Bug#297829: [Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#297829: wrong urls in side.html
sean finney
sean finney <seanius@debian.org>, 297829@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 10:32:27 -0500
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tags 297829 moreinfo
tags 297829 unreproducible
hi jan,
On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 09:05:35AM +0100, jan gregor wrote:
> in /usr/share/nagios/htdocs/side.html links to cgi files are broken.
> For example, link to status.cgi is cgi-bin/status.cgi, this should be
> changed to nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi. Same goes for other cgi-bin links
> in side.html.
are you sure about that? side.html is located at $hostname/nagios, so
a relative link to cgi-bin/foo.cgi should (and does on my system) work
without a problem. originally, this path was a hardcoded absolute url,
but in order to fix a long outstanding bug (see #260914) i changed
it to a relative url to allow for differently placed nagios
installations. if you can verify that this is actually broken,
i'll have to revert that change (though i'm confused why my system
doesn't show this problem).
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