[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#321932: nagios-mysql It appears as though Nagios is not running, so commands are temporarily unavailable...

Michael Thompson michael.thompson2 at mci.com
Wed Aug 24 21:51:39 UTC 2005

I have followed the directions in /usr/share/doc/nagios-mysql
for Debian.readme and mysql.readme. Everything seems to be fine. The
database is being written. Root is who I'm using to connect to the DB
with and he's got all the permissions he needs. I've tried every fix
that I can find on google. I'll assume this is a bug until someone can
tell me where I screwed it up.

I get the below error for the gw host

Process Status Information
Process Status:
Check Command Output: 
Nagios check command did not return
any output 

and this remains in the top left hand corner of the main window

Nagios Process Information
Last Updated: Wed Aug 24 16:48:52 CDT 2005
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