[Pkg-nagios-changes] [pkg-nrpe] branch master updated (76eafca -> 3bf937a)

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at debian.org
Wed Jul 5 08:55:12 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastic pushed a change to branch master
in repository pkg-nrpe.

      from  76eafca   Move from experimental to unstable.
       new  1c7685a   Bump Standards-Version to 4.0.0, no changes.
       new  ff95141   Add autopkgtest to test installability.
       new  15e1fdf   Set --with-logdir configure option to /var/log.
       new  2f079a8   Update watch file for GitHub releases.
       new  fc6b814   New upstream version 3.2.0
       new  6cc1392   Merge tag 'upstream/3.2.0'
       new  d7e728d   New upstream release.
       new  3afe9f4   Update copyright file.
       new  7618010   Refresh patches.
       new  46176be   Reinstate 11_reproducible_dh.h.patch for reproducible dh.h.
       new  46ea5ba   Regenerate dh.h with OpenSSL 1.1.0.
       new  3bf937a   Set distribution to unstable.

The 12 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .travis.yml                                        |  10 +
 CHANGELOG.md                                       | 493 +++++++++++++++++
 Changelog                                          | 478 -----------------
 LICENSE                                            | 339 ------------
 LICENSE.md                                         | 264 +++++++++
 Makefile.in                                        |   9 +-
 README.SSL.md                                      |  67 +--
 README.md                                          | 298 +++++++----
 SECURITY.md                                        |  60 ++-
 THANKS                                             |   6 +-
 configure                                          |  41 +-
 configure.ac                                       |   8 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |  15 +
 debian/control                                     |   2 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |   5 +-
 .../02_nrpe.cfg_local-include_support_nrpe.d.patch |   8 +-
 debian/patches/07_warn_ssloption.patch             |  14 +-
 debian/patches/11_reproducible_dh.h.patch          |  72 +++
 debian/patches/series                              |   1 +
 debian/rules                                       |   7 +
 debian/tests/control                               |   3 +
 debian/watch                                       |   6 +-
 include/acl.h                                      |  13 +-
 include/common.h.in                                |  20 +-
 include/config.h.in                                |  15 +-
 include/nrpe.h                                     |  16 +-
 include/utils.h                                    |  24 +-
 macros/CHANGELOG.md                                |   7 +
 macros/LICENSE                                     | 595 +++++++++------------
 macros/LICENSE.md                                  |   1 +
 macros/README.md                                   |  84 ++-
 macros/ax_nagios_get_inetd                         |  12 +-
 macros/ax_nagios_get_paths                         |   1 +
 nrpe.spec.in                                       |   2 +-
 sample-config/nrpe.cfg.in                          |  67 ++-
 src/Makefile.in                                    |   4 +-
 src/acl.c                                          |  56 +-
 src/check_nrpe.c                                   | 426 ++++++++-------
 src/nrpe.c                                         | 278 ++++++----
 src/utils.c                                        |  43 +-
 startup/{openrc-init.in => gentoo-init.in}         |  16 +-
 startup/openrc-init.in                             |   4 +-
 test-wrapper                                       |   3 +
 travis-test-1                                      |  34 ++
 update-version                                     |   4 +-
 45 files changed, 2134 insertions(+), 1797 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .travis.yml
 create mode 100644 CHANGELOG.md
 delete mode 100644 Changelog
 delete mode 100644 LICENSE
 create mode 100644 LICENSE.md
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/11_reproducible_dh.h.patch
 create mode 100644 debian/tests/control
 create mode 100644 macros/CHANGELOG.md
 create mode 120000 macros/LICENSE.md
 copy startup/{openrc-init.in => gentoo-init.in} (66%)
 create mode 100755 test-wrapper
 create mode 100755 travis-test-1

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-nagios/pkg-nrpe.git

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