[Pkg-nagios-devel] Re: Nagios 2 package

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Fri Jan 6 22:08:23 UTC 2006

hey jeff,

(cc'ing this to the pkg-nagios list)

On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 01:32:24PM -0800, Jeff Putsch wrote:
> I noticed you've started a Nagios2 package. I took that work (at  
> least the debian directory) from the alioth CVS server and made a  
> more complete package from it. I make no claims that it is exactly  
> like you'd like, but it installs and has a functional nagios setup  
> right away.
> I used Nagios 2.0 rc1

i really, really appreciate the help... but... i feel horrible having to
say this... we're not using that cvs repository as we've moved to svn
for nagios2 (and are making motions to do the same for the other cvs
modules).  in fact we've worked on nagios2 quite a bit since then in our
pkg-nagios svn repository... and i fear as a result much work and time
was wasted in duplicated effort.

the first thing i'm going to do right now is delete that cvs module
so this does not happen again.  my profuse apologies.

the next thing i'm going to do extend you an invitation to join the
pkg-nagios alioth project to help with the maintainance of nagios 2.x
(and possibly the other packages in the project, if you're interested).
alternatively, if you'd rather not make that commitment, you should
still consider subscribing to the pkg-nagios list if you want to stay
up to date on nagios2-in-debian-related info, and of course feel free
to look at the current package in svn and send suggestions/critiques
our way.

the current status of the package is that it cleanly compiles and
installs, performing the management necessary for the nagios daemon,
the nagios user, web configuration, and support for nagios 1.x urls.
there are still some pending issues (debian/TODO), as well as some
possible FHS cleanups, and of course lacking documentation, but
the basics are all in good working order.

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