[Pkg-nagios-devel] Fwd: Nagios2 / Freetds unable to compile

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Thu May 18 18:19:03 UTC 2006

hi walter,

On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 07:51:48PM +0200, Walter Sparbier wrote:
> It is possible for me to compile and use freetds before i install the
> nagio2 package. The freetds package works until i install the nagios2
> testing package.
> I am lost....

do the freetds folks have an email list?  i think they'd probably
know better than us.  otherwise the full output of ./configure; make;
make install; (or whatever your equilvalent is) would be necessary if
that's where the breakage is.

you might also try posting on one of the official nagios/nagiosplug lists 
to see anyone there knows anything.

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