
lib/base/application.cpp | 720 +
lib/base/application.h | 134 +
lib/base/array.cpp | 194 +
lib/base/array.h | 95 +
lib/base/bufferedstream.cpp | 224 +
lib/base/bufferedstream.h | 85 +
lib/base/consolelogger.cpp | 36 +
lib/base/consolelogger.h | 44 +
lib/base/convert.cpp | 43 +
lib/base/convert.h | 48 +
lib/base/debug.h | 51 +
lib/base/dictionary.cpp | 266 +
lib/base/dictionary.h | 97 +
lib/base/dynamicobject.cpp | 390 +
lib/base/dynamicobject.h | 156 +
lib/base/dynamictype.cpp | 150 +
lib/base/dynamictype.h | 136 +
lib/base/exception.cpp | 71 +
lib/base/exception.h | 99 +
lib/base/fifo.cpp | 122 +
lib/base/fifo.h | 63 +
lib/base/filelogger.cpp | 66 +
lib/base/filelogger.h | 51 +
lib/base/i2-base.h | 92 +
lib/base/initialize.h | 42 +
lib/base/logger.cpp | 169 +
lib/base/logger.h | 87 +
lib/base/logger_fwd.h | 47 +
lib/base/netstring.cpp | 130 +
lib/base/netstring.h | 48 +
lib/base/networkstream.cpp | 96 +
lib/base/networkstream.h | 56 +
lib/base/object.cpp | 71 +
lib/base/object.h | 180 +
lib/base/objectlock.cpp | 76 +
lib/base/objectlock.h | 48 +
lib/base/process-unix.cpp | 223 +
lib/base/process-windows.cpp | 34 +
lib/base/process.cpp | 66 +
lib/base/process.h | 83 +
lib/base/qstring.cpp | 317 +
lib/base/qstring.h | 192 +
lib/base/registry.h | 133 +
lib/base/ringbuffer.cpp | 81 +
lib/base/ringbuffer.h | 55 +
lib/base/script.cpp | 80 +
lib/base/script.h | 61 +
lib/base/scriptfunction.cpp | 39 +
lib/base/scriptfunction.h | 77 +
lib/base/scriptfunctionwrapper.cpp | 39 +
lib/base/scriptfunctionwrapper.h | 274 +
lib/base/scriptinterpreter.cpp | 55 +
lib/base/scriptinterpreter.h | 57 +
lib/base/scriptlanguage.cpp | 65 +
lib/base/scriptlanguage.h | 77 +
lib/base/scriptvariable.cpp | 39 +
lib/base/scriptvariable.h | 47 +
lib/base/singleton.h | 59 +
lib/base/socket.cpp | 286 +
lib/base/socket.h | 75 +
lib/base/stacktrace.cpp | 182 +
lib/base/stacktrace.h | 58 +
lib/base/stdiostream.cpp | 68 +
lib/base/stdiostream.h | 51 +
lib/base/stream.cpp | 77 +
lib/base/stream.h | 89 +
lib/base/stream_bio.cpp | 137 +
lib/base/stream_bio.h | 35 +
lib/base/streamlogger.cpp | 136 +
lib/base/streamlogger.h | 65 +
lib/base/sysloglogger.cpp | 54 +
lib/base/sysloglogger.h | 47 +
lib/base/tcpsocket.cpp | 202 +
lib/base/tcpsocket.h | 47 +
lib/base/threadpool.cpp | 391 +
lib/base/threadpool.h | 113 +
lib/base/timer.cpp | 309 +
lib/base/timer.h | 73 +
lib/base/tlsstream.cpp | 222 +
lib/base/tlsstream.h | 78 +
lib/base/tlsutility.cpp | 191 +
lib/base/tlsutility.h | 62 +
lib/base/unix.h | 52 +
lib/base/unixsocket.cpp | 70 +
lib/base/unixsocket.h | 45 +
lib/base/utility.cpp | 600 +
lib/base/utility.h | 112 +
lib/base/value.cpp | 266 +
lib/base/value.h | 125 +
lib/base/win32.h | 49 +
lib/base/workqueue.cpp | 108 +
lib/base/workqueue.h | 66 +
lib/base/zlibstream.cpp | 82 +
lib/base/zlibstream.h | 55 +
lib/config/Makefile.am | 69 +
lib/config/Makefile.in | 998 +
lib/config/aexpression.cpp | 69 +
lib/config/aexpression.h | 67 +
lib/config/avalue.cpp | 52 +
lib/config/avalue.h | 63 +
lib/config/base-type.conf | 63 +
lib/config/config_lexer.cc | 2597 ++
lib/config/config_lexer.ll | 249 +
lib/config/config_parser.cc | 2645 ++
lib/config/config_parser.h | 219 +
lib/config/config_parser.hh | 219 +
lib/config/config_parser.yy | 626 +
lib/config/configcompiler.cpp | 218 +
lib/config/configcompiler.h | 103 +
lib/config/configcompilercontext.cpp | 56 +
lib/config/configcompilercontext.h | 60 +
lib/config/configitem.cpp | 326 +
lib/config/configitem.h | 99 +
lib/config/configitembuilder.cpp | 119 +
lib/config/configitembuilder.h | 71 +
lib/config/configtype.cpp | 301 +
lib/config/configtype.h | 79 +
lib/config/debuginfo.h | 81 +
lib/config/expression.cpp | 210 +
lib/config/expression.h | 80 +
lib/config/expressionlist.cpp | 84 +
lib/config/expressionlist.h | 60 +
lib/config/i2-config.h | 39 +
lib/config/typerule.cpp | 93 +
lib/config/typerule.h | 73 +
lib/config/typerulelist.cpp | 139 +
lib/config/typerulelist.h | 74 +
lib/db_ido/Makefile.am | 60 +
lib/db_ido/Makefile.in | 948 +
lib/db_ido/commanddbobject.cpp | 55 +
lib/db_ido/commanddbobject.h | 47 +
lib/db_ido/db_ido-type.conf | 40 +
lib/db_ido/dbconnection.cpp | 485 +
lib/db_ido/dbconnection.h | 115 +
lib/db_ido/dbobject.cpp | 194 +
lib/db_ido/dbobject.h | 109 +
lib/db_ido/dbquery.cpp | 22 +
lib/db_ido/dbquery.h | 54 +
lib/db_ido/dbreference.cpp | 40 +
lib/db_ido/dbreference.h | 45 +
lib/db_ido/dbtype.cpp | 113 +
lib/db_ido/dbtype.h | 112 +
lib/db_ido/dbvalue.cpp | 95 +
lib/db_ido/dbvalue.h | 70 +
lib/db_ido/hostdbobject.cpp | 321 +
lib/db_ido/hostdbobject.h | 51 +
lib/db_ido/hostgroupdbobject.cpp | 72 +
lib/db_ido/hostgroupdbobject.h | 54 +
lib/db_ido/servicedbobject.cpp | 1468 ++
lib/db_ido/servicedbobject.h | 120 +
lib/db_ido/servicegroupdbobject.cpp | 71 +
lib/db_ido/servicegroupdbobject.h | 51 +
lib/db_ido/timeperioddbobject.cpp | 121 +
lib/db_ido/timeperioddbobject.h | 48 +
lib/db_ido/userdbobject.cpp | 123 +
lib/db_ido/userdbobject.h | 51 +
lib/db_ido/usergroupdbobject.cpp | 73 +
lib/db_ido/usergroupdbobject.h | 51 +
lib/icinga/Makefile.am | 91 +
lib/icinga/Makefile.in | 1132 +
lib/icinga/api.cpp | 33 +
lib/icinga/api.h | 46 +
lib/icinga/checkcommand.cpp | 32 +
lib/icinga/checkcommand.h | 45 +
lib/icinga/cib.cpp | 45 +
lib/icinga/cib.h | 54 +
lib/icinga/command.cpp | 89 +
lib/icinga/command.h | 67 +
lib/icinga/compatutility.cpp | 949 +
lib/icinga/compatutility.h | 76 +
lib/icinga/domain.cpp | 53 +
lib/icinga/domain.h | 54 +
lib/icinga/eventcommand.cpp | 32 +
lib/icinga/eventcommand.h | 45 +
lib/icinga/externalcommandprocessor.cpp | 2037 ++
lib/icinga/externalcommandprocessor.h | 148 +
lib/icinga/host.cpp | 692 +
lib/icinga/host.h | 152 +
lib/icinga/hostgroup.cpp | 70 +
lib/icinga/hostgroup.h | 58 +
lib/icinga/i2-icinga.h | 38 +
lib/icinga/icinga-type.conf | 233 +
lib/icinga/icingaapplication.cpp | 251 +
lib/icinga/icingaapplication.h | 94 +
lib/icinga/legacytimeperiod.cpp | 435 +
lib/icinga/legacytimeperiod.h | 57 +
lib/icinga/macroprocessor.cpp | 120 +
lib/icinga/macroprocessor.h | 58 +
lib/icinga/macroresolver.cpp | 42 +
lib/icinga/macroresolver.h | 60 +
lib/icinga/notification.cpp | 428 +
lib/icinga/notification.h | 123 +
lib/icinga/notificationcommand.cpp | 39 +
lib/icinga/notificationcommand.h | 49 +
lib/icinga/nullchecktask.cpp | 52 +
lib/icinga/nullchecktask.h | 46 +
lib/icinga/nulleventtask.cpp | 30 +
lib/icinga/nulleventtask.h | 46 +
lib/icinga/pluginchecktask.cpp | 132 +
lib/icinga/pluginchecktask.h | 48 +
lib/icinga/plugineventtask.cpp | 71 +
lib/icinga/plugineventtask.h | 45 +
lib/icinga/pluginnotificationtask.cpp | 95 +
lib/icinga/pluginnotificationtask.h | 47 +
lib/icinga/service-check.cpp | 855 +
lib/icinga/service-comment.cpp | 283 +
lib/icinga/service-downtime.cpp | 395 +
lib/icinga/service-event.cpp | 63 +
lib/icinga/service-flapping.cpp | 118 +
lib/icinga/service-notification.cpp | 199 +
lib/icinga/service.cpp | 614 +
lib/icinga/service.h | 472 +
lib/icinga/servicegroup.cpp | 71 +
lib/icinga/servicegroup.h | 58 +
lib/icinga/timeperiod.cpp | 361 +
lib/icinga/timeperiod.h | 77 +
lib/icinga/user.cpp | 192 +
lib/icinga/user.h | 80 +
lib/icinga/usergroup.cpp | 70 +
lib/icinga/usergroup.h | 58 +
lib/python/Makefile.am | 32 +
lib/python/Makefile.in | 809 +
lib/python/pythoninterpreter.cpp | 132 +
lib/python/pythoninterpreter.h | 56 +
lib/python/pythonlanguage.cpp | 440 +
lib/python/pythonlanguage.h | 76 +
m4/argz.m4 | 79 +
m4/as-ac-expand.m4 | 43 +
m4/ax_boost_base.m4 | 286 +
m4/ax_boost_program_options.m4 | 111 +
m4/ax_boost_signals.m4 | 115 +
m4/ax_boost_system.m4 | 121 +
m4/ax_boost_thread.m4 | 150 +
m4/ax_boost_unit_test_framework.m4 | 112 +
m4/ax_check_openssl.m4 | 124 +
m4/ax_cxx_gcc_abi_demangle.m4 | 58 +
m4/ax_icinga_user_group.m4 | 36 +
m4/ax_lib_mysql.m4 | 150 +
m4/ax_prog_doxygen.m4 | 532 +
m4/ax_python_devel.m4 | 323 +
m4/ax_python_embed.m4 | 515 +
m4/ax_set_version_info.m4 | 178 +
m4/compile | 347 +
m4/config.guess | 1558 ++
m4/config.sub | 1791 ++
m4/depcomp | 791 +
m4/install-sh | 527 +
m4/libtool.m4 | 7991 ++++++
m4/ltdl.m4 | 817 +
m4/ltmain.sh | 9661 ++++++++
m4/ltoptions.m4 | 384 +
m4/ltsugar.m4 | 123 +
m4/ltversion.m4 | 23 +
m4/lt~obsolete.m4 | 98 +
m4/missing | 215 +
m4/test-driver | 127 +
m4/ylwrap | 247 +
pki/Makefile.am | 15 +
pki/Makefile.in | 643 +
pki/icinga2-build-ca.in | 20 +
pki/icinga2-build-key.in | 27 +
pki/openssl.cnf | 270 +
pki/pkifuncs | 12 +
test/Makefile.am | 33 +
test/Makefile.in | 1286 +
test/base-array.cpp | 126 +
test/base-convert.cpp | 62 +
test/base-dictionary.cpp | 180 +
test/base-fifo.cpp | 62 +
test/base-match.cpp | 44 +
test/base-netstring.cpp | 42 +
test/base-object.cpp | 67 +
test/base-shellescape.cpp | 51 +
test/base-stacktrace.cpp | 35 +
test/base-string.cpp | 111 +
test/base-timer.cpp | 93 +
test/base-value.cpp | 69 +
test/test.cpp | 26 +
third-party/Makefile.am | 7 +
third-party/Makefile.in | 715 +
third-party/cJSON/Makefile.am | 9 +
third-party/cJSON/Makefile.in | 686 +
third-party/cJSON/cJSON.c | 513 +
third-party/cJSON/cJSON.h | 127 +
third-party/execvpe/Makefile.am | 9 +
third-party/execvpe/Makefile.in | 686 +
third-party/execvpe/execvpe.c | 209 +
third-party/execvpe/execvpe.h | 37 +
third-party/ltdl/COPYING.LIB | 515 +
third-party/ltdl/Makefile.am | 164 +
third-party/ltdl/Makefile.in | 1207 +
third-party/ltdl/README | 20 +
third-party/ltdl/aclocal.m4 | 2052 ++
third-party/ltdl/argz.c | 226 +
third-party/ltdl/argz_.h | 68 +
third-party/ltdl/config-h.in | 178 +
third-party/ltdl/config/compile | 347 +
third-party/ltdl/config/config.guess | 1558 ++
third-party/ltdl/config/config.sub | 1791 ++
third-party/ltdl/config/depcomp | 791 +
third-party/ltdl/config/install-sh | 527 +
third-party/ltdl/config/ltmain.sh | 9661 ++++++++
third-party/ltdl/config/missing | 215 +
third-party/ltdl/configure |15070 ++++++++++++
third-party/ltdl/configure.ac | 75 +
third-party/ltdl/libltdl/lt__alloc.h | 58 +
third-party/ltdl/libltdl/lt__dirent.h | 87 +
third-party/ltdl/libltdl/lt__glibc.h | 83 +
third-party/ltdl/libltdl/lt__private.h | 149 +
third-party/ltdl/libltdl/lt__strl.h | 53 +
third-party/ltdl/libltdl/lt_dlloader.h | 90 +
third-party/ltdl/libltdl/lt_error.h | 85 +
third-party/ltdl/libltdl/lt_system.h | 166 +
third-party/ltdl/libltdl/slist.h | 96 +
third-party/ltdl/loaders/dld_link.c | 158 +
third-party/ltdl/loaders/dlopen.c | 235 +
third-party/ltdl/loaders/dyld.c | 511 +
third-party/ltdl/loaders/load_add_on.c | 167 +
third-party/ltdl/loaders/loadlibrary.c | 369 +
third-party/ltdl/loaders/preopen.c | 375 +
third-party/ltdl/loaders/shl_load.c | 222 +
third-party/ltdl/lt__alloc.c | 95 +
third-party/ltdl/lt__dirent.c | 107 +
third-party/ltdl/lt__strl.c | 127 +
third-party/ltdl/lt_dlloader.c | 210 +
third-party/ltdl/lt_error.c | 110 +
third-party/ltdl/ltdl.c | 2464 ++
third-party/ltdl/ltdl.h | 163 +
third-party/ltdl/m4/libtool.m4 | 7991 ++++++
third-party/ltdl/m4/ltoptions.m4 | 384 +
third-party/ltdl/m4/ltsugar.m4 | 123 +
third-party/ltdl/m4/ltversion.m4 | 23 +
third-party/ltdl/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 | 98 +
third-party/ltdl/slist.c | 379 +
third-party/mmatch/Makefile.am | 9 +
third-party/mmatch/Makefile.in | 686 +
third-party/mmatch/mmatch.c | 309 +
third-party/mmatch/mmatch.h | 16 +
tools/Makefile.am | 11 +
tools/Makefile.in | 794 +
tools/icinga2-enable-feature.in | 67 +
tools/migration/Makefile.am | 6 +
tools/migration/Makefile.in | 600 +
tools/migration/README | 93 +
tools/migration/icinga2-migrate-config | 4669 ++++
tools/mkembedconfig/Makefile.am | 7 +
tools/mkembedconfig/Makefile.in | 682 +
tools/mkembedconfig/mkembedconfig.c | 85 +
617 files changed, 207760 insertions(+)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-nagios/pkg-icinga2.git
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