[Pkg-nagios-devel] RFS: nagiosgrapher

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Mon Jul 23 08:35:49 UTC 2007

hi hendrik,

i found the following lintian warnings:

W: nagiosgrapher: binary-without-manpage usr/sbin/nagiosgrapher
W: nagiosgrapher: file-in-unusual-dir var/log/nagiosgrapher/ngraph.log
W: nagiosgrapher: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/share/nagiosgrapher/htdocs/images/logos/dot.png
W: nagiosgrapher: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/share/nagiosgrapher/htdocs/images/dot.png
W: nagiosgrapher: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/share/nagiosgrapher/htdocs/images/logos/graph.png
W: nagiosgrapher: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/share/nagiosgrapher/htdocs/images/graph.png
W: nagiosgrapher: possible-bashism-in-maintainer-script postinst:32 '.{,d/{nmgraph,extra/check_weather,standard/check_{procs,ping,pop,http,load,users}'
W: nagiosgrapher: possible-bashism-in-maintainer-script postinst:36 '.{,d/{nmgraph,extra/check_weather,standard/check_{procs,ping,pop,http,load,users}'
W: nagiosgrapher: init.d-script-missing-lsb-section /etc/init.d/nagiosgrapher

of these,  the only one i'd insist on needing to be fixed first are the possible bashisms... which
shouldn't be too hard.  instead of doing:

cmd foo.{one,two,three}

you can do

for f in one two three; do
  cmd foo.$f

as for the others, if you don't feel like writing a man page that's fine (i usually don't bother
in most of my packages if upstream hasn't bothered), but the others all seem like valid issues as well,
and ought to be fixed sooner or later.

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