[Pkg-nagios-devel] nagios3 moves to git

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Mon Dec 7 20:41:16 UTC 2009


On Mon, Dec 07, 2009 at 09:51:33AM +0100, Alexander Wirt wrote:
> as announced/discussed before I moved pkg-nagios3 to git. I managed to
> convert the svn repo properly (with tags and authors) into a git repo without
> loosing anything [1],[2].

no objections here, though i'm more or less AWOL as far as nagios is
concerned these days, obviously.

with regards to SVN, you can disable write access to the repo by putting
a hook in place (see /svn/pkg-php/hooks/pre-commit from the php repo
for what i did, don't forget to chmod +x it too).

with regards to ./debian-only there's an official git repo now, in case
that changes anything.  i'm personally not in favor of the ./debian only
method, but this is totally your show now so don't consider that an objection
of any kind :)

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