Bug#317646: [Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#317646: nagios-common fails to install on a (more or less) clean system

sean finney sean finney <seanius@debian.org>, 317646@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 10 Jul 2005 11:24:29 -0400

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hi gunther,

On Sun, Jul 10, 2005 at 01:17:43PM +0200, Gunther Stammwitz wrote:
> # removing the packages..
> apt-get remove nagios-text nagios-plugins nagios-common
> # now we have a clean system
>   off:/etc# rm -rf /etc/nagios     =20

this is not quite true.  when you remove a package, the configuration
files are left on the system and preserved.  only when you "purge" a
package will you be starting from a "clean system".  because of this
conffiles on a "removed" but not "purged" system are treated just as if=20
the packages were actually installed. =20

debian policy requires packages to respect not only modifications of
files, but also respect the removal of files.  if you can reproduce
the same problem by calling:

apt-get --purge remove nagios-text nagios-plugins nagios-common
apt-get install nagios-text

then we have a problem. =20

so, i'm going to assume that this information resolves your problem.  if
this is not the case, please reply and let me know.  otherwise i'll
close out this bug in a week or two's time.



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