[Pkg-nagios-devel] [pseudo-VAC] bay area and southern california $now to 2005/01/09

sean finney seanius@debian.org
Wed, 22 Dec 2004 00:41:07 -0500

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i'll be home in california for the next couple weeks.  i'll still
have net access, though i don't expect to have much time for
debian stuff, especially between the 25th and 5th. =20

for issues relating to the nagios packages, please refer to the
rest of the nagios co-maintainers.  if someone needs to NMU
my other package (sugarplum), go ahead as per usual rules.

for folks interested in the progress with dbconfig-common, there
will probably continue to be sporadic updates throughout this period
as i'll have a fair amount of travel time with my laptop.

oh, and if anyone in the bay area would like to get together for
a beer/coffee/snack/keysigning, feel free to drop me a line.=20



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