[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#425137: Bug#425137: check_ldap fails to report actual LDAP errors

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Thu Oct 15 21:03:40 UTC 2009

Hi Jospin,

thanks for you fast response.

On Thursday, 15. October 2009, Josip Rodin wrote:
> As for the Debian bug, it's also relevant that the -v option is not used
> in any of the command definitions in the default
> /etc/nagios-plugins/config/ldap.cfg that is shipped with the package
> (at least in the lenny version that I'm looking at now).
> FWIW I still think that actual LDAP error info belongs to the summary line,
> or at least that the package config should default to what is defined as
> -v 1 or better. People who don't want any extra info can always skip long
> output by using only $HOSTOUTPUT$/$SERVICEOUTPUT$ in the notification

I'm not convinced, that raising the verbose level (making plugins output 
longer) is, what our users really want since it changes the recent behavior of 
the checks drastically. In my opinion the local administrator should define 
additional checks, if the long output is needed.

Anyways ... maybe you just add the "-v" in the end of your check command 
argument? Isn't that working?

With kind regards, Jan.
P.S. Unfortunately I don't have a LDAP server available to check all this.
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