[pkg-nagios-changes] [Git][nagios-team/pkg-monitoring-plugins][master] 11 commits: d/changelog: Updating package Version

Jan Wagner gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Jan 6 21:18:59 GMT 2021

Jan Wagner pushed to branch master at Debian Nagios Maintainer Group / pkg-monitoring-plugins

0f5a7fe8 by Jan Wagner at 2020-12-10T21:30:48+01:00
d/changelog: Updating package Version

- - - - -
30310443 by Jan Wagner at 2020-12-10T21:30:48+01:00
New upstream version 2.3
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61ef2d7f by Jan Wagner at 2020-12-10T21:30:48+01:00
Droping all patches commited upstream and beeing obsolete with 2.3

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7840538d by Jan Wagner at 2020-12-10T21:39:13+01:00
Updating changelog

- - - - -
66c44c4f by Jan Wagner at 2020-12-10T22:00:03+01:00
d/control: adding new build-deps fir check_curl

- - - - -
59b52dd5 by Jan Wagner at 2020-12-10T22:06:40+01:00
d/rules: Adding check_curl to std_plugins

- - - - -
5e59ca1a by Jan Wagner at 2020-12-10T23:04:09+01:00
Adding check_curl check commands

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6cbfc781 by Jan Wagner at 2020-12-13T18:34:58+01:00
check_uptime: Don't ship for now, check_uptime also exist in nagios-plugins-contrib

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821b75c4 by Jan Wagner at 2020-12-14T14:53:02+01:00
Prepare release

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f175789f by Jan Wagner at 2020-12-27T23:07:01+01:00
Merge branch 'development' into experimental

- - - - -
d1fae508 by Jan Wagner at 2021-01-06T22:10:59+01:00
Prepare release

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- Makefile.am
- Makefile.in
- NPTest.pm
- aclocal.m4
- config.h.in
- configure
- configure.ac
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- − debian/patches/10_spell_fixes
- − debian/patches/11_check_dhcp_MSG_PEAK
- − debian/patches/12_check_apt_only_crit
- − debian/patches/13_check_apt_list_packages
- − debian/patches/14_mariadb
- − debian/patches/15_check_smtp_initialize
- − debian/patches/16_check_mailq_options
- debian/patches/series
- + debian/pluginconfig/curl-http.cfg
- debian/rules
- gl/Makefile.in
- gl/fsusage.c
- gl/fsusage.h
- lib/Makefile.in
- lib/tests/Makefile.in

The diff was not included because it is too large.

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/nagios-team/pkg-monitoring-plugins/-/compare/b3e9c5884b9e4fccd2415bc1ffd090eeebec5de1...d1fae5082b7e9f5854b5f1deab5b11893f59391b

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/nagios-team/pkg-monitoring-plugins/-/compare/b3e9c5884b9e4fccd2415bc1ffd090eeebec5de1...d1fae5082b7e9f5854b5f1deab5b11893f59391b
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