[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#513688: Bug#513688: /usr/share/nagios-plugins/templates-standard/nt.cfg is missing information

David Perfors dnperfors at gmail.com
Sun Feb 1 08:53:53 UTC 2009

Hi Jan,

Thanks for the tip, that is a possibility, but when someone is
following the documentation it is confusing that it doesn't work like
they say:


"Add the following service definition to monitor the CPU utilization
on the Windows server and generate a CRITICAL alert if the 5-minute
CPU load is 90% or more or a WARNING alert if the 5-minute load is 80%
or greater.

define service{
	use			generic-service
	host_name			winserver
	service_description	CPU Load
	check_command		check_nt!CPULOAD!-l 5,80,90

It is confusing and it took me some time to find out what the problem
was. Someone who doesn't know much about linux and just want to get
nagios running will have a hard time when things are not working like



2009/2/1 Jan Wagner <waja at cyconet.org>:
> On Sunday 01 February 2009 01:53, Jan Wagner wrote:
>> On Saturday 31 January 2009 13:48, David Perfors wrote:
>> > When configuring Nagios to check with the check_nt plugin (for example
>> > check_nt!CPULOAD!-l 5,80,90)  Nagios is reporting that the -l
>> > parameter is missing. Looking in the nt,cfg file it looks like only
>> > the CPULOAD is inserted (the $ARGS1$) and the second argument is not
>> > used at all.
>> what about using 'check_nt!"CPULOAD -l 5,80,90"' in your service check?
>> The following should work:
>> define service {
>>         host_name                       frame
>>         service_description             LOAD
>>         check_command                   check_nt!"CPULOAD -l 5,80,90"
>>         use                             generic-service
>> }
> I double checked it, and the following works just fine here:
> define service {
>         host_name                       frame
>         service_description             LOAD
>         check_command                   check_nt!'CPULOAD -l 5,50,80'
>         use                             generic-service
> }
> With kind regards, Jan.
> --
> Never write mail to <waja at spamfalle.info>, you have been warned!
> Version: 3.1
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> Y++ PGP++ t-- 5 X R tv- b+ DI- D++ G++ e++ h-- r+++ y+++
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

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