[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#414503: Bug#414503: Bug#414503: nagios-plugins-standard: New release (1.4.6) - maybe helps with this issue

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Mon Feb 4 20:01:12 UTC 2008

Hi Richard,

On Monday 10 December 2007 01:15, Jan Wagner wrote:
> could you please verify, if this also happens with latest version (1.4.10)
> from unstable?

I'm closing the bug, since it seems to be fixed on unstable/testing.

# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_jabber -4 -H jabber.cyconet.org
JABBER OK - 0.188 second response time on port 5222|

If there is anything left, feel free to reopen this bug.

With kind regards, Jan.
Never write mail to <waja at spamfalle.info>, you have been warned!
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