[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#538487: Bug#538487: depends on libmysqlclient15-dev

Luk Claes luk at debian.org
Sun Aug 23 07:38:23 UTC 2009

Andreas Barth wrote:
> * Luk Claes (luk at debian.org) [090823 09:20]:
>> Andreas Barth wrote:
>>> this package needs an sourcefull upload as libmysql15-dev disappeared
>>> from unstable and was replaced by libmysql-dev.
>> +client (*2)
>> libmysqlclient-dev provides libmysqlclient15-dev, so at least the
>> severity of the bug report is inflated IMHO.
> This package FTBFS on amd64
> https://buildd.debian.org/fetch.cgi?&pkg=nagios-plugins&ver=1.4.13%2Bgit200906171200-1%2Bb1&arch=amd64&stamp=1249832683&file=log
> that was the reason I reopened the bug report. FTBFS is (at least)
> serious according to http://release.debian.org/squeeze/rc_policy.txt

It failed because at that time there was still an obsolete
libmysqlclient15-dev transition package in the archive, so it preferred
the real package over the virtual one.



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