[Pkg-nagios-devel] Re: Nagios2

sean finney seanius@debian.org
Tue, 22 Feb 2005 19:42:04 -0500

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hi yann,

On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 04:52:07PM +0100, Yann DIRSON wrote:
> Since there are configuration incompatibilities, don't you think it would=
> make sense to make a distinct nagios2 package ?
> That would prevent disrupting 1.x users, and would allow for more exposur=
> of the 2.0 betas.

i've been thinking this much myself.  also, we'd be abandoning the
nagios-mysql and nagios-pgsql users, since that support has been
dropped from nagios.  also, if we were eventually able to provide
upgrade paths, we could do so via package dependency voodoo.

> And additionally, it would allow me to used a real packaged version of=20
> 2.0, since 1.x is not sufficient for my needs ;)

well, perhaps we should start work on that.  i think the nagios 1.x
bugs are slowing to a trickle now, so clearly it's time to move on :)



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