[Pkg-nagios-devel] new group member, moving to svn

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Mon Dec 12 23:27:58 UTC 2005

hi folks,

recently i've added marc haber (zugschlus) to the pkg-nagios group.
marc intends to help out by picking up the slack rope i've left
for nagios2.  welcome, and thanks :)

also, marc spoke with me about migrating to svn, which i told him i
would favor but but for the lack sufficient interest to overcome
the inertia of status quo.  marc's volunteered to do the gruntwork,
and has got us set up with an svn repository on svn.d.o.  currently,
nagios2 will be migrated and housed there, but i plan on eventually
moving everything into svn, because, well, anything is better than cvs.
we also may be changing how commits are emailed (through the pts instead
of -changes), but i'll say more about that when we actually do it.

i'll make sure to keep things clear about what is moving when.
i would imagine that nsca/nrpe will be the next to migrate, followed
by nagios 1.x.

benoît: the images will be the last to go and i'll make sure to
coordinate with you when it happens, since i saw some commits
not too long ago.


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