Bug#315755: [Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#315755: nagios-common: CGI scripts return Internal Server Error - unrecognized character \x7F
sean finney
sean finney <seanius@debian.org>, 315755@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 25 Jun 2005 20:39:27 -0400
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tags 315755 unreproducible moreinfo
severity 315755 wishlist
retitle 315755 nagios-common: recompiled apache cgi problems: unrecognized =
character \x7F
hi william,
On Sat, Jun 25, 2005 at 11:52:15AM -0400, William McKee wrote:
> The package installed fine and properly displays the static html pages su=
ch as
> starting page, side frame and documentation. When I try to run one of the=
> scripts I receive an Internal Server Error message. My apache log has the
> following:
> [Sat Jun 25 09:09:04 2005] [error] Unrecognized character \\x7F at /usr=
/lib/cgi-bin/nagios/status.cgi line 1.\n
0x7f is the first character in an ELF binary file. it looks like there's
something wrong with your compiled version of apache, and it is not
properly supporting executing ELF binaries as cgi files. i can't help you
much beyond that, so i'm modifying the title/severity/tags appopriately,
and will close the bug in 2 weeks' time if i don't hear back from you
with evidence pointing out that it is in fact a problem with nagios.
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