[Pkg-nagios-devel] pnp4nagios - ready for testing

Sven Velt sven at velt.de
Tue Jul 8 16:03:45 UTC 2008


,----[ From http://pnp4nagios.org/pnp/start ]-
| PNP is an addon to nagios which analyzes performance data provided by
| plugins and stores them automatically into RRD-databases.
| During development of PNP we set value on easy installation and little
| maintenance while running it. An administrator should do other things
| than configure graphing tools.

Finally I got it packaged and (at least I think) ready for Debian. I'm
using pnp4nagios here now for more than a year and it works without any

It would be nice if someone could test or have a look atthe packages
which i put online: http://people.teamix.net/~svelt/debian/pnp4nagios/
(packages for sid and etch there!)

Feedback welcome!

Also I'm looking for a sponsor to upload it into Debian repository.



Leukämie     -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leuk%C3%A4mie
Heilung      -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knochenmark#Knochenmarkspende
Typisierung  -> http://www.knochenmarkspende.de/html/reg_akb.php
Warum&Fragen -> sven at velt.de

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