Bug#297910: [Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#297910: nagios-text: fails to monitor hosts/services down

sean finney sean finney <seanius@debian.org>, 297910@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 10:25:29 -0500

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tags 297910 moreinfo

hi stephane,

On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 02:19:46PM +0000, Stephane Dudzinski wrote:
> This new release is actually broken, rolling back to the one done in
> december actually monitors hosts/services properly. This one just does
> not see when hosts are down. I am using ping mostly on some nodes and
> the system definitly sees it down but not nagios.

i've debated tagging this one unreproducible as well, since my
nagios-text install seems to be working just fine (sending me
notifications when hosts/services go down, anyway), but i'd
like to get some more info before i do.

could you send any pertinent information from your logs, and describe
your nagios configuration in a little more detail?  i'm wondering if=20
it's a problem with a specific check or a specific config option that's
causing this.  there really wasn't much of a change between version
-1 and -3, it was mostly documentation related issues and a couple
postinst bugfixes, so i'm at a loss why -1 works for you without
a problem.  are you sure this isn't directly related to your
previous bug report?



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