[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#368684: nagios3: segfault caused by p1.pl being installed incorrectly

Matt Brown matt at mattb.net.nz
Tue Jun 27 00:14:53 UTC 2006

Marc Haber wrote:

> I have to disagree here. The directive is documented, and the default
> config we ship correctly sets it. What else should we do?

I was thinking an entry in README.Debian or similar would be appropriate.

> Additionally, I cannot reproduce the segfault when commenting the
> p1_file directive from the default config. The nagios2 daemon just
> keeps running.

Two factors here:

1) As described in the original bug report the segfault happens some
time after startup (1 minute in my case) - I suspect the time it crashes
is the first time a perl check plugin is used.

2) The default debian config does not make use of any perl checks so
will probably never trigger the segfault. If I add the following stanza
to /etc/nagios2/conf.d/localhost_nagios2.cfg and comment out the p1_file
directive in /etc/nagios2/nagios.cfg then I can make nagios segfault
with the error described in the original bug report after 5-6 minutes.

define service {
        use                     generic-service
        host_name               localhost
        service_description     NTP
        check_command           check_ntp

(check_ntp uses a perl based plugin)



Matt Brown
matt at mattb.net.nz
Mob +64 21 611 544 www.mattb.net.nz

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