[Pkg-nagios-devel] Anyone alive? Please test new packages.

Joerg Jaspert joerg@debian.org
Thu, 11 Nov 2004 01:02:54 +0100



Anyone alive or is it a one-man show now? :)
As you see Ive committed again some changes, Im now at a stage where we
can consider an upload in the next days. For that we need tests of the
package, so guys - please take your time and test packages built from
the latest CVS!
The version I committed yesterday is, with small fixes incorporated in
todays commit, running at work, no problems for me there.
Ive tested the -text variant, so if you can test mysql or pgsql too this
would be great.

Notes: As you can see from the cvs mailings to this list ive rebuilt the
whole build system of nagios, including a split. Looks now more sane
than it ever did and makes maintenance of the packages much easier IMO.
lintian and linda dont have anything grave to mention about the packages
at the moment, only a few fuzzy translations and binarys without

Ive closed many bugs with this changes (or wrote the stuff in the
changelog for it :) ), but some are still left. Please go and look if
you can fix some of them.

bye Joerg
<elmo> if klecker.d.o died, I swear to god, I'm going to migrate to gentoo.

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