[Pkg-nagios-devel] removing nagios 1.x packages for lenny?
Sven Velt
sven at velt.de
Mon Apr 16 07:07:52 UTC 2007
Hio sean!
Am 2007-04-16, tippselte sean finney:
> now that etch is out, and nagios 3.x is looming on the horizon, what say
> you to pre-emptively dropping (er, force-migrating) the 1.x series of
> nagios packages (nagios-text, nagios-mysql, nagios-pgsql)?
As there is no development on 1.x any more - yes, we should drop it.
Leukämie -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leuk%C3%A4mie
Heilung -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knochenmark#Knochenmarkspende
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Warum&Fragen -> sven at velt.de
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