[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#456958: Problems with stop in init script.

Petersen, Mark MPetersen at gs1us.org
Tue Dec 18 18:14:03 UTC 2007

Package: nagios2
Version: 2.10-1

When using the nagios2 init script in this version, the process does not
get killed.  The init script tries to stop nagios via 'killproc -p
$THEPIDFILE' however, killproc can't determine the name of the process
and tries to execute `/sbin/start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile
/var/run/nagios2/nagios2.pid --signal TERM --quiet --name` without
specifying a name.  Changing the init script to 'killproc -p $THEPIDFILE
$DAEMON" resolves the problem for me

Is it possible there is a dependency on an lsb-base > 3.0-3?  I back
ported this to Ubuntu Edgy, but it seems to meet all the requirements to
build and install with current Edgy packages.


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