[Pkg-nagios-devel] Permissions on /etc/nagios-plugins

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Thu Jul 28 06:20:03 UTC 2005

hi kevin,

On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 03:34:26PM -0400, Kevin T. Broderick, Bolton Valley IT wrote:
> I recently installed nagios-mysql and related packages on sarge, and  
> had quite a bit of difficulty getting things up and running.  In  
> particular, I had a tough time figuring out that I needed to change  
> the ownership on /etc/nagios-plugins to nagios.nagios.  It seems to  
> me that the package should set things in a similar manner on install;  
> if I've missed install documentation somewhere, please feel quite  
> free to point me to it.

i've never had to do this to get nagios working out of the box, so
i'm a bit confused too. i'll cc the nagios-plugins maintainer to
see if he has anything to say about the matter.  guido?


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