[pkg-nagios-changes] [Git][nagios-team/pkg-icinga2][experimental] 7 commits: New upstream version 2.12.4

Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu May 27 14:10:15 BST 2021

Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch experimental at Debian Nagios Maintainer Group / pkg-icinga2

7f1d1d73 by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-05-27T14:15:24+02:00
New upstream version 2.12.4
- - - - -
20a2c826 by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-05-27T14:15:46+02:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.12.4'

Update to upstream version '2.12.4'
with Debian dir 8582e6f4b48e71eb4fe3e6f84674e2733d4adbc8
- - - - -
f8446e3a by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-05-27T14:16:13+02:00
New upstream release.

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2999999d by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-05-27T14:18:16+02:00
Drop boost1.74 patches, included upstream.

- - - - -
1d5b4f50 by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-05-27T14:41:00+02:00
Revert "Apply multi-arch hints."

This reverts commit 68b98f35f320a27d60dee942bee08f578f2f43e1.

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d0f1e6aa by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-05-27T14:42:20+02:00
Update lintian overrides.

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b2236c6d by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-05-27T14:42:20+02:00
Set distribution to experimental.

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- .github/workflows/packages.yml
- CMakeLists.txt
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/icinga2-bin.lintian-overrides
- − debian/patches/pr8184_boost1.74.patch
- − debian/patches/pr8190_boost1.74.patch
- − debian/patches/pr8191_boost1.74.patch
- debian/patches/series
- doc/19-technical-concepts.md
- lib/base/string.cpp
- lib/base/string.hpp
- lib/base/utility.cpp
- lib/cli/daemoncommand.cpp
- lib/db_ido/dbconnection.cpp
- lib/db_ido_mysql/idomysqlconnection.cpp
- lib/icinga/apiactions.cpp
- lib/icinga/clusterevents.cpp
- lib/icinga/downtime.cpp
- lib/icinga/downtime.hpp
- lib/icinga/externalcommandprocessor.cpp
- lib/icinga/notification.cpp
- lib/icinga/scheduleddowntime.cpp
- lib/notification/notificationcomponent.cpp
- lib/perfdata/elasticsearchwriter.cpp
- lib/perfdata/influxdbwriter.cpp
- lib/remote/configfileshandler.cpp
- lib/remote/configobjectutility.cpp

The diff was not included because it is too large.

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/nagios-team/pkg-icinga2/-/compare/96962c4af918bdfffa3201713f735493707dc91f...b2236c6df1986e3d7675a37260d9c425cd2b5a83

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/nagios-team/pkg-icinga2/-/compare/96962c4af918bdfffa3201713f735493707dc91f...b2236c6df1986e3d7675a37260d9c425cd2b5a83
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