[Pkg-nagios-devel] Nagios SNMP plugins

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Sat Dec 9 13:37:53 CET 2006

Hi sean,

On Tuesday 05 December 2006 15:18, sean finney wrote:
> i don't think that there are explicitly written guidelines, apart from
> things should work cleanly and as much "out of the box" as possible.

I did look into making it 'work cleanly and as much "out of the box" as 
possible'. :-)
I recognised that it seems not so difficult to make this happen 
with "nagios-plugins" and "nagios2" through /etc/nagios2/conf.d.
The problem will be with "nagios". Its a lot of "handwork" needed, to setup a 
nagios 1.x system anyways. I don't see any way to work really smart with 
nagios together.

The next one is ... I grabed the snmp perl checks from [1], but there are some 
more perl scripts around (which I need anyways) like [2]. Should they all be 
packaged separatly or together?

With kind regards, Jan
[1] http://www.manubulon.com/nagios/
[2] http://www.nagiosexchange.org/Misc.54.0.html?&tx_netnagext_pi1
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