[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#509334: nsca: command_file configuration option should refer to nagios3

Christoph Biedl debian.packages.hhqj at manchmal.in-ulm.de
Sun Dec 21 12:16:06 UTC 2008

Package: nsca
Version: 2.6-4
Severity: normal

With nagios 1.x gone a long time ago and nagios2 removed from lenny,
"command_file" in the shipped in nsca.cfg should not refer to the
outdated pipe locations. The one used by nagios3 should be the default

I'd be glad if this could be fixed still in lenny. The change is
extremely small, and the current situation requires every user to change
the configuration to make passive checks work at all, without any reason
for the default setting.

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