[Pkg-nagios-changes] [pkg-nrpe] branch master updated (9ee039d -> 88dbaf3)

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at debian.org
Sun Dec 4 17:53:42 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastic pushed a change to branch master
in repository pkg-nrpe.

      from  9ee039d   Sync uploaders with reality.
       new  10c760a   Add Vcs-* fields to control file.
       new  77bdfbd   Change nagios-plugins dependencies to monitoring-plugins.
       new  874bc25   Switch from dpatch to source format 3.0 (quilt).
       new  5ad3f35   Drop obsolete patch: 04_weird_output.dpatch.
       new  1423e6d   Restructure control file with cme.
       new  4df5ecc   Reorder (build) dependencies.
       new  7e7aec7   Add Homepage field to control file.
       new  9cddc11   Use dh_auto_configure to enable default hardening flags.
       new  a7ed408   Fix copyright-refers-to-symlink-license.
       new  e18ae00   Update copyright file using copyright-format 1.0.
       new  e7688c8   Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
       new  e7f793f   Make the build reproducible. (closes: #834857)
       new  e7df759   Update build dependency to use openssl 1.0.
       new  6f598b9   Enable all hardening buildflags. (closes: #728218)
       new  3d503ca   Enable parallel builds.
       new  3cac676   Suggest xinetd | inetd. (closes: #662247)
       new  ae527a6   Include PDF & ODT documentation in docs. (closes: #662249)
       new  fcaf95f   Close bugs in changelog.
       new  8cb4080   Update watch file to handle common issues.
       new  0f9157d   Add upstream metadata.
       new  ddd1dfe   Imported Upstream version 3.0
       new  5b09d05   Imported Upstream version 3.0.1
       new  04aa748   Merge tag 'upstream/3.0.1'
       new  2b08333   New upstream release.
       new  0ce316a   Add Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors to copyright holders.
       new  2e53648   Merge nrpe.cfg patches into single patch. (closes: #660583)
       new  e4e0a08   Use configure option to set custom PID directory instead of patch.
       new  7027879   Drop 09_noremove_pid.patch, fixed upstream. Refresh remaining patches.
       new  a4b095e   Add patch to use pre-generated dh.h for reproducible builds.
       new  2b501e7   Override dh_auto_build to build all targets.
       new  c9d195c   Use dh-autoreconf instead of autotools-dev.
       new  e99b087   Reorder configure options.
       new  bad0638   Merge docs into nagios-nrpe-server.docs.
       new  b115dd3   Update SECURITY filename in README.Debian.
       new  d19e996   Align paths in install files and maintainer scripts.
       new  265b149   Use exit status 0 in init script when inetd is configured. (closes: #775924)
       new  3f3d8bb   Include README.SSL.md in docs.
       new  7f5673e   Close bug in changelog.
       new  2f9dd95   Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8, changes: Vcs-* fields, copyright-format 1.0.
       new  ff9e952   Add myself to Uploaders.
       new  88dbaf3   Set distribution to experimental.

The 41 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .gitignore                                         |    41 +
 Changelog                                          |    76 +
 Makefile.in                                        |   194 +-
 README                                             |   234 -
 README.SSL                                         |    34 -
 README.SSL.md                                      |   283 +
 README.Solaris                                     |    18 -
 README.md                                          |   206 +
 SECURITY => SECURITY.md                            |    78 +-
 THANKS                                             |    43 +
 aclocal.m4                                         |     7 +
 config.guess => build-aux/config.guess             |   832 +-
 config.sub => build-aux/config.sub                 |   423 +-
 build-aux/custom_help.m4                           |   131 +
 build-aux/install-sh                               |   501 +
 configure                                          | 13131 ++++++++++---------
 configure.ac                                       |   391 +
 configure.in                                       |   481 -
 debian/README.Debian                               |     2 +-
 debian/README.source                               |     3 -
 debian/changelog                                   |    57 +
 debian/control                                     |    25 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |   101 +-
 debian/docs                                        |     3 -
 debian/gbp.conf                                    |    16 +
 debian/nagios-nrpe-plugin.install                  |     2 +-
 debian/nagios-nrpe-server.doc-base                 |     6 +
 debian/nagios-nrpe-server.docs                     |     5 +
 debian/nagios-nrpe-server.init                     |     2 +-
 debian/nagios-nrpe-server.install                  |     4 +-
 debian/nagios-nrpe-server.preinst                  |     2 +-
 debian/patches/00list                              |     6 -
 debian/patches/02_nrpe.cfg_local-include.dpatch    |    19 -
 .../02_nrpe.cfg_local-include_support_nrpe.d.patch |    22 +
 debian/patches/03_support_nrpe.d.dpatch            |    21 -
 debian/patches/04_weird_output.dpatch              |    20 -
 debian/patches/05_pid_privileges.dpatch            |    27 -
 debian/patches/06_pid_directory.dpatch             |    19 -
 debian/patches/07_warn_ssloption.dpatch            |    30 -
 debian/patches/07_warn_ssloption.patch             |    27 +
 debian/patches/09_noremove_pid.dpatch              |    34 -
 debian/patches/10_reproducible_build.patch         |    22 +
 debian/patches/11_reproducible_dh.h.patch          |    60 +
 debian/patches/series                              |     4 +
 debian/rules                                       |    30 +-
 debian/source/format                               |     1 +
 debian/upstream/metadata                           |     6 +
 debian/watch                                       |     6 +-
 docs/NRPE.odt                                      |   Bin 104985 -> 137452 bytes
 docs/NRPE.pdf                                      |   Bin 212023 -> 211290 bytes
 include/common.h                                   |    92 -
 include/common.h.in                                |    96 +
 include/config.h.in                                |    32 +-
 include/dh.h                                       |    25 -
 include/nrpe.h                                     |    60 +-
 include/utils.h                                    |    42 +-
 init-script.debian.in                              |    34 -
 init-script.in                                     |    62 -
 init-script.suse.in                                |    84 -
 install-sh                                         |   250 -
 macros/.gitignore                                  |     1 +
 macros/LICENSE                                     |   339 +
 macros/README.md                                   |   167 +
 macros/add_group_user                              |   140 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_distrib                       |   158 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_files                         |   131 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_inetd                         |   145 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_init                          |   195 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_os                            |   101 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_paths                         |   725 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_ssl                           |   302 +
 nrpe.spec                                          |   252 -
 nrpe.spec.in                                       |    81 +-
 package/solaris/Makefile.in                        |    81 -
 package/solaris/pkg/i.config                       |    58 -
 package/solaris/pkg/nrpe                           |    32 -
 package/solaris/pkg/nrpe.xml                       |   131 -
 package/solaris/pkg/postinstall                    |     5 -
 package/solaris/pkg/preinstall                     |    35 -
 package/solaris/pkg/r.config                       |    33 -
 paths.in                                           |    85 +
 sample-config/nrpe.cfg.in                          |   148 +-
 sample-config/nrpe.xinetd.in                       |    16 -
 src/Makefile.in                                    |    51 +-
 src/acl.c                                          |   103 +-
 src/check_nrpe.c                                   |  1690 ++-
 src/nrpe.c                                         |  3542 ++---
 src/snprintf.c                                     |     2 +-
 src/utils.c                                        |   451 +-
 startup/bsd-init.in                                |    90 +
 startup/debian-init.in                             |    47 +
 startup/default-inetd.in                           |     5 +
 startup/default-init.in                            |   157 +
 startup/default-service.in                         |    23 +
 startup/default-socket-svc.in                      |    16 +
 startup/default-socket.in                          |    12 +
 startup/default-xinetd.in                          |    15 +
 startup/mac-inetd.plist.in                         |    40 +
 startup/mac-init.plist.in                          |    32 +
 startup/newbsd-init.in                             |    35 +
 startup/openbsd-init.in                            |    18 +
 startup/openrc-conf.in                             |     7 +
 startup/openrc-init.in                             |    49 +
 startup/rh-upstart-init.in                         |    17 +
 startup/solaris-inetd.xml.in                       |    90 +
 startup/solaris-init.xml.in                        |   143 +
 startup/tmpfile.conf.in                            |     2 +
 startup/upstart-init.in                            |    19 +
 subst.in                                           |    61 -
 uninstall.in                                       |   417 +
 update-cfg.pl                                      |   144 +
 update-version                                     |    16 +-
 112 files changed, 17913 insertions(+), 11205 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .gitignore
 delete mode 100644 README
 delete mode 100644 README.SSL
 create mode 100644 README.SSL.md
 delete mode 100644 README.Solaris
 create mode 100644 README.md
 rename SECURITY => SECURITY.md (57%)
 create mode 100644 THANKS
 create mode 100755 aclocal.m4
 rename config.guess => build-aux/config.guess (69%)
 rename config.sub => build-aux/config.sub (78%)
 create mode 100755 build-aux/custom_help.m4
 create mode 100755 build-aux/install-sh
 create mode 100644 configure.ac
 delete mode 100644 configure.in
 delete mode 100644 debian/README.source
 delete mode 100644 debian/docs
 create mode 100644 debian/gbp.conf
 create mode 100644 debian/nagios-nrpe-server.doc-base
 create mode 100644 debian/nagios-nrpe-server.docs
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/00list
 delete mode 100755 debian/patches/02_nrpe.cfg_local-include.dpatch
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/02_nrpe.cfg_local-include_support_nrpe.d.patch
 delete mode 100755 debian/patches/03_support_nrpe.d.dpatch
 delete mode 100755 debian/patches/04_weird_output.dpatch
 delete mode 100755 debian/patches/05_pid_privileges.dpatch
 delete mode 100755 debian/patches/06_pid_directory.dpatch
 delete mode 100755 debian/patches/07_warn_ssloption.dpatch
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/07_warn_ssloption.patch
 delete mode 100755 debian/patches/09_noremove_pid.dpatch
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/10_reproducible_build.patch
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/11_reproducible_dh.h.patch
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/series
 create mode 100644 debian/source/format
 create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
 delete mode 100644 include/common.h
 create mode 100644 include/common.h.in
 delete mode 100644 include/dh.h
 delete mode 100644 init-script.debian.in
 delete mode 100644 init-script.in
 delete mode 100644 init-script.suse.in
 delete mode 100755 install-sh
 create mode 100644 macros/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 macros/LICENSE
 create mode 100644 macros/README.md
 create mode 100755 macros/add_group_user
 create mode 100644 macros/ax_nagios_get_distrib
 create mode 100644 macros/ax_nagios_get_files
 create mode 100644 macros/ax_nagios_get_inetd
 create mode 100644 macros/ax_nagios_get_init
 create mode 100644 macros/ax_nagios_get_os
 create mode 100644 macros/ax_nagios_get_paths
 create mode 100644 macros/ax_nagios_get_ssl
 delete mode 100644 nrpe.spec
 delete mode 100644 package/solaris/Makefile.in
 delete mode 100644 package/solaris/pkg/i.config
 delete mode 100644 package/solaris/pkg/nrpe
 delete mode 100644 package/solaris/pkg/nrpe.xml
 delete mode 100644 package/solaris/pkg/postinstall
 delete mode 100644 package/solaris/pkg/preinstall
 delete mode 100644 package/solaris/pkg/r.config
 create mode 100755 paths.in
 delete mode 100644 sample-config/nrpe.xinetd.in
 create mode 100644 startup/bsd-init.in
 create mode 100644 startup/debian-init.in
 create mode 100644 startup/default-inetd.in
 create mode 100644 startup/default-init.in
 create mode 100644 startup/default-service.in
 create mode 100644 startup/default-socket-svc.in
 create mode 100644 startup/default-socket.in
 create mode 100644 startup/default-xinetd.in
 create mode 100644 startup/mac-inetd.plist.in
 create mode 100644 startup/mac-init.plist.in
 create mode 100644 startup/newbsd-init.in
 create mode 100644 startup/openbsd-init.in
 create mode 100644 startup/openrc-conf.in
 create mode 100644 startup/openrc-init.in
 create mode 100644 startup/rh-upstart-init.in
 create mode 100644 startup/solaris-inetd.xml.in
 create mode 100644 startup/solaris-init.xml.in
 create mode 100644 startup/tmpfile.conf.in
 create mode 100644 startup/upstart-init.in
 delete mode 100755 subst.in
 create mode 100755 uninstall.in
 create mode 100755 update-cfg.pl

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-nagios/pkg-nrpe.git

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