[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#288620: marked as done (nagios-common: nagios CGI reveal potentially sensitive information)

Debian Bug Tracking System owner@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 04 Jan 2005 15:03:24 -0800

Your message dated Tue, 04 Jan 2005 23:49:53 +0100
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and subject line [Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#288620: nagios-common: nagios CGI reveal potentially sensitive information
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Debian bug tracking system administrator
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From: Jerome Alet <Jerome.Alet@unice.fr>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: nagios-common: nagios CGI reveal potentially sensitive information
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Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2005 19:08:19 +0100
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Package: nagios-common
Version: 2:1.3-0+pre6
Severity: critical
Tags: security
Justification: root security hole

not a root security problem, but anyway...

by clicking on "Process Info" in the Nagios CGI, at 
the bottom of the page appears the complete connection string to 
the database (I use PostgreSQL, but the problem is certainely the 
same with MySQL).

the connection string includes the password, if one is set.

this MAY give informations to people who may be allowed to
read Nagios screen without being allowed to directly connect
to the PostgreSQL database.

once connected directly to the database, such an user could
possibly cause damage and/or access other informations.

this is not a really big problem, but hiding at least the password
from the connection string would be better in my opinion.


Jerome Alet

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 3.1
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Versions of packages nagios-common depends on:
ii  adduser          3.59                    Add and remove users and groups
ii  apache [httpd]   1.3.33-2                Versatile, high-performance HTTP s
ii  coreutils [fileu 5.2.1-2                 The GNU core utilities
ii  debconf [debconf               Debian configuration management sy
ii  fileutils        5.2.1-2                 The GNU file management utilities 
ii  mailx            1:8.1.2-0.20040524cvs-3 A simple mail user agent
ii  nagios-pgsql [na 2:1.3-0+pre6            A host/service/network monitoring 
ii  nagios-plugins              Plugins for the nagios network mon

-- debconf information:
  nagios/wwwsuid: true
* nagios/configapache: None

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Subject: Re: [Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#288620: nagios-common: nagios CGI reveal potentially sensitive information
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On 10159 March 1977, Jerome Alet wrote:

>> On Tuesday, 04 Jan 2005, you wrote:
>> > by clicking on "Process Info" in the Nagios CGI, at 
>> > the bottom of the page appears the complete connection string to 
>> > the database (I use PostgreSQL, but the problem is certainely the 
>> > same with MySQL).
>> I am using nagios-mysql 2:1.3-0+pre6 and i dont have this problem.
> Found !
> It was my bad, you can safely close this bug.
> In fact I had modified check_nagios_db to output these variables (I 
> removed the commented 'print') when I was setting it up, in case 
> something would went wrong, and I didn't realize that what I saw 
> was the first line of the output of this command.
> Once I had re-commented out the 'print' line, all was OK.
> Sorry for this guys, and thanks for your help.
> Jerome Alet

Closed, submitter error. :)

bye Joerg
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<Aquariophile> woody
<Aquariophile> Xfree version 86

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Comment: Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org> -- Debian Developer
