[Pkg-nagios-changes] [pkg-nsca] 11/11: Drop patches included upstream. Refresh remaining patches.
Bas Couwenberg
sebastic at debian.org
Fri Dec 9 17:24:31 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pkg-nsca.
commit a317237689bd1b86e86c81b737a201358b0da6be
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date: Fri Dec 9 18:22:49 2016 +0100
Drop patches included upstream. Refresh remaining patches.
debian/changelog | 10 +-
debian/patches/01_send_nsca.cfg.patch | 16 +-
debian/patches/02_nsca_foreground.patch | 82 +++----
debian/patches/03_errors_to_stderr.patch | 260 ++++++++++-----------
debian/patches/05_spelling-errors.patch | 18 +-
debian/patches/06_open-arguments.patch | 15 --
debian/patches/07_signal-handler.patch | 118 ----------
..._race-condition-when-opening-command-file.patch | 80 -------
.../patches/09_reserved-identifier-violation.patch | 18 --
...sca-close-POLLNVAL-accept-bug-causes-hang.patch | 37 ---
.../patches/11_fix-potential-buffer-overflow.patch | 20 +-
debian/patches/series | 5 -
12 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 477 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index e57a9b3..cb832eb 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ nsca (2.9.2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
[ Bas Couwenberg ]
* New upstream release.
+ - Replaced all instances of signal() with sigaction() + blocking.
+ (closes: 743493)
+ - Race condition when opening command file
+ (closes: #663047)
* Add Vcs-* fields to control file.
* Restructure control file with cme.
* Add Homepage field to control file.
@@ -30,12 +34,6 @@ nsca (2.9.2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8, changes:
Vcs-* fields, copyright-format 1.0.
* Redirect update-rc.d output to /dev/null.
- * Add upstream patch to fix signal handling.
- (closes: #743493)
- * Add upstream patch to fix race condition when opening command file.
- (closes: #663047)
- * Add upstream patch to fix reserved identifier violation.
- * Add upstream patch to fix NSCA close/POLLNVAL/accept bug causing hang.
* Use Icinga instead of Nagios (nagios3 removed from Debian).
(closes: #846870)
* Change nagios-plugins dependencies to monitoring-plugins.
diff --git a/debian/patches/01_send_nsca.cfg.patch b/debian/patches/01_send_nsca.cfg.patch
index 2af8840..c9a98f9 100644
--- a/debian/patches/01_send_nsca.cfg.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/01_send_nsca.cfg.patch
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ Forwarded: not-needed
--- a/src/send_nsca.c
+++ b/src/send_nsca.c
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ time_t start_time,end_time;
- int server_port=DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT;
- char server_name[MAX_HOST_ADDRESS_LENGTH];
- char password[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]="";
--char config_file[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]="send_nsca.cfg";
-+char config_file[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]="/etc/send_nsca.cfg";
- char delimiter[2]="\t";
- char block_delimiter[2]=BLOCK_DELIMITER;
+ int server_port=DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT;
+ char server_name[MAX_HOST_ADDRESS_LENGTH];
+ char password[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]="";
+-char config_file[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]="send_nsca.cfg";
++char config_file[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]="/etc/send_nsca.cfg";
+ char delimiter[2]="\t";
+ char block_delimiter[2]=BLOCK_DELIMITER;
diff --git a/debian/patches/02_nsca_foreground.patch b/debian/patches/02_nsca_foreground.patch
index edf76f4..2412eb1 100644
--- a/debian/patches/02_nsca_foreground.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/02_nsca_foreground.patch
@@ -7,44 +7,44 @@ Forwarded: https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/nsca/pull/15
--- a/src/nsca.c
+++ b/src/nsca.c
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ int show_help=FALSE;
- int show_license=FALSE;
- int show_version=FALSE;
-+int foreground=FALSE;
- int sigrestart=FALSE;
- int sigshutdown=FALSE;
-@@ -112,10 +114,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- }
- if(result!=OK || show_help==TRUE){
-- printf("Usage: %s -c <config_file> [mode]\n",argv[0]);
-+ printf("Usage: %s -c <config_file> [-f] [mode]\n",argv[0]);
- printf("\n");
- printf("Options:\n");
- printf(" <config_file> = Name of config file to use\n");
-+ printf(" [-f] = run in the foreground, do not fork\n");
- printf(" [mode] = Determines how NSCA should run. Valid modes:\n");
- printf(" --inetd = Run as a service under inetd or xinetd\n");
- printf(" --daemon = Run as a standalone multi-process daemon\n");
-@@ -198,7 +201,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- V */
- /* daemonize and start listening for requests... */
-- if(fork()==0){
-+ if(foreground || fork()==0){
- /* we're a daemon - set up a new process group */
- setsid();
-@@ -1375,6 +1378,10 @@ int process_arguments(int argc, char **a
- else if(!strcmp(argv[x-1],"-V") || !strcmp(argv[x-1],"--version"))
- show_version=TRUE;
-+ /* run in the foreground */
-+ else if(!strcmp(argv[x-1],"-f"))
-+ foreground=TRUE;
- else if(!strcmp(argv[x-1],"-d") || !strcmp(argv[x-1],"--daemon"))
+ int show_license=FALSE;
+ int show_version=FALSE;
++int foreground=FALSE;
+ int sigrestart=FALSE;
+ int sigshutdown=FALSE;
+@@ -115,10 +117,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ }
+ if(result!=OK || show_help==TRUE){
+- printf("Usage: %s -c <config_file> [mode]\n",argv[0]);
++ printf("Usage: %s -c <config_file> [-f] [mode]\n",argv[0]);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Options:\n");
+ printf(" <config_file> = Name of config file to use\n");
++ printf(" [-f] = run in the foreground, do not fork\n");
+ printf(" [mode] = Determines how NSCA should run. Valid modes:\n");
+ printf(" --inetd = Run as a service under inetd or xinetd\n");
+ printf(" --daemon = Run as a standalone multi-process daemon\n");
+@@ -201,7 +204,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ V */
+ /* daemonize and start listening for requests... */
+- if(fork()==0){
++ if(foreground || fork()==0){
+ /* we're a daemon - set up a new process group */
+ setsid();
+@@ -1394,6 +1397,10 @@ int process_arguments(int argc, char **a
+ else if(!strcmp(argv[x-1],"-V") || !strcmp(argv[x-1],"--version"))
+ show_version=TRUE;
++ /* run in the foreground */
++ else if(!strcmp(argv[x-1],"-f"))
++ foreground=TRUE;
+ else if(!strcmp(argv[x-1],"-d") || !strcmp(argv[x-1],"--daemon"))
diff --git a/debian/patches/03_errors_to_stderr.patch b/debian/patches/03_errors_to_stderr.patch
index 50793e1..e606cf3 100644
--- a/debian/patches/03_errors_to_stderr.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/03_errors_to_stderr.patch
@@ -5,141 +5,141 @@ Forwarded: https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/nsca/pull/16
--- a/src/netutils.c
+++ b/src/netutils.c
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ int my_connect(char *host_name,int port,
- /* else do a DNS lookup */
- hp=gethostbyname((const char *)host_name);
- if(hp==NULL){
-- printf("Invalid host name '%s'\n",host_name);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid host name '%s'\n",host_name);
- }
+ /* else do a DNS lookup */
+ hp=gethostbyname((const char *)host_name);
+ if(hp==NULL){
+- printf("Invalid host name '%s'\n",host_name);
++ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid host name '%s'\n",host_name);
+ }
@@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ int my_connect(char *host_name,int port,
- /* map transport protocol name to protocol number */
- if(((ptrp=getprotobyname(proto)))==NULL){
-- printf("Cannot map \"%s\" to protocol number\n",proto);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot map \"%s\" to protocol number\n",proto);
- }
- /* create a socket */
- *sd=socket(PF_INET,(!strcmp(proto,"udp"))?SOCK_DGRAM:SOCK_STREAM,ptrp->p_proto);
- if(*sd<0){
-- printf("Socket creation failed\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Socket creation failed\n");
- }
+ /* map transport protocol name to protocol number */
+ if(((ptrp=getprotobyname(proto)))==NULL){
+- printf("Cannot map \"%s\" to protocol number\n",proto);
++ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot map \"%s\" to protocol number\n",proto);
+ }
+ /* create a socket */
+ *sd=socket(PF_INET,(!strcmp(proto,"udp"))?SOCK_DGRAM:SOCK_STREAM,ptrp->p_proto);
+ if(*sd<0){
+- printf("Socket creation failed\n");
++ fprintf(stderr, "Socket creation failed\n");
+ }
@@ -86,16 +86,16 @@ int my_connect(char *host_name,int port,
- if(result<0){
- switch(errno){
-- printf("Connection refused by host\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Connection refused by host\n");
- break;
-- printf("Timeout while attempting connection\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Timeout while attempting connection\n");
- break;
-- printf("Network is unreachable\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Network is unreachable\n");
- break;
- default:
-- printf("Connection refused or timed out\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Connection refused or timed out\n");
- }
+ if(result<0){
+ switch(errno){
+- printf("Connection refused by host\n");
++ fprintf(stderr, "Connection refused by host\n");
+ break;
+- printf("Timeout while attempting connection\n");
++ fprintf(stderr, "Timeout while attempting connection\n");
+ break;
+- printf("Network is unreachable\n");
++ fprintf(stderr, "Network is unreachable\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+- printf("Connection refused or timed out\n");
++ fprintf(stderr, "Connection refused or timed out\n");
+ }
--- a/src/nsca.c
+++ b/src/nsca.c
-@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- if(result!=OK || show_help==TRUE || show_license==TRUE || show_version==TRUE){
- if(result!=OK)
-- printf("Incorrect command line arguments supplied\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect command line arguments supplied\n");
- printf("\n");
- printf("NSCA - Nagios Service Check Acceptor\n");
- printf("Copyright (c) 2009 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors\n");
+@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ if(result!=OK || show_help==TRUE || show_license==TRUE || show_version==TRUE){
+ if(result!=OK)
+- printf("Incorrect command line arguments supplied\n");
++ fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect command line arguments supplied\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("NSCA - Nagios Service Check Acceptor\n");
+ printf("Copyright (c) 2009 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors\n");
--- a/src/send_nsca.c
+++ b/src/send_nsca.c
-@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- if(result!=OK || show_help==TRUE || show_license==TRUE || show_version==TRUE){
- if(result!=OK)
-- printf("Incorrect command line arguments supplied\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect command line arguments supplied\n");
- printf("\n");
- printf("NSCA Client %s\n",PROGRAM_VERSION);
- printf("Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Ethan Galstad (www.nagios.org)\n");
-@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- /* exit if there are errors... */
- if(result==ERROR){
-- printf("Error: Config file '%s' contained errors...\n",config_file);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Config file '%s' contained errors...\n",config_file);
- do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL);
- }
-@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- /* we couldn't connect */
- if(result!=STATE_OK){
-- printf("Error: Could not connect to host %s on port %d\n",server_name,server_port);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not connect to host %s on port %d\n",server_name,server_port);
- do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL);
- }
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ if(result!=OK || show_help==TRUE || show_license==TRUE || show_version==TRUE){
+ if(result!=OK)
+- printf("Incorrect command line arguments supplied\n");
++ fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect command line arguments supplied\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("NSCA Client %s\n",PROGRAM_VERSION);
+ printf("Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Ethan Galstad (www.nagios.org)\n");
+@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ /* exit if there are errors... */
+ if(result==ERROR){
+- printf("Error: Config file '%s' contained errors...\n",config_file);
++ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Config file '%s' contained errors...\n",config_file);
+ do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL);
+ }
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- /* read the initialization packet containing the IV and timestamp */
- result=read_init_packet(sd);
- if(result!=OK){
-- printf("Error: Could not read init packet from server\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not read init packet from server\n");
- close(sd);
- do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL);
- }
+ /* we couldn't connect */
+ if(result!=STATE_OK){
+- printf("Error: Could not connect to host %s on port %d\n",server_name,server_port);
++ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not connect to host %s on port %d\n",server_name,server_port);
+ do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL);
+ }
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- /* initialize encryption/decryption routines with the IV we received from the server */
- if(encrypt_init(password,encryption_method,received_iv,&CI)!=OK){
-- printf("Error: Failed to initialize encryption libraries for method %d\n",encryption_method);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to initialize encryption libraries for method %d\n",encryption_method);
- close(sd);
- do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL);
- }
-@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- /* there was an error sending the packet */
- if(rc==-1){
-- printf("Error: Could not send data to host\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not send data to host\n");
- close(sd);
- do_exit(STATE_UNKNOWN);
- }
-@@ -353,13 +353,13 @@ int read_init_packet(int sock){
- /* recv() error or server disconnect */
- if(rc<=0){
-- printf("Error: Server closed connection before init packet was received\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Server closed connection before init packet was received\n");
- return ERROR;
- }
- /* we couldn't read the correct amount of data, so bail out */
- else if(bytes_to_recv!=sizeof(receive_packet)){
-- printf("Error: Init packet from server was too short (%d bytes received, %d expected)\n",bytes_to_recv,sizeof(receive_packet));
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Init packet from server was too short (%d bytes received, %d expected)\n",bytes_to_recv,sizeof(receive_packet));
- return ERROR;
- }
-@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ int process_arguments(int argc, char **a
- /* handle timeouts */
- void alarm_handler(int sig){
-- printf("Error: Timeout after %d seconds\n",socket_timeout);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Timeout after %d seconds\n",socket_timeout);
- do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL);
- }
+ /* read the initialization packet containing the IV and timestamp */
+ result=read_init_packet(sd);
+ if(result!=OK){
+- printf("Error: Could not read init packet from server\n");
++ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not read init packet from server\n");
+ close(sd);
+ do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL);
+ }
+@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ /* initialize encryption/decryption routines with the IV we received from the server */
+ if(encrypt_init(password,encryption_method,received_iv,&CI)!=OK){
+- printf("Error: Failed to initialize encryption libraries for method %d\n",encryption_method);
++ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to initialize encryption libraries for method %d\n",encryption_method);
+ close(sd);
+ do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL);
+ }
+@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ /* there was an error sending the packet */
+ if(rc==-1){
+- printf("Error: Could not send data to host\n");
++ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not send data to host\n");
+ close(sd);
+ do_exit(STATE_UNKNOWN);
+ }
+@@ -364,13 +364,13 @@ int read_init_packet(int sock){
+ /* recv() error or server disconnect */
+ if(rc<=0){
+- printf("Error: Server closed connection before init packet was received\n");
++ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Server closed connection before init packet was received\n");
+ return ERROR;
+ }
+ /* we couldn't read the correct amount of data, so bail out */
+ else if(bytes_to_recv!=sizeof(receive_packet)){
+- printf("Error: Init packet from server was too short (%d bytes received, %d expected)\n",bytes_to_recv,sizeof(receive_packet));
++ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Init packet from server was too short (%d bytes received, %d expected)\n",bytes_to_recv,sizeof(receive_packet));
+ return ERROR;
+ }
+@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ int process_arguments(int argc, char **a
+ /* handle timeouts */
+ void alarm_handler(int sig){
+ const char msg[] = "Error: Timeout after %d seconds\n";
+- /* printf("Error: Timeout after %d seconds\n",socket_timeout); */
++ /* fprintf(stderr, "Error: Timeout after %d seconds\n",socket_timeout); */
+ write(STDOUT_FILENO, msg, sizeof(msg) - 1);
+ do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL);
diff --git a/debian/patches/05_spelling-errors.patch b/debian/patches/05_spelling-errors.patch
index b532e49..d488a89 100644
--- a/debian/patches/05_spelling-errors.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/05_spelling-errors.patch
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ Forwarded: https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/nsca/pull/17
--- a/src/send_nsca.c
+++ b/src/send_nsca.c
-@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- printf("This utility is used to send passive check results to the NSCA daemon. Host and\n");
- printf("Service check data that is to be sent to the NSCA daemon is read from standard\n");
- printf("input. Input should be provided in the following format (tab-delimited unless\n");
-- printf("overriden with -d command line argument, one entry per line):\n");
-+ printf("overridden with -d command line argument, one entry per line):\n");
- printf("\n");
- printf("Service Checks:\n");
- printf("<host_name>[tab]<svc_description>[tab]<return_code>[tab]<plugin_output>[newline]\n\n");
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ printf("This utility is used to send passive check results to the NSCA daemon. Host and\n");
+ printf("Service check data that is to be sent to the NSCA daemon is read from standard\n");
+ printf("input. Input should be provided in the following format (tab-delimited unless\n");
+- printf("overriden with -d command line argument, one entry per line):\n");
++ printf("overridden with -d command line argument, one entry per line):\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Service Checks:\n");
+ printf("<host_name>[tab]<svc_description>[tab]<return_code>[tab]<plugin_output>[newline]\n\n");
diff --git a/debian/patches/06_open-arguments.patch b/debian/patches/06_open-arguments.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d80e84f..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/06_open-arguments.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Description: Fix missing argument in open calls.
-Author: Xavier Bachelot / John Frickson
-Origin: https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/nsca/commit/b9f2c08dfdf31430f972a48781fc115c4af13cfe
---- a/src/nsca.c
-+++ b/src/nsca.c
-@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ static int read_config_file(char *filena
- int checkresult_test_fd=-1;
- char *checkresult_test=NULL;
- asprintf(&checkresult_test,"%s/nsca.test.%i",check_result_path,getpid());
-- checkresult_test_fd=open(checkresult_test,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
-+ checkresult_test_fd=open(checkresult_test,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT,S_IWUSR);
- if (checkresult_test_fd>0){
- unlink(checkresult_test);
- }
diff --git a/debian/patches/07_signal-handler.patch b/debian/patches/07_signal-handler.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b82689..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/07_signal-handler.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-Description: NRPE uses signals unsafely, hangs, can bring down system
- Fix for issues:
- http://tracker.nagios.org/view.php?id=377
- http://tracker.nagios.org/view.php?id=548 (nagios dies on restart while sending command to cmd file)
- http://tracker.nagios.org/view.php?id=592 (send_nsca signal handling is undefined behaviour, causes SEGVs)
- .
- Replaced all instances of signal() with sigaction() and blocked all signals during
- signal processing using sigfillset(). This should prevent any reentrant problems during
- signal handling.
- .
- Also replaced as many unsafe function calls with safe ones (not very many, mainly some
- printf()s to write()s).
-Author: John C. Frickson <jfrickson at nagios.com>
-Origin: https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/nsca/commit/a51cadfab5354f0257fa584cbf037c4f68b4a21c
-Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/743493
---- a/configure.in
-+++ b/configure.in
-@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ AC_CHECK_LIB(wrap,main,[
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBWRAP,[1],[Have the TCP wrappers library])
- ])
--AC_CHECK_FUNCS(strdup strstr strtoul)
-+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(strdup strstr strtoul sigaction)
- dnl Define sig_atomic_t to int if it's not available.
- AC_CHECK_TYPE([sig_atomic_t],[],[
---- a/include/config.h.in
-+++ b/include/config.h.in
-@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
- #undef HAVE_LIMITS_H
---- a/src/nsca.c
-+++ b/src/nsca.c
-@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- int result;
- uid_t uid=-1;
- gid_t gid=-1;
-+ struct sigaction sig_action;
- /* process command-line arguments */
-@@ -207,9 +210,19 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- setsid();
- /* handle signals */
-+ sig_action.sa_sigaction = NULL;
-+ sig_action.sa_handler = sighandler;
-+ sigfillset(&sig_action.sa_mask);
-+ sig_action.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER|SA_RESTART;
-+ sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sig_action, NULL);
-+ sigaction(SIGTERM, &sig_action, NULL);
-+ sigaction(SIGHUP, &sig_action, NULL);
-+#else /* HAVE_SIGACTION */
- signal(SIGQUIT,sighandler);
- signal(SIGTERM,sighandler);
- signal(SIGHUP,sighandler);
-+#endif /* HAVE_SIGACTION */
- /* close standard file descriptors */
- close(0);
---- a/src/send_nsca.c
-+++ b/src/send_nsca.c
-@@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- int16_t return_code;
- u_int32_t calculated_crc32;
- char *inputptr, *ptr1, *ptr2, *ptr3, *ptr4;
-+ struct sigaction sig_action;
- /* process command-line arguments */
-@@ -142,7 +145,15 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- generate_crc32_table();
- /* initialize alarm signal handling */
-+ sig_action.sa_sigaction = NULL;
-+ sig_action.sa_handler = alarm_handler;
-+ sigfillset(&sig_action.sa_mask);
-+ sig_action.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER|SA_RESTART;
-+ sigaction(SIGALRM, &sig_action, NULL);
- signal(SIGALRM,alarm_handler);
-+#endif /* HAVE_SIGACTION */
- /* set socket timeout */
- alarm(socket_timeout);
-@@ -318,7 +329,7 @@ static void do_exit(int return_code){
- alarm(0);
- /* encryption/decryption routine cleanup */
-- encrypt_cleanup(encryption_method,CI);
-+ /* encrypt_cleanup(encryption_method,CI); */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("Cleaned up encryption routines\n");
-@@ -467,8 +478,9 @@ int process_arguments(int argc, char **a
- /* handle timeouts */
- void alarm_handler(int sig){
-- fprintf(stderr, "Error: Timeout after %d seconds\n",socket_timeout);
-+ const char msg[] = "Error: Timeout after %d seconds\n";
-+ /* printf("Error: Timeout after %d seconds\n",socket_timeout); */
-+ write(STDOUT_FILENO, msg, sizeof(msg) - 1);
- do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL);
- }
diff --git a/debian/patches/08_race-condition-when-opening-command-file.patch b/debian/patches/08_race-condition-when-opening-command-file.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 29d5fae..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/08_race-condition-when-opening-command-file.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-Description: Race condition when opening command file
- Fix for issue http://tracker.nagios.org/view.php?id=296
-Author: John C. Frickson <jfrickson at nagios.com>
-Origin: https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/nsca/commit/9c98a1527c342eeacaa5905980a1dff9454c8b32
---- a/src/nsca.c
-+++ b/src/nsca.c
-@@ -1317,42 +1317,45 @@ static int write_check_result(char *host
- /* opens the command file for writing */
--static int open_command_file(void){
-- struct stat statbuf;
-+static int open_command_file(void)
-+ int fd;
-- /* file is already open */
-- if(command_file_fp!=NULL && using_alternate_dump_file==FALSE)
-- return OK;
-+ /* file is already open */
-+ if(command_file_fp!=NULL && using_alternate_dump_file==FALSE)
-+ return OK;
-+ do
-+ fd = open(command_file,O_WRONLY|((append_to_file==TRUE)?O_APPEND:0));
-+ while(fd < 0 && errno == EINTR);
- /* command file doesn't exist - monitoring app probably isn't running... */
-- if(stat(command_file,&statbuf)){
-- if(debug==TRUE)
-- syslog(LOG_ERR,"Command file '%s' does not exist, attempting to use alternate dump file '%s' for output",command_file,alternate_dump_file);
-+ if (fd < 0 && errno == ENOENT) {
-+ if (debug == TRUE)
-+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Command file '%s' does not exist, attempting to use alternate dump file '%s' for output", command_file, alternate_dump_file);
- /* try and write checks to alternate dump file */
-- command_file_fp=fopen(alternate_dump_file,"a");
-- if(command_file_fp==NULL){
-- if(debug==TRUE)
-- syslog(LOG_ERR,"Could not open alternate dump file '%s' for appending",alternate_dump_file);
-+ command_file_fp = fopen(alternate_dump_file, "a");
-+ if (command_file_fp == NULL) {
-+ if(debug == TRUE)
-+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not open alternate dump file '%s' for appending", alternate_dump_file);
- return ERROR;
-- }
-- using_alternate_dump_file=TRUE;
-+ }
-+ using_alternate_dump_file = TRUE;
- return OK;
-- }
-+ }
-- /* open the command file for writing or appending */
-- command_file_fp=fopen(command_file,(append_to_file==TRUE)?"a":"w");
-- if(command_file_fp==NULL){
-- if(debug==TRUE)
-- syslog(LOG_ERR,"Could not open command file '%s' for %s",command_file,(append_to_file==TRUE)?"appending":"writing");
-- return ERROR;
-- }
-- using_alternate_dump_file=FALSE;
-- return OK;
-- }
-+ if (fd < 0 || (command_file_fp = fdopen(fd, (append_to_file == TRUE) ? "a" : "w")) == NULL) {
-+ if (debug == TRUE)
-+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not open command file '%s' for %s", command_file, (append_to_file == TRUE) ? "appending" : "writing");
-+ return ERROR;
-+ }
-+ using_alternate_dump_file = FALSE;
-+ return OK;
diff --git a/debian/patches/09_reserved-identifier-violation.patch b/debian/patches/09_reserved-identifier-violation.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 57314eb..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/09_reserved-identifier-violation.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Description: Reserved identifier violation.
- Standardization of header fenced per http://tracker.nagios.org/view.php?id=326
-Author: John C. Frickson <jfrickson at nagios.com>
-Origin: https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/nsca/commit/984196686b01a23fc7e3a0da6169f10068e858a5
---- a/include/utils.h
-+++ b/include/utils.h
-@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
- *
- ********************************************************************************/
--#ifndef _UTILS_H
--#define _UTILS_H
- #include "config.h"
diff --git a/debian/patches/10_nsca-close-POLLNVAL-accept-bug-causes-hang.patch b/debian/patches/10_nsca-close-POLLNVAL-accept-bug-causes-hang.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b1b1f90..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/10_nsca-close-POLLNVAL-accept-bug-causes-hang.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Description: NSCA close/POLLNVAL/accept bug causes hang
- Fix for issue http://tracker.nagios.org/view.php?id=644
- .
- Incorporated patch sent by original reporter.
-Author: John C. Frickson <jfrickson at nagios.com>
-Origin: https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/nsca/commit/98dc4795edaf2fd5c5fe123e53a8c9b3a2b0585c
---- a/src/nsca.c
-+++ b/src/nsca.c
-@@ -654,6 +654,7 @@ static void register_poll(short events,
- pfds[npfds].fd=fd;
- pfds[npfds].events=events;
-+ pfds[npfds].revents=0;
- npfds++;
- }
-@@ -777,7 +778,8 @@ static void handle_events(void){
- data=rhand[hand].data;
- rhand[hand].handler=NULL;
- rhand[hand].data=NULL;
-- handler(pfds[i].fd,data);
-+ if((pfds[i].revents&POLLNVAL)==0)
-+ handler(pfds[i].fd,data);
- }
- if((pfds[i].events&POLLOUT) && (pfds[i].revents&(POLLOUT|POLLERR|POLLHUP|POLLNVAL))){
- pfds[i].events&=~POLLOUT;
-@@ -786,7 +788,8 @@ static void handle_events(void){
- data=whand[hand].data;
- whand[hand].handler=NULL;
- whand[hand].data=NULL;
-- handler(pfds[i].fd,data);
-+ if((pfds[i].revents&POLLNVAL)==0)
-+ handler(pfds[i].fd,data);
- }
- }
diff --git a/debian/patches/11_fix-potential-buffer-overflow.patch b/debian/patches/11_fix-potential-buffer-overflow.patch
index e8910c1..c862f78 100644
--- a/debian/patches/11_fix-potential-buffer-overflow.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/11_fix-potential-buffer-overflow.patch
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Forwarded: https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/nsca/pull/18
--- a/src/send_nsca.c
+++ b/src/send_nsca.c
@@ -215,6 +215,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
- input_buffer[pos] = c;
- c = getc(stdin);
- pos++;
-+ if(pos>=MAX_INPUT_BUFFER-1){
-+ printf("Warning: packet[%d] truncated to %d bytes.\n",total_packets, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER);
-+ break;
-+ }
- }
- input_buffer[pos] = 0;
- strip(input_buffer);
+ input_buffer[pos] = c;
+ c = getc(stdin);
+ pos++;
++ if(pos>=MAX_INPUT_BUFFER-1){
++ printf("Warning: packet[%d] truncated to %d bytes.\n",total_packets, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER);
++ break;
++ }
+ }
+ input_buffer[pos] = 0;
+ strip(input_buffer);
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 6b2f5db..12540fa 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -3,10 +3,5 @@
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-nagios/pkg-nsca.git
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