[Pkg-nagios-devel] nagios2 packaging progress

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Mon Jan 2 00:09:08 UTC 2006

[resending this... last one bounced for some reason.]

hi folks,

just thought i'd report back in on what's up with nagios2, as the ball
is in my court, so to speak...

earlier today, i made an svn commit which among various here-and-there
tweaks/updates (for 2.0rc1) puts in some functionality for the
debconf/maintscript-logic for configuring apache for nagios, which brings
us one step closer to a releasable package.

i'd also like to state that after quite a bit of experimentation,
observation, and contemplation, i'm converted over to the "everything
nagios2" camp.  i'm going to give some rationale for why i'm now in
full agreement with marc on the issue:

unalike many "daemon packages", nagios doesn't contain a single
unsharable resource (like, say, a tcp port).  thus, as i think
marc alluded some time ago, there's nothing keeping us from having
both nagios 1.x and 2.x packages simultaneously on one system,
as long as the latter has all urls and file locations defaulting to
foo/nagios2/bar instead of foo/nagios/bar.  this may be aesthetically
ugly, but the benefits far outweigh the costs.

contemplating "upgrade paths", this actually makes for the smoothest
transition, because the whole time you're setting up/migrating to
nagios2 (with seperate configs in /etc/nagios2), the nagios 1.x install
is still running and fully functional.  at the end, when you're ready
to switch over, you can remove/purge 1.x, and update the apache.conf
from nagios2 to respect the old 1.x urls by uncommenting some lines (or
dpkg-reconfigure'ing it, if we wanted to be really snazzy).

so yes, i think the practical benefits far outweigh the trivial-to-fix
aesthetic displeasures.

as far as other progress goes, there are still some open/unresolved 
(debian/TODO) issues, but the ball is rolling forward.

and happy new year, to those gmt-9:00 and earlier :)


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