[Pkg-nagios-changes] [pkg-nrpe] 23/41: Merge tag 'upstream/3.0.1'

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at debian.org
Sun Dec 4 17:53:46 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pkg-nrpe.

commit 04aa748c17457f212e4d7b0d47cfce7383554117
Merge: 0f9157d 5b09d05
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date:   Sun Dec 4 15:37:02 2016 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/3.0.1'
    Upstream version 3.0.1

 .gitignore                             |    41 +
 Changelog                              |    76 +
 Makefile.in                            |   194 +-
 README                                 |   234 -
 README.SSL                             |    34 -
 README.SSL.md                          |   283 +
 README.Solaris                         |    18 -
 README.md                              |   206 +
 SECURITY => SECURITY.md                |    78 +-
 THANKS                                 |    43 +
 aclocal.m4                             |     7 +
 config.guess => build-aux/config.guess |   832 +-
 config.sub => build-aux/config.sub     |   423 +-
 build-aux/custom_help.m4               |   131 +
 build-aux/install-sh                   |   501 ++
 configure                              | 13131 +++++++++++++++++--------------
 configure.ac                           |   391 +
 configure.in                           |   481 --
 docs/NRPE.odt                          |   Bin 104985 -> 137452 bytes
 docs/NRPE.pdf                          |   Bin 212023 -> 211290 bytes
 include/common.h                       |    92 -
 include/common.h.in                    |    96 +
 include/config.h.in                    |    32 +-
 include/dh.h                           |    25 -
 include/nrpe.h                         |    60 +-
 include/utils.h                        |    42 +-
 init-script.debian.in                  |    34 -
 init-script.in                         |    62 -
 init-script.suse.in                    |    84 -
 install-sh                             |   250 -
 macros/.gitignore                      |     1 +
 macros/LICENSE                         |   339 +
 macros/README.md                       |   167 +
 macros/add_group_user                  |   140 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_distrib           |   158 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_files             |   131 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_inetd             |   145 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_init              |   195 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_os                |   101 +
 macros/ax_nagios_get_paths             |   725 ++
 macros/ax_nagios_get_ssl               |   302 +
 nrpe.spec                              |   252 -
 nrpe.spec.in                           |    81 +-
 package/solaris/Makefile.in            |    81 -
 package/solaris/pkg/i.config           |    58 -
 package/solaris/pkg/nrpe               |    32 -
 package/solaris/pkg/nrpe.xml           |   131 -
 package/solaris/pkg/postinstall        |     5 -
 package/solaris/pkg/preinstall         |    35 -
 package/solaris/pkg/r.config           |    33 -
 paths.in                               |    85 +
 sample-config/nrpe.cfg.in              |   148 +-
 sample-config/nrpe.xinetd.in           |    16 -
 src/Makefile.in                        |    51 +-
 src/acl.c                              |   103 +-
 src/check_nrpe.c                       |  1690 +++-
 src/nrpe.c                             |  3542 +++++----
 src/snprintf.c                         |     2 +-
 src/utils.c                            |   451 +-
 startup/bsd-init.in                    |    90 +
 startup/debian-init.in                 |    47 +
 startup/default-inetd.in               |     5 +
 startup/default-init.in                |   157 +
 startup/default-service.in             |    23 +
 startup/default-socket-svc.in          |    16 +
 startup/default-socket.in              |    12 +
 startup/default-xinetd.in              |    15 +
 startup/mac-inetd.plist.in             |    40 +
 startup/mac-init.plist.in              |    32 +
 startup/newbsd-init.in                 |    35 +
 startup/openbsd-init.in                |    18 +
 startup/openrc-conf.in                 |     7 +
 startup/openrc-init.in                 |    49 +
 startup/rh-upstart-init.in             |    17 +
 startup/solaris-inetd.xml.in           |    90 +
 startup/solaris-init.xml.in            |   143 +
 startup/tmpfile.conf.in                |     2 +
 startup/upstart-init.in                |    19 +
 subst.in                               |    61 -
 uninstall.in                           |   417 +
 update-cfg.pl                          |   144 +
 update-version                         |    16 +-
 82 files changed, 17566 insertions(+), 10970 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-nagios/pkg-nrpe.git

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