[Pkg-nagios-devel] remaining bugs and sarge
Joerg Jaspert
Sat, 20 Nov 2004 23:50:16 +0100
On 10114 March 1977, tony mancill wrote:
>> > > nagios-icons with the icons we find. -common isnt the right place as not
>> > > everyone needs/wants all the icons.
>> yeah, i guess so.
> I can see the logic in this argument against including the icons in
> -common, but I'm still not sure I would exclude them. Anyone running
> nagios has plenty of disk space to not be bothered by the icons, whether
> or not they want to use them. And as a user, I wonder how I'm going to
> find out that such a package exists (Recommends?). Perhaps a more
> compelling reason to separate the icons is that they may be updated
> frequently, and it'll be easier not to have to retest -common?
> Anyway, just a thought.
Im sure we would get bugreports if we put it in -common, just because
there are people that care about their disk space. (I dont). And yes,
its better to maintain them seperate.
Recommends and/or Readme.Debian in nagios-common should work.
bye Joerg
<elmo> if klecker.d.o died, I swear to god, I'm going to migrate to gentoo.
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