[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#290243: "don't configure apache" apparently still means "try to set up an htpasswd file in the wrong place"

Jamie Wilkinson Jamie Wilkinson <jamie@anchor.net.au>, 290243@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 17:51:52 +1100

Package: nagios-common
Version: 1.3-0+pre6
Severity: normal

puttputt:~# dpkg-reconfigure nagios-common
Stopping nagios: nagios.
There is no htpasswd command, so I can't create the password file
for you. You will have to figure out a way to create a .htpasswd
file yourself. When you do, it should be called:
and be mode 0640, owned by root, group www-data.
        chown root.www-data /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users
        chmod 0640 /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users
Reloading nagios configuration files.
Not running.
Starting nagios: nagios.

The reconfigure was done to tell nagios-common not to bother trying to
configure apache, because it's failed every time.

I didn't expect it to still complain that it couldn't create an htpasswd
file, something that I had considered to be part of "configuring apache"
in this context of nagios setup.